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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo So shorten to a week?
  2. I'm still trying hard to do my best, haven't been fully active on Jailbreak due to my lag, but I've been checking forums, replying over stuff a lot, and still being on Teamspeak. I'm figuring I'm being lightly DDOSed, but our internet is stopping most of it. Regarding Pinoy, he does a very good job of Disivion Manager when he is active. His inactivity is very understandable over the fact that he manages other divisions, and plays in others. While he's active on Jailbreak, he hasn't been very active under CSS discussions on the forums. I think of it this way: If he does step down, as of last night, Forest, Pinoy and myself discussed who might be a candidate for a new Division Manager. A couple names were mentioned, which I won't be mentioning here. We still have to talk to a few people later on when I get the chance. -This furfag DarkWolf6052
  3. Yeah, I'll +1 for a shortened ban, what should be shorten it to?
  4. Did not think of that. I don't think its that big of a deal in that case, but still, just another trick command to make them suicide. I do wonder why the key word for "explode" is !rules or sm_rules for the command.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbdRCLBBl0o
  6. Everyone has access to that. I wasn't able to find any records on your ban, I looked all over their bans area. Nothing. Someone have a link? Any proof?
  7. There's no white text! What is this! D:
  8. Lol that must have been terrible, damn lag keeping me from getting on. I say if you guys get someone doing that, be an admin and tell them not to use the command or slay them. Since the command is now removed/altered, it isn't required with this one, but I think changing it to force them to suicide isn't a good thing. You know how many people they can trick into typing that and end up killing them? @autumn I think you should just go ahead and remove the command entirely.
  9. I wasn't there for the Teamspeak deal, since I was busy recently and stayed in my TS room instead. Honestly, Forest, I'm not able to give much of an input since I wasn't there for the ban. You perm banned him for reason "Mass intentional FK" on April 12. If I recall correctly, I wasn't on at that specific time. Judging by your attitude on this post, I'll have to go ahead and -1 this. If you're going around yelling at people about who banned you and why, that's not going to help your case. -DarkWolf6052
  10. @@nab423 Well Hellafun told why he banned you, it was a valid ban since you freekilled then disconnected to avoid punishment. Just wait the rest of the ban out.
  11. I take single dollars, and for only 5 dollars, I can rock your world in the back alley. I can do things with my mouth that will make you so happy.
  12. @@Hellafun13 You banned him, for 1 day with the reason.. Breaking Server Rules. Xeno Gamers What happened, I need to hear your side to come up with something, either you'll end up replying before tomorrow, or the ban will expire. I don't know.
  13. Sorry guys, internet has been fucked up, computer fucked up, lost Windows, just fixed it last night +1 on the shortened ban, hes a good CT, strict, but fine
  14. Lol Pinoy, but yeah, +1 on the idea.
  15. I think it would be a good idea to make a limit to how many times you are allowed to play games such as FR/LR or Simon Says, because it gets pretty old and repetitive. We get on a map with stuff to do on the map, and instead the warden plays more than 10 rounds of FR/LR or Simon Says throughout the maps play. Its annoying and repetitive. Should make it so they can play it a maximum amount of times per map.
  16. Remind me who Quarantine was? And why he was banned? Fucked up my computer, can't search
  17. We will be looking for them, but I'd love to know, why can nobody post under Moderator Submission? @@serbiansnaga @autumn @Brian @@Duckii
  18. I'm not afraid to tell them to stop abusing or spamming the commands. Once in a while a couple slaps are fine, but if someone makes a bind that spams the command enough to kick them for command spam, they're very much going to get punished. I want to keep the servers running nicely, and still have people having fun along with the admins, but we're not going to have people abusing these commands. So resolved?
  19. Congrats to all the ones who were promoted, sorry I wasn't there to discuss.
  20. I tested it and had a .dem recorded, but I'm not able to find it in my Steam folder, but basically, bind sm_slap @me, and jump, then slap yourself across the jump points, and you win. I did it, but !stop the timer before doing so so not to risk getting a !wr
  21. Checking that now. Okay, yeah, it doesn't have any of the fun ones, except slap, which could in turn be abused. Such as bind a key to sm_slap, and slap yourself continuously to the other end of the map. Could you disable slap from Bhop too please?
  22. Lol no problem, one suggestion is remove/disable !gravity from Bhop so people can't cheat and get a world record with it.
  23. Its fine, I'm just pointing out that we need at least sm_who back. I understand you're busy.
  24. Also, @autumn please get us !who and !kick back. Kick we don't need as badly, but !who/sm_who we really need, so we can tell who is who admin wise