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  1. Ding!
    Forest reacted to diabeetus in Kendrick llama   
    To be brutally honest, I don't really see sufficient evidence here to remove Kendrick's membership. I see sufficient evidence of a ban, however Kendrick is already banned. While it is clear that in many of the threads Kendrick was clearly posting with the intention of trolling, many (if not all) of the supposed "shitstorms" caused by Kendrick would not have happened if you had responded to him. The phrase "don't feed the trolls" is basically rule #1 of the internet. It's clear that he is someone who feeds off of attention, and whether or not that attention is negative doesn't matter to him. If it's blatantly clear that someone is trying to provoke you, why on earth would you give them exactly what they want? Nothing productive could possibly come out of responding negatively to posts that are clearly meant to provoke and anger. I'll keep this thread open just for a little bit longer so the other CL's can get their opinions in if they wish to (@DrLee @Hidingmaster @Gawd @ThePenguin), but I'll probably end up closing it sometime soon. Unless of course you can provide evidence of similar or worse behavior coming from Kendrick with no provocation/retaliation on your end.
  2. Agree
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Kendrick llama   
    first off, Bach does not have the ability to strip membership, he is a dm not a cl. only cl can make that decision, he can weigh in or ask but it is only done on a cl decision. you also misquoted him, he said they would have staff removed (since he can do that) and would potentially also get their membership revoked. not it "WILL"
    Secondly you said in a multitude of posts "I don't want this to start another shitstorm" in fact you said it a lot in that thread. however you followed almost instantly after in a double post calling him an immature 5 year old "oh wait, i would get it if you were 5 yet" etc. quite ironically after saying you didnt want a shitstorm to cause a shitstorm. I agree, he's an immature idiot. but it's pretty ironic when you're almost as much of an immature idiot as him and you make the protest a day and a half after he was banned for a week or so.
    TL;DR if you want his membership revoked, you probably shouldn't have said "I'm not gonna start a shitstorm, but my shitstorm is less of a shitstorm than what you are causing" (loose quoting of you to the tune of kanye west against taylor swift)
    @ThePenguin @diabeetus pls close, warn them both to not be retards
  3. Informative
    Forest reacted to Dethman in Kendrick llama   
    Ok, from the look of the thread it is trolling to me. It on the ban protest for muzzle and also swifts derailed member submission (which I can't find). Muzzle - team fortress 2 this is the link to muzzles and where it started to derail.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in Cleaning xg (sorta)   
    I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.
    Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.
    All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.
    If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:
  5. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Yu_Narukami in Chrono - teamspeak   
    Bunch of asian drivers if you ask me.
    Don't call someone something that you know they take offense to (or at least know what the consequences may be when they have powers), especially if they are openly mocked about it constantly(?).
    Although if Chrono didn't say that he was taking offense doe, he's a baddie and should probably do that next time before dropping the ban hammer like a scrub :^)
  6. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Rhododendron in Tas (tool assisted) videos   
    F-Zero ones are my favorite :3
  7. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Muzzle - team fortress 2   
    If this is a serious request, you should probably act like it is :coffee:
  8. Informative
    Forest reacted to Warriorsfury in Tas (tool assisted) videos   
    Needless to say, the man is clearly hacking.
  9. Creative
    Forest got a reaction from Rabid in Halloween mania   
    Calling all monsters, ghouls, zombies and trolls!!

    With Halloween just around the corner, I thought it would be nice to have a thread in which everyone could share pictures or videos of their decorations, jack o' lanterns, and even costumes!
    To keep things interesting, I am also proposing a little event that will reward all those who participate with credits for our very own Forums as well as a cash prize for the one who really tops the cake!
    Contest Details:
    - Decorate or Carve a pumpkin showing some good old fashioned XenoGamers spirit! Think of zany or creative ways in which to do this, the more creative the better! Then post the picture of the pumpkin (or even a selfie with yourself in costume!) in this thread to be eligible for some delicious credits!
    - Remember to credit yourself in the photo you take by either writing on the pumpkin, or just a piece of paper (your forum name + time/date). This is merely to discourage any cheaters who want to win off of other people's pumpkins!
    - The person who has the best looking pumpkin that displays mucho XenoGamer's spirit will receive a 20$ cash prize!

  10. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Dethman in Job advice?   
    >be reading
    >100% agree
    >scrollin' down
    >see signature
    > ...

  11. Agree
    Forest reacted to Rabid in Job advice?   
    If you do want an entry level job how ever, References are great, and most fast food places/restaurants/stocking shelfs/warehouse jobs are pretty easy to get if you had a friend or relative that worked there and knew management.
