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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. I'll get on right now and check if they're still on Jailbreak. That's a top priority for keeping abuse from happening. ... Status: On Jailbreak under the Player Commands, 1. Slay player 2. Slap player 3. Slap player 4. Ban player 5. Gag/Mute player 6. Gag/Mute player 7. Ban disconnected player 8. Remove from Queue 9. Rename player 10. Smite player 11. Team Ban ------------------------ On Server Commands in Jailbreak, we have an odd menu currently 1. [Random characters, if used, it closes the admin menu. [Random characters, not a usable command, not labelled as a number] [Random box, not a usable command, not labelled as a number] 2. Admin spray 3. Remove spray 4. Spray trace -------------------------- Voting commands are currently: [All these are disabled, it was !votekick, !voteban, and !vote] 1. [Random characters, closes the menu when used, doesn't do anything] 2. [Random characters, closes the menu when used, doesn't do anything] 3. [Random characters, closes the menu when used, doesn't do anything] -------------------------- Hosties are all normal 1. Ban player 2. Kick player 3. Slay player 4. Stop all LastRequests -------------------------- SwapTeam commands are all normal 1. On Death 2. On Round End 3. To Spectator ------------------------- So most of the fun commands are removed, but slap still is there, and is a double command. Both work when used through the menu, so its just a duplicate. @autumn
  2. I'm very worried about her. I don't see how you think I seem not interested in helping. While I'm getting driving in, I'm much more interested in rescuing her from Texas.
  3. I woke up this morning at 6. Can't get back to sleep, even tried to. We leave in like, 5 hours. Ugh.
  4. Most servers don't give access to these commands. We're not supposed to have access to these commands, and while some, not all, of our admins know not to abuse this, we do have moderators who may get tempted and abuse with these commands. @@serbiansnaga Okay so, Serbian, wanna give your input to this? Since Duckii said this, I'd go ahead and be fine with them using these commands with these as long as you agree or give your side, but also with these exceptions: -They aren't abused on random people -They don't cheat to give you an unfair advantage [Example: Spam slapping as a T to escape and rebel. -They aren't spammed [!slap !slap !slap !slap !slap !slap] If you guys do get permission to use these commands without abusing them, a little tip. !burn will most likely kill anyone you ignite. You can't put the fire out in water like you could with a firedrill fire. You'll burn to death, or maybe be lucky enough to heal and not die. Also, seriously, don't bind keys to the fun commands to do the command @aim. You're just gonna end up using it and getting in trouble.
  5. If you guys remember before, in xGLeadership steam group, Serbian made a post similar to mine, where if he gets any reports of abuse of the commands you aren't supposed to have, you'll be demoted straight to member. No excuses or questions. Steam Community :: Group :: Xeno Gamers Admins <---- This is the announcement by Serbian.
  6. This weekend for me is going to be extremely eventful it seems. We're going to leave around 12:00PM EST from Ohio all the way down to Texas. My sister, age 14, claimed she didn't want to go home after the court date, and became suicidal, attempting suicide by locking herself in a bathroom with a knife and threatening to eat several Aspirin. So currently shes in a mental facility under a 72-hour watch. My parents, my brother and myself have to go down to get her, since only her biological parents can sign for her release. So yeah, we're leaving tomorrow at noon, dad wants to make the trip in 18 hours, I don't care how long the road trip is, as long as we can get her home safely. Don't wanna get in trouble for being inactive, so letting you all know. I'm hoping everything goes well, one good thing is I'm gonna get some long driving practice in. -DarkWolf6052 / Cris @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@Forest @@HighSociety
  7. Regarding the !gravity command on Bhop, if I had it my way, I wouldn't mind if you guys were to be allowed to use it, but be required to do !stop to prevent you from cheating and getting an unfair World Record.
  8. Silence has said commands such as !open cause undesired things on the server to break, such as if you do !open @all, it would end up opening more things than just the cell doors, which can in turn break the server. @autumn
  9. Regarding the "Fun Commands" you currently have on Jailbreak, and every other CS:S server currently, not including ZE/ZM Mod server. You are not allowed to use these commands. Punishable by demotion from your admin rank straight to member, and/or banned, depending on our mood. Using these commands can easily break the server, and you aren't supposed to have access to these commands. If you use and/or abuse these commands, and we get complaints, you're either going to be banned or demoted or both. The commands you are not to use are the ones you DON'T NORMALLY HAVE on our servers. -Firebomb -Timebomb -Freezebomb -Freeze -Burn -Slap -Drug -Blind -Gravity -Rename -Beacon Admin Exclusive Commands -Vote FF -Vote AllTalk -Vote Gravity -Vote Burn -Vote Slay If you are caught using these commands or we get complaints about you using and/or abusing these commands, you're being demoted straight to member. No questions or excuses. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo Let the others know. They are not allowed to use these commands.
