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Reputation Activity

  1. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in Jb   
    :( rip the gf, we almost made it to a year.
  2. Sad
    Forest got a reaction from Ribbit in Ribbit - counter-strike: source   
    +1 I shed a manly tear from that tragic story
  3. Sad
    Forest reacted to Vector in Welp   
    Sup dudes, if you haven't realized some shit has happened between me and some members in xG. Whether you like me or not or if i hurt you or whatever, i'm gonna be honest i don't really give a shit if i did hurt you and i'll probably not change lol. But i will give a possible reason for my attitude.
    3 years ago my sister died. She ODed on heroin and redbull, she was found 3 days later in her dorm room dead. not gonna get more specific then that
    in like a few days is the anniversary of her death. I'll probably be on but i won't talk much, we'll see what happens
    This is not a feel sorry for me thread, this is to clear some things up and if i go missing for a little while that's the reason.
    Anyway, shit happens, see you guys when i feel like talking or interacting.
  4. Agree
    Forest reacted to Kittylicious in Shitty amv thread   
    they are all pretty bad.
  5. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from DCook in I'm bowing out.   
    Hopefully you'll still hop on every now and again? First day of the population schedule will be happening today in a couple of hours, and I'll need the support of old fegs such as yourself ;)
  6. Creative
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in Hobby thread   
    When my time isn't taken up toward school, I like to relax by either writing music or playing, more often on piano than any other instrument I own as I hope to get better on it :coffee:
  7. Informative
    Forest got a reaction from Tomahawk in Discriminating and bullying   
  8. Like
    Forest reacted to Vertex in Discriminating and bullying   
    Bringing this back to the actual point of the topic before the bombing started...
    My take on this is that anyone who joins an clan server should feel respected, regardless of who they are. If they don't immediate administrative action should be authorized. (far beyond just kicking the person if required)
    Harassment and discrimination is ban-able for long periods of time on all the clan servers I run (Nuclear Dawn, Natural Selection 2 and GMOD Morbus). Major offensives I often ban for at-least an week, repeat offenders are permanently banned.
    For Nuclear Dawn in particular, I'll usually look over the chat logs daily and ban directly from there. This can sometimes be more effective than moderating for hours at an time.
    I'll usually just flat out say to someone who's doing this "I can drop you from the server if you're going to treat people like this". From there, they'll ether stop (which is good) or tell me to fuck off. (which I'll ban them for an week or 2)
  9. Like
    Forest got a reaction from RichKnight in Population schedule   
    *Times are susceptible to change periodically*
    Click Here For the Time
    Day 1: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 2 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

    Day 2: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 3 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 3: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 4 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 4: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes:

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 5: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 6: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 7: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 8: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

  10. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Digitalmath in Population schedule   
    *Times are susceptible to change periodically*
    Click Here For the Time
    Day 1: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 2 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

    Day 2: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 3 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 3: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 4 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 4: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes:

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 5: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 6: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 7: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 8: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

  11. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Crona in Population schedule   
    *Times are susceptible to change periodically*
    Click Here For the Time
    Day 1: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 2 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

    Day 2: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 3 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 3: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: Prizes have been bumped down to Day 4 due to lack of players.

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 4: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes:

    Game of 20$ value (or games adding to a total of 20$. Substitute of 20$ toward Paypal is also an option)
    5,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums
    1,000 Credits toward XenoGamers Forums

    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 5: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 6: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 7: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win
    Day 8: 6:00 PM (EST) Jailbreak
    Randomly Name Drawn Prizes: TBA


    Must be on during 6:00 PM for a minimum of up to thirty minutes in order to be eligible to be entered to win

  12. Funny
    Forest reacted to Kart in Who's the princess   
    forest when its christmas do we put bulbs on you and twinkle lights?
  13. Like
    Forest got a reaction from Haruka in Hachi   
    Perfectly fine to play on other Servers, that wouldn't be held against you as multiclanning, but wearing tags of another clan poses quite a problem. The idea of tags is that you're representing that community, and if you're already within one (IE. XenoGamers) then you shouldn't be representing another clan/community (by wearing their tags) as you are inadvertently advertising for them. The only time multiclanning would be acceptable is within a community that does not have any Servers we currently have running (IE. TF2 Jailbreak, any Servers that would be considered 'competition').
  14. Like
    Forest reacted to Vertex in Nintendoocho - garrys mod   
    Unbanned because you left the steam group. You're however subject to re-ban if you rejoin that group.
  15. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from MrSaturday in Hi (penus)   
  16. Funny
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  17. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from LeToucan in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  18. Smelly
    Forest got a reaction from Chrono in How did you guys make up your usernames?   
    History Behind Your Ign | Xeno Gamers
    Names! | Xeno Gamers
  19. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from DCook in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  20. Informative
    Forest reacted to DCook in Population time   
    6 pm EST
  21. Ding!
    Forest got a reaction from diabeetus in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  22. Like
    Forest got a reaction from DrLee in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  23. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from denwaotoko in Good starter champions for each role (need suggestions)   
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Just want to clear some things up.   
    Surprised at the minimal amount of harassment this thread is receiving, especially within a community such as ours (with the exception of MineFegget and Derp). With that said, I'll take what was mentioned in the OP with a grain of salt, simply because one cannot believe anything/everything someone says online since we are merely going on their word for it. Not to be rude or anything, but I rarely consider many people to be speaking the truth in relation to their self online.
    Its good to know that you've (Kitty) come to the realization that many things said online should never be taken seriously or be taken personally. Remember, there's a lot of truth in that 'words don't hurt unless you let them'. