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  1. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rhododendron in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    This week I am going to startup our updater database, that will have all popular plugins update automatically. This will be done so we don't have to go on every server and update it every time, and I'll even customize the addons to use [xG] prefixes so it will make the server look sexier.
    I need a list of plugins that should go on this repo.
    Also I might do a course (lol) on how to debug server errors and crashes. Tell me if that would be useful and I'll write up a guide or go on Teamspeak and help you guys live.
  2. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    @kbraszzz @Nomulous
    Earlier today I was on Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, and Jailbreak. I noticed that tons of stuff is now broken, or crashing, and it's getting to the point where it's nearly unplayable. If this keeps up, we are going to damage our population for servers that we are actually trying to bring people to (i.e. Slender Fortress).
    Problem Servers:
    Slender Fortress:
    Crashes constantly whenever someone joins a team. Other plugins may be broken.
    Saxton Hale:
    Sometimes crashes on maps, plugins break often.
    Jailbreak #1:
    LCT Plugin - dead
    Give Crits - dead
    Boosthealth - dead
    Random ping spikes where people are dropped from the server.
    The Fix:
    We are using an EXTREMELY old development build of Sourcemod, it's easily 20-25 versions old. All we have to do is update to the lastest STABLE build "1.7.1-git5181", reinstall the updater plugin (so the actual updater plugin is at its latest version), and then allow all of the plugins to update themselves.
    I know that I am not good at coding, but from personal experience of working with TF2 servers, this usually resolves a majority of the issues. Since no one is saying anything to the higher ups about this, I figured I should bring it to the attention of them.
    Other plugins to consider fixing/updating:
    Ban Disconnected Players - on page nine of the sm forums, there is an update.
    Slenderfortress plugin - if there is an update
    cURL extension/SteamTools extension
    I'll post more here if any pop into my head.
  3. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    @kbraszzz @Nomulous
    Earlier today I was on Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, and Jailbreak. I noticed that tons of stuff is now broken, or crashing, and it's getting to the point where it's nearly unplayable. If this keeps up, we are going to damage our population for servers that we are actually trying to bring people to (i.e. Slender Fortress).
    Problem Servers:
    Slender Fortress:
    Crashes constantly whenever someone joins a team. Other plugins may be broken.
    Saxton Hale:
    Sometimes crashes on maps, plugins break often.
    Jailbreak #1:
    LCT Plugin - dead
    Give Crits - dead
    Boosthealth - dead
    Random ping spikes where people are dropped from the server.
    The Fix:
    We are using an EXTREMELY old development build of Sourcemod, it's easily 20-25 versions old. All we have to do is update to the lastest STABLE build "1.7.1-git5181", reinstall the updater plugin (so the actual updater plugin is at its latest version), and then allow all of the plugins to update themselves.
    I know that I am not good at coding, but from personal experience of working with TF2 servers, this usually resolves a majority of the issues. Since no one is saying anything to the higher ups about this, I figured I should bring it to the attention of them.
    Other plugins to consider fixing/updating:
    Ban Disconnected Players - on page nine of the sm forums, there is an update.
    Slenderfortress plugin - if there is an update
    cURL extension/SteamTools extension
    I'll post more here if any pop into my head.
  4. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Waimalu in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    @kbraszzz @Nomulous
    Earlier today I was on Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, and Jailbreak. I noticed that tons of stuff is now broken, or crashing, and it's getting to the point where it's nearly unplayable. If this keeps up, we are going to damage our population for servers that we are actually trying to bring people to (i.e. Slender Fortress).
    Problem Servers:
    Slender Fortress:
    Crashes constantly whenever someone joins a team. Other plugins may be broken.
    Saxton Hale:
    Sometimes crashes on maps, plugins break often.
    Jailbreak #1:
    LCT Plugin - dead
    Give Crits - dead
    Boosthealth - dead
    Random ping spikes where people are dropped from the server.
    The Fix:
    We are using an EXTREMELY old development build of Sourcemod, it's easily 20-25 versions old. All we have to do is update to the lastest STABLE build "1.7.1-git5181", reinstall the updater plugin (so the actual updater plugin is at its latest version), and then allow all of the plugins to update themselves.
