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Reputation Activity

  1. Friendly
    ChickenPanda reacted to Ohstopyou in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    TL;DR Solution:
    Xerses, act like an adult since you are 17. You have a temper, learn to control it. We installed !calladmin, so use it to solve your problems.
    Ace and Jesp, spawn camping on maps that require a teleport out of spawn is illegal. Also, if you are going to record someone, don't act like a dick after you catch them. Just upload the video. Taunting them afterwards doesn't exactly make you look too good or help the case.
    Everyone hug.
    It's clear that both sides were in the wrong, so this will be a final warning for both parties.
    Let it be known for everyone:

    Suicide or death threats will result in a PERMANENT BAN.
    Camping a spawn that requires a teleport to get out of is against the rules!

    This matter is closed, please stop bickering. If there are any more problems after this point, make a new ban request! https://xenogamers.com/applications/3/respond
  2. Optimistic
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Noureldin - Team Fortress 2   
  3. Winner
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Fallout4 Hype Spookster - Team Fortress 2   
    "I was just going to servers and being a dick."
    +1 for perm
  4. Disagree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    Considering Xerxes was on the server when I perm'd Corey, things just simply do not add up. -1 from me. I believe Xerxes, and I know he's a good dude.
    I feel Bello, Flareon, and a few others have had issues with him in the past and are trying to gang up on him? Idk. Just a thought.
  5. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Moosty in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    A mod should have been on. nobody knows what happened for sure. this is a huge clusterfuck. I'm voting -1 and lets make the rules clearer next time. I honestly do buy Xerses story. he saw corey banned for this, he knew better to a point where I doubt he would. plus the instigation and rampant rule breaking everywhere, let's just clarify warn and move on.
  6. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Xerses in Xerses: Lamb Of God - Team Fortress 2   
    Considering Xerxes was on the server when I perm'd Corey, things just simply do not add up. -1 from me. I believe Xerxes, and I know he's a good dude.
    I feel Bello, Flareon, and a few others have had issues with him in the past and are trying to gang up on him? Idk. Just a thought.
  7. F!$k Off
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Unfortunate Absence   
  8. Sad
    ChickenPanda reacted to RinAoi in Unfortunate Absence   
    I literally quit TF2 a while ago, and removed my tags because the game had became boring to me. I'm leaving xenogamers because I feel like I have no reason to stay here anymore, most of the members who actually knew me probably assume I left a while ago because of inactivity. My experiences here were amazing and I'm sad that I can no longer enjoy playing TF2 with my fellow clan members. Other than that, life has taken a hard toll on me and I see gaming as less pleasurable as each day passes now.
    -A list of tags for people who made my days in xenogamers worthwhile and appreciative.
    @kbraszzz -I'm not exactly certain what to say here other than you're amazing. I guess you beat me in 100% Orange Juice, congrats! Seriously though, you made life in xenogamers very interesting yet enforced and exciting. This may be cliché at this point, but you are an amzing leader.
    @Liekos -A true friend, one who understood when I needed advice during a hard time and gave it willingly; despite how painful it may have been to say or think of.
    @Dethman -You recognized other people's problems and tried to help them even when your efforts weren't requested, you were an exemplary friend all around.
    @Hachi -You remained the "cool kid on the block" for as long as I can remember, playing jailbreak or anything really was a pleasure, I'm glad I could call you my friend.
    @ChickenPanda -You always made me smile when we played together, it was amazing.
    @metalslug53 -I don't understand how you manage doing this so well, but when times seemed kind of depressing you always lightened the mood for me.
    @XHina_sanX -I wasn't given a very open amount of time to get to know you as well as I wanted to, but you still made xenogamers fun for me.
    @Ohstopyou -Your optimism inspired me to heights that I can't describe.
    @Flareon -We met in an odd way, not sure what you really thought of me, but you never ceased to make me smile.
    @Rejects -You're one of the reasons I wanted to join xenogamers, you influenced me a lot back then and made jailbreak more fun and challenging each time you joined.
    @Tekage -I don't even know where to start with you, you influenced me to join xenogamers for the longest time and remained an amazing friend throughout all of my time in xenogamers. Even with your timezone restriction, you always found a way to make TF2 an amazing place to be.
    @Kypari -I didn't get to know you as well either, but you were always nice to me and had a positive attitude towards anything I had to say, it disappointing me thoroughly that I couldn't of known you better.