  10. Why does BlackOut always get the rule breakers and admin abusers? .___.
  11. It doesn't matter that he WAS a Paid Moderator. He was promoted with approval of the other Division Managers to a regular Moderator. He did this when he was a Moderator, not a Paid Moderator.
  12. I really want to accept this :l But I can't. One of the co leaders still needs to vote on it. Please do so, he's got over 20 +1s, we just need one of you guys to say it. @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii
  13. Change it to a TMP. Fucking love that gun. Lol.
  14. Damn.. bye Charrax, I'll miss you, you got me into this clan, and I greatly appreciate that. It has changed since I first joined, but I don't plan to leave. Keep in contact on Steam or Teamspeak </3
  15. Okay, so I haven't gotten around to posting on this, cause my computers been fucking up when I try to load a lot of stuff. Firstly, let me point out exactly what was done on that day that Mythic was banned/demoted from moderator. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pWiymUXKHw I had a long talk with him on Teamspeak as soon as it happened, because I was in the room with him. He was immediately permanently banned, as you saw, by JohnWilkesBooth, and then was demoted within the next ten minutes of it happening by Serbian. - About him being unbanned, I'd like to point out a past ban. Sinly; he did !slay @all, then proceeded to permanently ban Lollerskater from the server, and received a demotion and a two month ban. I understand Sinly was around longer, but the point of the matter is he did something double the abuse, and gets nowhere near the same punishment as Mythic. [i read back and haven't confirmed it, but apparently Poncher let his ban be shortened, so that leaves my argument invalid.] My thoughts are he should have at least 2-4+ weeks of a ban to wait out, then be allowed to get unbanned or request to be, but never allowed to purchase or receive position as any staff rank. So should he be unbanned? In my opinion, not yet. Let him wait 2-4 weeks. He did abuse, and he does need to understand he can't be doing that sort of thing and expect to be unbanned immediately. -Dis furry DarkWolf6052
  16. He's been playing a lot and certainly has improved, and I've changed my vote to a +1 for an unban, but I need input from a few more before doing anything. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@serbiansnaga @@Duckii What do you guys say? Unban?
  17. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Yes. Reason: Was always a great Mod, Admin, Division Leader. Even though he wasn't that active as a Division Leader, he was a great admin, player. Maturity: 10/10 Activity: 7/10 Decision: +1
  18. Wait, the last screenshot that was posted doesn't match the steam profile here Steam Community :: AgentTurtleRaspberry I think serbian said that though. Where the hell does "The1othPrestige" come in on this? @@St.Ownage Wanna explain your profile? Why are their tags from [xG] and HG? Multiclanning? ---- Oh I'm a derp, nevermind about asking where it came from, I read it again lol.
  19. Also, @@Pbever add me on steam ["]Steam Community :: DarkWolf6052 or message me on here to discuss when we will be changing your ban. I've unbanned you in game, now we just have to get the teamban.
  20. Let me go ahead and resolve this. Since it's my ban, I will unban him from the server, but for the punishment changing, you get a two week teamban. We have to arrange a time you will be on the server when I'm on so that I can, or another staff member can teamban you for two weeks. This way you're able to play, but aren't allowed to be a CT for two weeks. -Unbanned, teamban pending, also @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo Let others know if they see Pbever, teamban him for the length of 20160 for reason "Ban protest changed" and once its up, I'll see about linking this thread on the bans list.
  21. @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii Please promote him to member on the forums one of you. He was accepted and never promoted.
  22. You need to get Teamspeak and register on it. But I'm gonna have to start off at a -o for right now, mainly because of your immaturity and breaking rules as a CT. But not only that, you also spam ADMIN chat when you die, or get slain. If you get slain, you end up typing in admin chat "WTF" "WTF" "WTF" "WTF" again and again. It gets old. There are times where you can be serious, but you only have to ask once normally. Don't spam us until we answer. M: 6/10 A: 8/10 D: -0 for now. Change your attitude and stop spamming, and I'll gladly change my vote.