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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Paid Moderators and Moderators; and Paid Admins and Admins are all the same rank. They wear different tags, but on SourceBans, they have the same access. Mods and Paid Mods are set as server moderators with -admin kick ban slay chat- and Admins and Paid Admins are set as server administrators with -admin kick ban unban slay chat vote- so there can't be any separate skins for Paid staff versus normal staff. Sorry.
  2. Oh yeah, but uh, -1, CTs do need to just learn to check cells. Hate to say it but yeah, they gotta learn to do so. A tip to anyone who buys bombs; on maps like Lego Jail, where VIP cell has a door you open by touching, do what I do. Buy a small bomb, hide in the bedroom(right beside the door)[closest to the music button on Lego, so you can listen for the first door to open up] and as soon as a CT opens the door, you explode. I do it all the time, and it usually is about.. 95% successful. The other 5% is when they decide to spray the door, which leaves me to open the door and rush. Lol.
  3. @@DarkNova Didn't know you changed your name :P My bad
  4. I found a random connection server on Speed Test and connected to it. Apparently its a server hosted thats known as Yakutsk. Look at my ping and download/upload speed xD I'd hate connecting to anything through that. [ATTACH]4701.vB[/ATTACH]
  5. Isn't it you can't camp for LR? Like, there are two Ts left alive, one is non-rebelling, the other is a rebel, camping somewhere, not actually planning on killing, just hiding. I know from past cases of ex-higher-ups that a lot of them camp because its the CTs job to find them. Funny thing, before I was even a mod, some admin was like, he hides in the cell, and when there are two more Ts left, him being the camping/hiding one, he tells them to find them, or be slain for delaying. Yeah.. old abuse lol
  6. Guessing they typo'd on that. On CS:S you can play 1-2 second clips on normal days, blah blah. Not sure about CS:GO, so.. @@Chrono @A51Nova @Dontbleedpls I probably tagged wrong, but I know Chrono would know
  7. Anyone else reset? My rpg menu says I have no perks. Why did it get reset again?
  8. +1 Slay, kick, ban, demote, kick out, find, murder. Also, fixing tag @@m608ike
  9. Why the hell didn't my post go through earlier. Fuck. I've seen you a lot recently on here and on Teamspeak. Would love to see you as a member, as you're both active and mature. A: 9/10 M: 9/10 +1
  10. Used to be a good member of xG, but left for IG, and his attitude changed. Recently hes had a troll-ish attitude as well. For now I'm staying at -0 until I see some changes. A: 7/10 M: 6/10
  11. Hello, I'm DarkWolf6052, Division Manager for Counter-Strike Source. Hope you find things around the community you enjoy, and get to playing around in our different Divisions.
  12. Was going through old screenshots and came across this. Do you see anything wrong with this bind of his? [ATTACH]4672.vB[/ATTACH] @@AbrahamL
  13. -1 because you told me to +1 it + 1 actually. This is a very good idea. Add ittttttt Yeah.. ^
  14. Holy shit. Wish I wasn't poor. I declared myself a hobo though.
  15. I think that was covered?
  16. I hope I can game on this xD Windows 8, but this laptop is hella fast. Would be nice for once to game without lag, but probably won't happen, still, I want to be involved in this
  18. Seeing as I'm bad with remembering some stuff sometimes, I hadn't realized this was you. You've been pretty active recently, and mature. As well as being on Teamspeak when you're on, which is good. +1 A: 9/10 M: 9/10
  19. He really did copy the Admin Handbook from here, gg.
  20. Admin Details of Broseph_stalin Web Admin Permissions Server Permissions Web Permissions None None Broseph needs removed. I'm not removing anything, last time I did it derped the fuck out on format.
  21. -edit- I think the CT skins for admins are okay, maybe add xG to them, but aside from that they're good. Throwing in an input, do you think its possible to include the admin skins? I think you've all seen it and since I don't have Steam, I can't get screenshots, but the skins are basically.. [xG:M]; [xG:A] T skin is the orange jumpsuit with a drug addict face and a green armband on the right arm that reads "ADMIN" across it. CT skin is the Sargent model, glowing blue eyes, no face mask [xG:DM]; [xG:D]; [xG:C] T skin is the normal model face with a Gray Admin Suit, consisting of a grey jumpsuit, ADMIN across the right arm in a gold band, and a badge on the chest. The CT skin for [xG:DM] and [xG:D] is Inspector, much like the Sargent, but with light gray sleeves under the vest, and a gas mask over the face. The [xG:C] skin is similar, I haven't gotten a good look at, but I know it reads Commander across the helment(Not sure what its model is called in the !models menu, guessing its Commander lol) And aside from that, I believe its called Swat, but the Donator CT skin is just like Sargent, but instead with a face shield over its face. Sorry I don't have screenshots, maybe if someone had time to get some, that would help a lot. I can add the Gray Admin Skin and Inspector later if I get time.
  22. So much work put into this. Damn. But so true. -1 to unban. No one wants him here. He is a troll. He can continue to make attempts at a group to seem like they're better than xG. Aside from that, when IG came up, I actually went over to their Jailbreak server[This was when KOTO and Dirty Dan were admins+ there] and was met with everyone calling each other different names, disrespecting, racism, etc. Then I saw this new group, WolvenDominion or whatever it is, and he invited me to join that steam group. I denied it, cause I knew it was his group. But does anyone think this WD clan is going to go down as fast as IG?