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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. I do, actually, but I've heard the Haunted Hoochie sucks. It ain't scary. My sister went to it, and said it sucked. I went to the Scaritorium on its final year at the old location. It moved now somewhere, but was in the old abandoned Big Bear store in central ohio
  2. The problem is the fruit don't de-spawn when on the ground. You get fruits dropping on top of you, miss them, they fall on the ground in a pile, and you got yourself the same lag spike you get when you toss 50 guns in a pile and they lag.
  3. Cristo. You are all a bunch of fucking pussies. These Ts are a bunch of pussies. You ain't got the cahones.
  4. I'm on Windows 8 right now. It doesn't seem that bad, actually. If you have it in the normal windows mode, it looks just like Windows 7, without the blue start button, and a few extra features. Move your mouse to the bottom left corner, a little popup opens. Click it, it goes to the tile-window, acting just as your start menu, only with a different layout. Mouse in the top left, it lets to quickly get to any other programs running (Skype, for example) and swap between the two. Mouse over the right and it gives you a sidebar that lets you share, search, open start, look at devices, or open settings. Meh, I like it. It's fast, just different. Steam is harder to run since its not able to be pinned to the taskbar.
  5. From what I heard, it should be back soon, but I don't know. Has to be linked back to the website, link that with steam so your in-game credits link with the forums. @autumn just has to do that. Also, he said our credits will be transferred to the new system, so you'll likely keep the credits you had before. Just in case though, I would keep the donation code. #AccidentlyDeletedMine
  6. ^What he said. You're raging at everyone because you fucked up? That's your fault. Maybe you should have claimed the land and made sure you got it all claimed.
  7. It shows me leaving and rejoining lol
  8. -Editing Looking over his previous ban protest (Was moved due to server glitch) Shadow's Ban Protest he got unban +1s for SERVER ban, but two are at a -0 for unCTban. Since Bigga gave a +1 for server unban, I'll do that now, and he has to prove to us he can be a rule-following CT before being un-CT-banned. -This furry be closin your thread
  9. I'm looking forward to this, now we just need to add the !hub back into the server so we can get access to !models and other !hub items.
  10. What the fuck is your profile avatar xD
  11. @@MineCrack banned him back in August, for the reason of Mass Freekilling with 'nades twice. Xeno Gamers Seeing as its been a while since you were banned, I'd be fine to unban you. @@Bigga @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo +1 to unban
  12. DarkWolf6052

    My new gun :)

    I think some of them, when you slide it back like that, slide upward a bit. Not sure if that's a good thing, wouldn't think so. I've fired a High Point 380, but it didn't slide up like that. Only one that has that I've seen it do that was an airsoft.
  13. DarkWolf6052


    !hub is down entirely right now. Its down on CS:S, so I'm guessing it's down on CS:GO too
  14. Silence is @autumn Lol. Also gay ass suicidal bomb panda
  15. I know as of right now, the entire !hub system and credit system is down. The new website update hasn't allowed our Steam accounts to be able to be linked between the forums and the servers. @autumn can probably get this fixed pretty quickly if he works at it. But we do need it ASAP. People can't donate.
  16. Didn't know you very well, but goodbye. Good luck elsewhere.
  17. DarkWolf6052


    Guess he isn't. Lol. He keeps it +1
  18. I've had to slay you a few times for breaking rules. It's not big things, just little things, derping as a CT. You can probably improve. Should probably try. I'll say -0 for now.
  19. We really don't give mod/admin to random people. Sure there are a few questionable people who have it, and while that was totally up to someone else, there are factors we see that end up causing you not to get it. Bugging higher ups for a rank probably won't get you it. Backseat moderating probably won't get you it. Breaking rules continuously probably won't get you it.
  20. This was covered before, like the others said. You follow the orders of the warden. If there's a mass freekiller and you run, and escape, you've rebelled, and its the wardens choice to pardon you.