    If I didn't tag you and you feel like you should have been tagged, I'm extremely sorry for the inconvenience, I likely just forgot due to recent events that have surpassed me.
    (I realize the last two tags aren't necessarily members of xenogamers anymore, but they were part of my funnest experiences here.)
    Goodbye xenogamers, I had an amazing experience here and I hoped I'm not forgotten easily. Anyone who I currently have added isn't going to be deleted, I'm not planning on quitting steam anytime soon.
  9. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in Time To Go.   
    Awh. Rip Goodra.
    Have a good(ra) one. :^(
  10. Creative
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Time To Go.   
    Awh. Rip Goodra.
    Have a good(ra) one. :^(
  11. Salty
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dusk_Bolt in Floppysalamander   
    This is a really dumb reason not to +1 lmfao
    +1 active, really the only guy who can countersnipe me :^(
    M: 9/10
    A: 10/10
  12. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to Bach in Floppysalamander   
    Active and mature and the "poof you're gay" bind should be used more because it's not homophobic in any way.
    Activity is great, maturity I've seen no issue with
    (Ps. Don't listen to kypari. In all years I havent seen a saltier person. And if you disagree you're being ageist)
  13. Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Floppysalamander   
    This is a really dumb reason not to +1 lmfao
    +1 active, really the only guy who can countersnipe me :^(
    M: 9/10
    A: 10/10
  14. Not Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Barmithian in About A Year Or So Later   
    who r u
  15. Not Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in About A Year Or So Later   
    who r u
  16. Funny
    ChickenPanda reacted to Bach in End Of Me   
  17. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Rhododendron in Get_bliz - Team Fortress 2   
    I rather do this: if they are a known scammer and they join the trade server, they get the [scammer] tag and they also get permanently muted/gagged.
  18. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to DrLee in Xg Kero (may Have Something Different) - Team Fortress 2   
    We should probably discuss how moderator applications work in the near future, and if the past 7 days is really an open window for these kind of things.
    Sorry, off topic.
  19. Salty
    ChickenPanda reacted to Kypari in Floppysalamander   
    If I think that's a reason to not vouch, then I'm not going to vouch. Stop being such an asshat to me all of a sudden, Jesus Christ. To me it implies that being gay is a bad thing, that's why I didn't vouch. He removed it and agreed that it was wrong of him. Got a problem with me vouching? Not my problem.
  20. F!$k Off
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Floppysalamander   
    This is a really dumb reason not to +1 lmfao
    +1 active, really the only guy who can countersnipe me :^(
    M: 9/10
    A: 10/10
  21. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Story Time!   
    A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode. she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr" he said "NO.."" da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine. boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr) ***LIK DIS IF U CRY EVRYTIM***
    I'm very happy that I can share my creativity with the forums!
  22. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in Story Time!   
    A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode. she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr" he said "NO.."" da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine. boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr) ***LIK DIS IF U CRY EVRYTIM***
    I'm very happy that I can share my creativity with the forums!
  23. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Story Time!   
    A gurl was walkin2 skewl wit her bf n they were crossin da rode. she sed "bbz will u luv me 4evr" he said "NO.."" da gurl cryed N ran across da rode b4 da green man came on the sine. boy was cryin and went to pic up her body. she was ded. he whispered 2 her corpse "I ment 2 sey i will luv u FIVE-ever..." (dat mean he luv her moar den 4evr) ***LIK DIS IF U CRY EVRYTIM***
    I'm very happy that I can share my creativity with the forums!
  24. Like
    ChickenPanda reacted to Haruka in Story Time!   
    Post your stories, that you thought long and hard about, love and sweat, and pop-tarts, into. I like writing stories and I think you will too.
    Silence said I could make this!!!

    Nothing LONGGGGG ( like, who reads anymore? Gawsh :^) )
    Nothing vulgar or unfit for the work place ( Clean forums is happy forums )
    No dank meme's.
    My Story:
    gurl stops meking out n asks boi to get poptartz he dus. den gurl teks deep breff. den gurl sais “bf i am pregnent will u stay ma bf” n he seys “no”. gurl iz hertbrokn. </////3 gurl criez n runz awaii from boi wiffout eatin poptart n she has low blood suga so she fols. boi runs ova 2 her. she ded.</33333333 boi crie “i sed i no b ur bf…cus i wona b ur husband!” he screems n frows poptart @ wol…a bootiful diomond ring wus insyd.

  25. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in ♫joe (usa)♫ - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for perm. What happened to a perm for death threats? Wasn't this set in stone a long time ago?