  12. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Barmithian in Cleaning xg (sorta)   
    I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.
    Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.
    All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.
    If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:
  13. Useful
    Forest got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Cleaning xg (sorta)   
    I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.
    Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.
    All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.
    If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:
  14. F!$k Off
    Forest got a reaction from Rabid in Cleaning xg (sorta)   
    I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.
    Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.
    All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.
    If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:
  15. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Cleaning xg (sorta)   
    I'm going to straight up kill someone, I swear.
    Also, the best way to get rid of these guys, is to weed them out. And I think I know just the way.
    All jokes asides, it isn't easy to pick Staff Members for promotion. No one is perfect, and 80% of the time, a Staff Member lacks what another Staff Member makes up for, and vice versa. Maybe you'll find that ideal Staff Member who doesn't lack in anything, but that is rare. Point is, if you have a problem with a Staff Member we have a section on the forums (Report Staff Abuse) specifically designed to, for the lack of better words, weed them out. If that isn't the case, then post a Member Protest.
    If there are an abundance of "rule breakers", instead of posting a General thread that will most likely go unheeded, report staff abuse or post a Member protest with evidence. Its much easier, its much cleaner, and it has a much higher chance of actually being pushed through. :coffee:
  16. F!$k Off
    Forest got a reaction from Rabid in Hey guys   
  17. Sad
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in New "unbanned" challenge   
    That video gave me cancer.
    Tree cancer.
  18. Sad
    Forest reacted to StarmiX in Friendship thread   
    Someone throw @Forest a parade, he's the only one who actually understood this thread and didn't want to ban Muzzle or FoRgE
  19. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Uwot   
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] :coffee:
  20. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Ohstopyou in Kittylicious - mmo   
    +/- 0. Why? I'll start with the following:
    1.1 - Anyone using the most recent thread as a means of opinion is incredibly biased. After looking over the first page, it is apparent that Moosty instigated the whole damn thing with what he said, hence I deleted it. Should I have to, I can quote the moment he stepped too far in his ways. God forbid we ever get a thread that doesn't end up in a shit storm. The problem isn't the person, the problem is the way our Members react and reply to threads. I see so many acts of hostility on these things that it makes me shake my head. As a reminder, if you're going to instigate and cause a flame war with someone, you should damn well expect them to retaliate to it. No one's made of steel.
    1.2 - And to those of you who think I'm siding with Kitty, I'm not. After a quick look at most of her posts, it is apparent that she is the type of person who takes great pride in what she says, does, and whatever position she is currently in. This behaviour results in a "I'm better than you" perspective, and I can see why those of you get upset over it. However, with that said, there wasn't an instance of this behaviour on that thread before the instigation. Again, proof of this can be provided should it be requested.
    1.3 - I will also agree that the attitude toward TF2 as well as the TF2 Division needs to stop. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but when someone is spouting off against something day in/day out it starts to become a problem, especially when part of it applies to one of our very own Divisions. While this is certainly a problem, I don't see it as a bannable offense so much as it is something to be warned of. For those of you who are angered with all of the warnings, keep in mind that these are in regards to different offenses, and therefore do not stack on each other. A quick example would be banning someone for freekilling because they broke a different rule that doesn't involve freekilling. While drastic, it is still a proper example and should obviously not happen.
    1.4 - Finally, you're right, I have no idea why I still have powers. But as I said in that thread, I'll be damned if I let this stupid behaviour continue. Any other Staff could have stepped in, but it is obvious that they were busy or MIA, therefore I took it upon myself to stop all of the bullshit going on in there, so sue me. Maybe I'll finally have my powers taken away for doing something that should have been done, am I right?
    Those of you who are basing your judgement from that thread alone need to check yourself, just saying. All I see are Members who are trying their hardest to use broken evidence (those using the previous thread as a basis for their vouch mind you) to boot someone, much like when a Member nitpicks about a Staff Member because they simply do not like them. I would also like to point out that just because someone is well known and popular, that doesn't mean they should automatically be in the right. This is in regards to mentions of Moosty being a "level-headed person". Hell, if I say something out of line or do something out of line, call me out on it. I know @Chrono does in a heart beat because he does what's right, and more often than not, he's right. Even here where Moosty thinks I did wrong in acting on a potential hazardous situation, which I am not saying was wrong. He is right, I shouldn't interfere with the affairs of another Division, let alone at all as I am just a Member, but I have my reasons for doing so which I have mentioned above (Point 1.4).
    I won't have a TL;DR for this post as it is all honest opinion as well as reasoning, sorry folks. Those who care enough will give it a read.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  21. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from diabeetus in Kittylicious - mmo   
    As requested by @Moosty . Before I elaborate, just know that this is in no way to be taken personally.

