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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Alright, no one tagged me, but this was my ban. You changed your name in game to avoid being banned by admins, which is why you were banned. Leaving a server after mass freekilling gets you permanently banned from the server. It's about as bad when you change your name. You're attempting to avoid punishment. We aren't able to locate you to ban you if you change your name. Here is the record for your ban: Xeno Gamers It's a one week ban from the server. Just wait it out. I know it's more or less bad timing on your part, just don't change your name while in game if you've fucked up.
  2. Dat white text hurts my brain
  3. Oh my god I love you so much xD
  4. Actually, yes, that is avoiding a ban. Changing your name on the server is like disconnecting to avoid punishment. It changes your name and keeps admins from punishing you. A normal punishment for a mass freekill and disconnect is a perm server ban, but seeing as the user was still physically on the server, he should still be punished via server ban along with his already CT ban.
  5. Why would we take this to Bad Ideas? It's anonymous and made for the stupid ideas that are supposed to weird out Silence.
  6. I had to do this, I got another one that made TOTAL sense
  7. Everyone needs to join in on this, I didn't make it, but posted it a long time ago. Post what you get called. I'll start it off: http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/072/7/4/Random_Name_Caller___FUNNY___by_computercomedyguy.swf
  8. Joke thread, not really that funny at all, the proof is terrible. Demoting Warrior, closing <3 -Dis furry be closin' ur thread
  9. @Zeal STEAM_0:1:27483424 [From CSS Moderator to CSS Administrator]
  10. Also, @@John STEAM_0:0:12099893 [From CSS Moderator to CSS Administrator]
  11. Congrats to everyone who got promoted! @@Superkiller67 Wasn't able to get the page to load, so here is his steam ID STEAM_0:1:11416356 [From Paid Moderator to Moderator]
  12. Make sure to be registered on Teamspeak. I know you're active on Jailbreak cause I see you there a lot. Fun to play with, good CT M: 9/10 A: 9/10 +1
  13. +1 Been really active on both the servers and on Teamspeak, and seems to be a very mature person, knows the rules. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 D: +1
  14. You have to clean up after him every day though. And feed him.
  15. +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 Yes. Just yes. --But in all honesty, yes, I would love to have you back in xG. I've missed you. M: 9/10 A: 7/10 +1
  16. To make a Staff Abuse post, you must use this link to do so. https://xenogamers.com/forms/5/respond To make any other Management posts, you must go to this link to do so: Applications | Xeno Gamers -Stickied by request
  17. If you want to make a Member Protest, you must go to this link and fill out the form to do so. https://xenogamers.com/forms/2/respond If you want to make any other posts from Management, you must go to this link to do so. Applications | Xeno Gamers -Stickied by request
  18. If you want to make a Ban Request, you must go to this link and fill in the form to do so: https://xenogamers.com/forms/3/respond If you want to make any other management posts, go here to do so. Applications | Xeno Gamers -Stickied by request.
  19. If you want to make a Ban Protest, you have to click this link and fill out the form. https://xenogamers.com/forms/4/respond If you want to make any other management requests, go to Applications | Xeno Gamers -Stickied by request
  20. This is a bit inactive and has been open for a while, so I might suggest posting a new one here. https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond'>https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond I'm going to close this, but make sure to post a new one and tag the ones who already voted here. -Closed https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond
  21. This has been open for 2 months, I'll close this, but you may immediately make a brand new member submission here with the proper format for member submissions. https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond'>https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond -Closed https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond
  22. Please make a new member submission here, as this thread has gone inactive. This has the proper current format for member submissions. https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond'>https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond Closing this thread, but you may immediately make a brand new member submissions here. https://xenogamers.com/forms/1/respond -Closed
  23. Closing as requested by OP. -This furry be closin ur thread
  24. +1 I have a structured settlement and I need HUB now.