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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. This rule should stay in effect. If you see an open vent, you can not enter it without the wardens permission to go search for rebels unless you physically saw the rebel go into the vent. +1
  2. @autumn @@Duckii @Brian @@serbiansnaga
  3. Why are you all grave digging? This should have been closed, it was inactive since February 12, so that's a month and a half. Closing this thread. Stop grave digging. -This furry be closin' this thread.
  4. Alright, so looking over this, you've got 19, but I changed my vote and I'm too lazy to go back and edit it. Plus I'll be closing this thread. +1 M: 9/10 A: 9/10 So you do have 20, and Serbians vote, so... CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click Staff Roster WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -This furry be closin' ur thread Also, @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii Please promote to member on forums~
  5. It's already been explained. I was "ADHD". You can clearly see that all I asked was "Where is Towlie" and "He is unbanned from XenoGamers Teamspeak" then I said nothing else after that. I left their Teamspeak after Rabid said "u guys are bronies" or whatever he said after I said it. I did not use my mic at all, because I knew the moment they heard my voice they would ban me (Guessing by the other teamspeak icon Rabid had, he probably was administrator of the server and was able to ban me) I do not know about what else happened after I left, anything I know is what I'm hearing from this thread. Aegean ( @Pepper ) and Serbian ( @@serbiansnaga ) pulled me into a room to talk in private on Teamspeak when I got home just a few minutes ago, and we spoke about it, and I didn't have any involvement in the trolling.
  6. D: I didn't think you were actually going to..
  7. +1 Oh my god this made me laugh so hard.
  8. Welcome to xG! Don't go into Dodgeball! There are many secrets that Serbian doesn't want known. >.> <.<
  9. They used to be $10, but if I'm correct, I thought you can buy a 50-slot Teamspeak 3 server for not even half the price of one room. I don't know though.
  10. About that, you gotta give 2 seconds for the Ts to do the orders after you give them. Not including the first order. Give 5 seconds for first step out, AFK freeze type order, then 2-3 seconds after that, or its delaying = Rebel.
  11. When did this thread turn into a .gif dump?
  12. @autumn Should make it we can have it set up like this: Main channel Subchannel 1; Subchannel 2; Subchannel 3 Possibly allow 1 subchannel of the subchannels each, but that is a maybe.
  13. Okay I'm not going to side with anyone, basically, if you leave your cell before "Out of cell rebel" is called, then you're not a rebel. In the time before the warden calls it, you can either make an attempt at opening the cell doors to cause a freeday, or go find a gun and rebel. Best think you can do is ask for a pardon. But asking for a pardon should not give the CTs a reason to go search for you. There are multiple times where a non-rebelling T fucks around and asks for a pardon, when they actually are where they are supposed to be. The warden needs to give them the order, or they need to have physically seen you. About pardoning the rebelling T, I think it should be up to the warden if they are pardoned. They chose to rebel. They can ask for a pardon if they have second thoughts or think they might fail in the rebelling. With the first order out of the cell, the warden should be giving a time they have to be doing the order by [Ex: Take a step out, gun check freeze by 7:00]. Before this time, the Ts should be able to at least jump and crouch before the time given [Jumping at 7:02; knifing at 7:01] as long as they aren't moving before 7:00. If you freeshoot someone for this, you should be slain, but this doesn't mean they can run all the way across the cell block and come back. Am I forgetting anything?
  14. Congrats on the sun orbitting around him! -- Happy belated, sorry, haven't been on forums much recently, didnt see it until it was bumped again
  15. Okay, the first one isn't bad, the second one makes my eye hurt. Still not as bad as that though
  16. SILENCE DONT EDIT MY POST. I DONT WANT THAT EMOTE He's trying to guilt trip us! Run!
  17. So something is hidden in there!
  18. I'm fine with being under control of Bigga :P [Holy shit that was an extremely gay looking emote.]
  19. 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: Everyone has ALWAYS said dodgeball is restricted 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: and I was one of them ofr awhile 9:22 PM - DarkWolf6052 xG|DM: It is 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: but then we played dodgeball on this map yesterday 9:22 PM - DarkWolf6052 xG|DM: Serbian restricted it a while back 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: and nothing happened 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: no mass lag 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: no server cracsh 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: made me think 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: MABEY 9:22 PM - DarkWolf6052 xG|DM: Its not allowed. 9:22 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: THERES TREASURE 9:23 PM - DarkWolf6052 xG|DM: Period. 9:23 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: IN DODGEBALL 9:23 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: AND SERBIAN WANTS TO KEEP IT FROM US 9:23 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: think aboot it 9:23 PM - xG:A $nakeboyeric: seems legit The truth may have been revealed! @@snakeboyeric @@serbiansnaga So what have you been hiding! You can't hide it from us any longer! Your treasure is hidden in there! ///But in all honesty, when Aegean was a co-leader, he restricted this, and Serbian has told me many times its off limits, you can't be inside there, because people throw nades, the nades smoke, then lag.\\\
  20. If there was only one CT and one T left, and either of them knew who was going to win, don't you get this slight feeling that one of them might kill the other and slay themselves to keep the betting users for the other team from winning? I can just see it. 10 Ts vote for the T to win, the CT kills the T, slays self, Ts lose credits. Keep it anonymous in chat, possibly might work, but not sure I'm at a -0 for now, just because of it being cheated easily.
  21. I haven't seen him fucking up, but as Forest said, we'll have to keep an eye on him before determining if he should be unbanned or not. -o for the time, going to keep an eye on you. Don't fuck up. We are watching. *creepy eyes*
  22. Fix your steam ID. You can find it here: Steam ID Finder Can't vote entirely on your application as I don't remember your name and/or haven't see you around a lot recently. M: ??? A: ??? -0 For now.
  23. Both of you please add a maturity and activity [M:/A:] amount in your votes I'm quite surprised I didn't see this earlier, just been busy with some other stuff recently. Active and friendly player, haven't had problems with him, great player. M: 9/10 A: 9/10 +1
  24. Steam Community :: williamluvisi This would be his steam profile, but he hasn't set up his profile yet, so not much to look at.