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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. DarkWolf6052

    Hey Duckii

    Has been dealt with by Silence, Duckiis powers were removed, Minecrack was unbanned, therefore this thread has finished. #Closed
  2. DarkWolf6052

    Hey Duckii

    Unbanned by Xemnas, @@tree was connected under the name [xG:C] Duckii at the same time this happened, so I'm wondering why Tree was connected wearing CoLeader tags. Tree? Xeno Gamers - Search [xG:C] Duckii 0d 00:01h May 19, 2013 10:36:39 pm -
  3. I suppose. But is not allowed on CT team AT ALL on CS:S Jailbreak, otherwise it breaks his probation period of whatever time we give, if we even give it. I don't know, the others have to talk about it too.
  4. *cough* im a CS:GO mod *cough* :) Sorry about that, didn't know, not familiar with CS:GO staff.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click https://xenogamers.com/threads/17314/ WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -Dis fur fag be closin ur thread @@serbiansnaga Please promote him to member on the forums for me.
  6. So far we have.. CS:S Staff: IEcho = +1 [Not sure if valid or not, but still gave a vote] Gkoo = -1 DarkWolf6052 = -1 CS:GO Staff Enforcer = -1 Chrono = +1 Non-Staff Votes mtown81 = +1 Other notes @@Forest [Forest may not be a Division Manager right now, but he still was the rank when the bans happened, so he should still have some say] @@PiNoYPsYcHo [Pinoy should give a vote on what he thinks should be done] @@HighSociety [Poncher should give a vote as well, since he runs CS:S.] I'm still at -1 for an unban, nothing will change that, but if you guys end up unbanning him for CS:GO, and he ends up on CS:S as a CT, he has no permissions to be a CT on CS:S, so it will be right back to permanent ban, since at least 2 of the CS:S Division Managers disagree to him being unbanned from our division.
  7. Was never a problem with us, there was a Steam Group Ban on Wolven Dominion due to threats. As long as you leave the group I don't see anything wrong with you being unbanned. Would need a higher up @@serbiansnaga to edit the name of your ban, since the bans were listed with two types; [iP and Steam ID] and unnamed one. +1 to unban
  8. Bump. Active, friendly, mature, on TS a lot, good CT/warden. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 D: +1
  9. Basically you getting unbanned from CT on CS:GO, you end up getting automatically unbanned on CS:S. I'm still at -1 for unbanning at all. You knew the rules, you still mass freekilled. I have doubts the CS:GO staff are going to want to have to watch you. Like Enforcer said, what makes certain you wouldn't do it again.
  10. #RemovedTagsSoImNotSpammingPeopleWithTaggedNotifications "A CT may Rebel Hunt under a reasonable assumption that a Terrorist has Rebelled or is missing (IE. Head count, hearing vents being broken). Before Rebel Hunting, the CT MUST let the other Guards and Warden know what they will be doing through Public Chat or Team Chat." This will be implemented into the MoTD Rules shortly, so keep this in mind. If I forgot any Staff Members for the CS:S Division, please spread the word. I still think they should tell in public chat, not team chat. Admins aren't always on CT, and we can't see if they type in team chat that they're going to search for rebels. Shouldn't it be either verbal or public chat? We still have to be able to tell if the CTs got permission.
  11. I think we should let him keep his admin powers[Admin, not DivisionManager], but its understandable. If he's inactive and plans to be inactive for a long period of time, it would be better to move him down to Moderator rather than waiting long enough for inactivity to be demoted from Admin to Mod, then you'd have to demote him from that rank to that rank. See you around Forest. I might end up going inactive over the summer as well if I get a job. Doubted. Lel. Me get a job.
  12. I wasn't aware it carried over from CS:S to CS:GO, at least the CT bans. Honestly, could care less to ever have you unbanned from CS:S CT. You decided to mass freekill on CS:S, why should the CS:GO Staff allow you to be unbanned? What makes it different that you won't mass freekill over on their server? -1
  13. Nice to meet you, I'm DarkWolf6052, a CS:S Division Manager, so chances are I won't see too much of you in game. Hope you enjoy your stay here, and make sure to check out our other divisions as well if you'd like to.
  14. I know exactly what this is about. I was inside iso, and the previous warden did pardon me, told me to go inside the pit. I was told not to move from the new warden as soon as the previous one died. I followed orders, you ran in front of me, within knifing distance, so I slayed you for baiting. I wasn't a rebel, I was stuck inside iso, and WAS pardoned by the current warden.
  15. You are an mmmmmmbitch that likes mmmmmmbananas
  16. J O H N I S H O M O S E X
  17. This has been inactive for over a month. By rules, I'm closing this. You may re-submit a member submission as soon as you'd like, as long as you still wish to be a member. -Dis furfag be closin ur thread
  18. Bump, judging by your Rank page, Xeno Gamers - Search I can tell you haven't been active. You were connected last a month ago. I don't remember seeing you but one time, you were fine then, but your member application has gone unnoticed for almost a month. Going off your attitude, I'd give a +1 but because of your activity, I can't. M: 8/10 A: 1/10 D: -1 Get more active, you can probably get this going since I've bumped it.
  19. It appears you made a member application back in January, but it went unfinished/undecided. i want to have xG in my steam name I haven't seen much of you recently, and am curious as to why your post was edited, but I can't check that. Can't give a vote yet. Edit in case I haven't vouched yet His activity on the server and Teamspeak has gone up, so I'll be setting a vote +1 M: 8/10 A: 9/10 Active, fun to play with, good CT, rebel, etc
  20. Need the image that says "Let me tell you why that's bullshit" Lol
  21. Active on the servers and on Teamspeak, mature, nice to play with M: 9/10 A: 8/10 D: +1
  22. @@king_matt Yeah, the sooner you get on, the sooner you're teambanned for 2 weeks, and the sooner you get unbanned.