    I know that I am not good at coding, but from personal experience of working with TF2 servers, this usually resolves a majority of the issues. Since no one is saying anything to the higher ups about this, I figured I should bring it to the attention of them.
    Other plugins to consider fixing/updating:
    Ban Disconnected Players - on page nine of the sm forums, there is an update.
    Slenderfortress plugin - if there is an update
    cURL extension/SteamTools extension
    I'll post more here if any pop into my head.
  5. Useful
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Our Tf2 Servers Require A Sm Update.   
    @kbraszzz @Nomulous
    Earlier today I was on Saxton Hale, Slender Fortress, and Jailbreak. I noticed that tons of stuff is now broken, or crashing, and it's getting to the point where it's nearly unplayable. If this keeps up, we are going to damage our population for servers that we are actually trying to bring people to (i.e. Slender Fortress).
    Problem Servers:
    Slender Fortress:
    Crashes constantly whenever someone joins a team. Other plugins may be broken.
    Saxton Hale:
    Sometimes crashes on maps, plugins break often.
    Jailbreak #1:
    LCT Plugin - dead
    Give Crits - dead
    Boosthealth - dead
    Random ping spikes where people are dropped from the server.
    The Fix:
    We are using an EXTREMELY old development build of Sourcemod, it's easily 20-25 versions old. All we have to do is update to the lastest STABLE build "1.7.1-git5181", reinstall the updater plugin (so the actual updater plugin is at its latest version), and then allow all of the plugins to update themselves.
    I know that I am not good at coding, but from personal experience of working with TF2 servers, this usually resolves a majority of the issues. Since no one is saying anything to the higher ups about this, I figured I should bring it to the attention of them.
    Other plugins to consider fixing/updating:
    Ban Disconnected Players - on page nine of the sm forums, there is an update.
    Slenderfortress plugin - if there is an update
    cURL extension/SteamTools extension
    I'll post more here if any pop into my head.
  6. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Flareon in My Cute Autistic Cat   
    This is my cat who likes to sleep on my laptop and bite me when I'm using it and she also hits the printer when its printing.

  7. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Errør 42ø ||iv:xx|| - Team Fortress 2   
    Seriously. I warned him, left for an hour, and then I come back and he's at it again. Literally EVERYDAY I join Saxton Hale and he is on there spamming suicides at the beginning of the rounds, trolling, spamming the lenny face everywhere, and making graphic jokes.
    I'm 99% sure that @Tekage and @Diamonde have both warned him plenty of times about the death spamming. As well as the fact that I literally just got done warning him, and he was like "ok, pls, i'll stop". I think a 3 day ban is justifiable in this case, as he is a repeat offender who has already been warned plenty of times, gagged, and just recently kicked today.
    I'll go ahead and put the ban in right now.
  8. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Blizzard in Everyone's Favourite Mod/admin?   
  9. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Errør 42ø ||iv:xx|| - Team Fortress 2   
    Seriously. I warned him, left for an hour, and then I come back and he's at it again. Literally EVERYDAY I join Saxton Hale and he is on there spamming suicides at the beginning of the rounds, trolling, spamming the lenny face everywhere, and making graphic jokes.
    I'm 99% sure that @Tekage and @Diamonde have both warned him plenty of times about the death spamming. As well as the fact that I literally just got done warning him, and he was like "ok, pls, i'll stop". I think a 3 day ban is justifiable in this case, as he is a repeat offender who has already been warned plenty of times, gagged, and just recently kicked today.
    I'll go ahead and put the ban in right now.
  10. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Hype in Bigblackblach - Teamspeak   
    >fuck >burn
  11. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Fake Goodbye Thread   
  12. Sad
    Ohstopyou reacted to Blizzard in Story Of A Scrub   
    >Be 13
    >Sound 16
    >"Join xG Bliz you won't regret it!" -Constant staff, members, and non members
    >Decide to join xG on my birthday when I'm 14 (June 4)
    >ez pz
    >April 1st
    >Get News about age change from gf
    >age changed from 14 to 16
    @Rejects @Ohstopyou @NitNat @Spoopy
    (Rest in pieces blib, rest in pieces)
  13. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Dethman in First Friend In Xg?   
