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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Okay so recently this was brought to my attention. One of our CS:S Moderators recently got promoted to GMOD Administrator, and ended up getting automatically set up to Administrator on CS:S as well. Before I was told that if games are linked on Source Bans, and you're an admin on one game, if its linked to SB, you'll be an admin on the other servers. I know this isn't true, because recently, one of the CS:GO Division Managers came on CS:S and had no powers, but have powers on CS:GO. So, can we please fix it to being able to have the correct ranks between these servers? @autumn since you manage SB @@serbiansnaga since you might know something about it @@Duckii @Brian @@HighSociety Just because.
  2. Guys please add a Maturity/Activity[M:/A:] note to your post or its not valid. @@SuperMaddud @@xCaptainjack
  3. Possibly, if they perform a mass freekill, I was thinking; and just throwing this out as an idea, but if they do mass freekill, maybe they should be put on Member Probation, meaning if they fuck up again or we get complaints about them in a set X amount of time, they can risk losing their membership in xG. Just an idea. Maybe like, a 2-week period of probation? I know 2 weeks seems a little long, but it isn't too often we get our members mass freekilling, so it wouldn't have to be that often.
  4. Alright so yeah, if we're all in agreement, change it to 2 weeks. But he must read the MOTD before rejoining.
  5. Here's the thing that happened with the SourceBans group ban. Division Managers have access to unban, but can't edit the name of the banned users. When you do a group ban, it normally makes two of the same bans; one with their name, the other with a blank name. We can unban the one with their name, but we have to get a higher up to edit the name of the blank one to be able to unban, otherwise it just changes the unban link to # at the end. +1 to unban if he isn't fully unbanned yet, but we have to get @@serbiansnaga @Brian or @@Duckii to unban him under the blank name, since we don't have access to edit the name of the banned user.
  6. xD What in gods name.
  7. Boy, you haven't seen me go full gay yet.
  8. -1 You do a great job as a Division Manager. I don't think you should step down. We gotta keep the gang together [Terrible edit is terrible] @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  9. DarkWolf6052


    We weren't fucking around as much as testing a couple things, and testing out different ways to get Kirito out of the void. But yeah, he helped figure it out that the command is, if you get stuck inside a void/other dimension, type "/tpx [Name] 0"
  10. It would just be better to be able to know when a CT is going to be searching for us instead of us rebelling, not seen doing so, but then suddenly a CT comes across us and kills us because he went rebel-searching without any permission
  11. Steam ID Finder Please fix your steam ID by entering your Steam Profile URL into the box and pressing enter.
  12. Make sure to register and try to be a little active on Teamspeak, but how are you not a member yet? I could have sworn you applied in the past and were accepted. Huh. Mature and active, fun to play with, a good CT, knows rules. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 D: +1
  13. You've been an active player and you do know the rules, I'm not sure at all why this hasn't been more popular. Bumping and vouching. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 D: +1
  14. I barely know you, but just as Daddiodoug said, I've only just seen you last night, even though your Rank page says otherwise Xeno Gamers - Search For now, I haven't seen you enough to give a valid vouch, so.. M: ?/10 A: ?/10 D: -/+ 0
  15. Oh hey Quickshot. You fucked me up when I tried to rebel last night :l
  16. I'm afraid there's really a low chance of an unban, due to @@Starbuck making a request that NO Cyanide Gamers members be unbanned. We had the original map maker of the map that caused the entire problem try to get unbanned, but since Starbuck requested none of them be unbanned, I have doubts you'll be unbanned. Final say would go to @autumn @@serbiansnaga @@Duckii @Brian But still.
  17. Only thing there is on, for example, Parabellum, we have the radios in cells that make the same vent-breaking sound when broken. Yes, but like you said, they have to either type in chat or say out loud that they are searching for rebels. +1
  18. +1 I'd like to see him as a member, he's been wanting to be one for a while, and ended up not being able to make a post here for a security reason @autumn Not sure why he got that. M: 9/10 A: 8/10 D: +1
  19. Possibly with a code or with someone who can edit the map without breaking, -coughNotGkooBecauseiPlayMapIsSoFuckingBrokencough- @@Gkoo
  20. Well the Helicopter on Summer was supposed to be disabled, due to causing major lag when used. Starbuck had a plugin that removed the buttons from the helicopter. I think if we had a moving helicopter AND a tank, it would be just laggy as fuck
  21. Sorry to hear, see you around