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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. -1 Only because honestly, you get only 10 shots, each of which you have to reload the clip to fire the next. You have to be able to aim when you shoot. I think maybe disabling the slowness might be good, but the weapon disable isn't bad. The CT should get a chance to switch weapons and shoot you.
  2. Fuck, images don't work. @autumn Not sure what causes this, they're showing up as a box that says
  3. SourceBans. Hey, SourceBans. SourceBans. Stahp. [ATTACH]4730.vB[/ATTACH]
  4. Sorry I didn't post last night lol, I was on Teamspeak and congratulated a few people, but congrats everyone who got promoted.
  5. Me neither .__. I wish I knew. It seems like it doesn't even give extra armor. What type of support is that.
  6. I know on maps like Lego, when you do it in the main cell block, the fruits spawn above the map. Maybe there has to be a certain height for it to work
  7. Fixed the tag, Silence is @autumn
  8. I do like this. Though currently, the design of the current Div Leader model [Grey Admin Suit(T) and Inspector(CT)] I like a bit more. +1 though, I wouldn't mind keeping the current Div skin, just changing it a little to say xG.
  9. Move it to Project, but uhh.. I wouldn't know how to fix it, plus the only people with JB server access is co-leaders. Someone should fix it so Bigga has access to the server. Poncher was the only one who had it before but he isn't around now @autumn
  10. I'm pretty sure @autumn is working on ranks for the forums, and areas such as Mod+ and Admin+ area.
  11. Everything seems okay, except for moderator controls like ban user, profile commands when we right click someones name. It gives Promote, Demote, View profile, stuff like that, but none of the Moderator controls like before.
  12. @@Unit12p I think we found your ping, like kirito said
  13. Post here https://xenogamers.com/project.php I would link the post I made under that, but I don't have permission to access that page. @autumn changed our permissions for Division Managers, so that prevents us from accessing things on the forums.
  14. Also, @@Chrono, leave the CS:S Division member applications to the CSS DIVISION LEADERS / MANAGERS please.
  15. Re-opening this thread. You only have 17 +1s. You need to have 20 +1s plus 2 co leaders. Sorry, but these are rules we have to follow. Please remove [xG] from your name for the time. -2 Co Leaders already accepted -Reopened by this furry
  16. We already have a +1 from @@Duckii. Now we just need another co-leader to vote. @@serbiansnaga and @Brian even though Brian probably hasn't played with him at all.
  17. Who da fuck is diz feggit
  18. Rewording still doesn't change that he stole the post and replaced xG with WD or whatever the clan is called. Don't understand why you're even there.