    What may not look like an instigation to some, is to others. This was an unwarranted aggressive reply to a perfectly legitimate proposal to prevent spam (albeit for a particular set of words/keystrokes).
    I'm hoping that after the amount of time from posting, you'll realize how this can result in someone replying in a negative way, and ultimately resulting in a flame war from both ends. While I can understand why you would get upset, in no way should you have reacted the way you did when kitty chose to defend herself (and likewise with what kitty said later). Again; both parties are at fault here, not picking any favourable sides but merely pointing out an act of instigation.
  22. Like
    Forest reacted to diabeetus in Kittylicious - mmo   
    ~pre-emptive close so I can actually read this without the page count increasing exponentially.
  23. Informative
    Forest reacted to Moosty in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Okay, clearing some things up, i'm a 20 year old man, i don't want to bitch about or fight with a thirteen year old girl on the internet, it doesn't sound fun to me, I wouldn't have made this thread if i didn't feel a line was crossed. people saying i'm just trying to personally attack kitty are wrong, i got that out of my system in picture form months ago, and since then, her and i mutually decided to delete all traces of that picture and made amends, Her and I had talked about poverty jokes before when she did it the first time, and i accepted that apology. but her saying something she promised not to say ever again because i disagreed with her about chat binds opened up an old wound and i don't come here to be ridiculed. that's why this thread was made.
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from Barmithian in Kittylicious - mmo   
    @Kittylicious , as rude as this may come off (genuine honesty), don't be a kiss ass. You and I both know that post regarding "who is talking the most sense" is irrelevant and should not have been made here. This is neither the time, nor place. I realize you want to defend yourself, but pointing out the opinions of those for you doesn't help your case, but merely digs yourself a deeper hole.
    For those of you who are lashing out against the "injustice" that Kitty did in that thread, you are so blinded by your preconception that Kitty deserves it that you won't even give a second thought to that particular thread. It seems that a large majority are mistaking what I said, and so I'll further clarify.
    My first post within this thread pertains to, and only to, the words of Moosty; that of which resulted in an all out war within that thread. In no way am I saying that Kitty hasn't been insulting or disrespectful prior to the thread, but I am merely saying that those of you who are using it as a means of evidence are doing so wrongly. Moosty instigated. Kitty retaliated. Moosty continued. Kitty continued. End of story, a vicious cycle that runs rampant within our clan. Moosty could have simply said "I disagree with your idea because of (reasons)", that's all, and avert the whole crisis. But no, he instead provoked her by calling her salty, calling out on something that is irrelevant to those who are merely suggesting ideas (not being a Member), and in the end, lighting the fuse of a heated argument. Again; to clarify further to those who don't seem to get it: In this one instance, in this one thread, Moosty instigated and it resulted in hurtful words from both sides. That does not excuse either behaviour, nor does that make that thread a credible source of proof for either side, although in terms of instigation it leans further toward Moosty. To clarify even further than that, Kitty stepped over the line as well, but it was completely provoked.
    This next part I'm going to bold as it seems to be the main thing that many are misunderstanding:
    That thread =/= any sort of evidence that favours either side, and should not be used as evidence here in this thread. Stop bringing it up as if it were. Just because Kitty has a record of bad behaviour does not mean she does not deserve just one measly thread with an opinion that should be shot down immediately in a way that can be seen as hostile.
    Any other evidence, have at it, feel free to use it as you please, but for the love of god, stop referring to that gong show of a thread.
  25. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Kittylicious - mmo   
    How was it not instigated? To put it in another set of words, what Moosty basically said was "No, your idea sucks, we should keep it how it is and be more immature just to troll you." I don't know about you, but if someone was shooting down my idea specifically because they know it will get on my nerves and piss me off, I would be pretty damn pissed.
    It was instigated, however that does not make it right.
    Hidingmaster saying "we are past equal punishment" is honestly laughable in my opinion, if both are causing the same problem, then they should both be equally punished or not punished.
    "I don't hate kitty but, you're fucking dumb" is essentially what a lot of people are posting, and if you look at it, a lot of you guys are moosty's friends, seems pretty biased/one-sided if you ask me, where is the objectivism from people?
    My Proposal:
    A) Ban them both, equal length in time, no possibility for protest, not perm.
    B) Ban them both, perm, if one is unbanned via protest, the other is as well.
    C) Do not ban them, make it known this shit is not going to be tolerated.
    And option D) which is one that is forced upon you, after choosing one of the above: If shit happens again, ban the one trying to instigate it immediately, permanently. not just forums, servers as well.