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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Half of these need ratings I believe, probably why it wasnt accepted earlier. Just add ratings to your +1's and I'll assume it'll be accepted soon enough.
  2. Half of these need ratings I believe, probably why it wasnt accepted earlier. Just add ratings to your +1's and I'll assume it'll be accepted soon enough.
  3. not spending $200 on a console I wont use. 2ds' are $80.
  4. Walmart was out of stock for 2DS, was gonna buy one with Smash the other day. dededemain4lyfe
  5. damn I make a lot of these threads. After tomorrow (Monday, the 16th) I will POSSIBLY be VERY inactive. My family is going on a cruise in 2 weeks time, forcing me to work an entire week ahead in school. Not to mention, I will not be online that entire week we're on the cruise. It's 2 weeks from today (Sunday, the 15th.) be back soon bbys
  6. This is certainly very interesting. I do agree Vaporeon was NOT in the wrong here. I recall one time he abused, and that was renaming people to "Salty #1" "Salty #2" and etc. when Vector expressed his love for Uncle Grandpa. But that wasn't even very serious, and when I brought it up to him, he apologized and knew it was wrong. I believe it would be appropriate to give him a second chance.
  7. Lives in the same state as me woah. What server do you play on? Haven't seen you.
  8. I agree completely. Warcraft 3 pls? @kbraszzz
  9. Jesus christ why are you all so thick? You can turn off the goddamn email verification. I did it the other day. Just go to privacy settings.
  10. The issue with laptops is you cant really upgrade them. One of the only laptops I would spend money on for gaming is, of course, $2 grand. If you want to game, just stick with your desktop and upgrade it.
  11. I'd probably kill for H1Z1 division tbh.
  12. ChickenPanda


    Unfortunately our servers aren't really doing the best money-wise, and we cannot just rid of the ads. If you would like to remove them, please consider donating.
  13. -1 as well. you're a good dude but I've banned ya once or twice. A: 10/10 M: 7/10
  14. Changing to -1 due to him arguing why micspam was okay in teamspeak. A: 9/10 M: 4/10 <23:27:36> "L!ght": i can play music from my mic (I said over mic to not micspam) <23:27:47> "L!ght": why (Because it's against the rules) (Dethman: and it sounds shit over mics) <23:28:02> "L!ght": you havent heard my mic
  15. Renakane. @Colorparty. @Ohstopyou @me rip saxton hale old days. <3
  16. +1 immature and annoying at times. good guy overall. A: 9/10 M: 7/10
  17. We'll still talk snipsyyy. Just keep me added babe.
  18. I've pocketed Sylux on Pokemon. He's a godly soldier. @Moosty
  19. -1 low hours on our servers, I have kicked him for breaking rules before. M: 4/10 A: 7/10
  20. +1 really nice dude. M: 10/10 A: 9/10