    @BelloWaldi @Liekos @Ohstopyou
  14. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Blizzard in First Friend In Xg?   
    My first fry-end was, good ol days. Not often I see him anymore @SkillfulMercenary
  15. Winner
    Ohstopyou reacted to Barmithian in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    lol. Saying stuff like "who r u" and "who in the hell is this kid" to someone you don't even know is OBVIOUSLY going to offend him. He cant decipher from text if you are joking are not. I cant believe how most of you here are saying things like "lol imma say what the hell I want and if someone gets offended he can gtfo." Learn to use empathy. I understand how you guys are saying that if he cant handle someone insulting him, he shouldn't be on the internet. I agree with that, but that doesn't mean you can use it as an excuse to PURPOSELY TRASH ON SOMEONE.
  16. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Gwoash in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    No one stopped to think for a second, "Hmm, maybe he was playing on our servers before he was a member". Just because he wasn't a member, doesn't mean he can't form opinions and then voice them when he becomes one. Not to mention, it's not like Vector hasn't stopped playing on our servers, so he could have easily seen him after the fact of being demoted.
    Also, he's revoking his membership because when he tried to voice an opinion he got a "who r u" and "oh, yur a trade fa.g". Like I said in my previous post, you guys could have looked him up. I even linked his game.me profile.
  17. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    No one stopped to think for a second, "Hmm, maybe he was playing on our servers before he was a member". Just because he wasn't a member, doesn't mean he can't form opinions and then voice them when he becomes one. Not to mention, it's not like Vector hasn't stopped playing on our servers, so he could have easily seen him after the fact of being demoted.
    Also, he's revoking his membership because when he tried to voice an opinion he got a "who r u" and "oh, yur a trade fa.g". Like I said in my previous post, you guys could have looked him up. I even linked his game.me profile.
  18. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    No one stopped to think for a second, "Hmm, maybe he was playing on our servers before he was a member". Just because he wasn't a member, doesn't mean he can't form opinions and then voice them when he becomes one. Not to mention, it's not like Vector hasn't stopped playing on our servers, so he could have easily seen him after the fact of being demoted.
    Also, he's revoking his membership because when he tried to voice an opinion he got a "who r u" and "oh, yur a trade fa.g". Like I said in my previous post, you guys could have looked him up. I even linked his game.me profile.
  19. Smelly
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    No one stopped to think for a second, "Hmm, maybe he was playing on our servers before he was a member". Just because he wasn't a member, doesn't mean he can't form opinions and then voice them when he becomes one. Not to mention, it's not like Vector hasn't stopped playing on our servers, so he could have easily seen him after the fact of being demoted.
    Also, he's revoking his membership because when he tried to voice an opinion he got a "who r u" and "oh, yur a trade fa.g". Like I said in my previous post, you guys could have looked him up. I even linked his game.me profile.
  20. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Tirisgarde in Eazy-v - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm sorry if you two feel offended, I didn't mean it in such a way, but you guys started it by disregarding the subject of my post instead, trying to target my individuality and importance of my post.
    In regards to your post, check my member submission.
    You can feel free to check game.me for my activity, as I can ensure you it is one of the highest as of recent. :)

    I'm only giving what I receive. :)
  21. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Hype in Pokemonxteamfortress2 Drawings   
    Ye, it was a gift.
  22. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Rejects in Hatricmaster - Team Fortress 2   
    I'm closing this and banning Hatric for 4 days
  23. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Hatricmaster - Team Fortress 2   
    I think the underlying point of this is that he causes a lot of trouble, and this is one issue. I don't think building a dispenser should count for a ban; however, if he does more shit intentionally to spite people, then I would talk about some punishment.
  24. Disagree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Hatricmaster - Team Fortress 2   
    Not saying we can't have fun; I'm saying that this shouldn't require a ban.
  25. Disagree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Hatricmaster - Team Fortress 2   
    I think the underlying point of this is that he causes a lot of trouble, and this is one issue. I don't think building a dispenser should count for a ban; however, if he does more shit intentionally to spite people, then I would talk about some punishment.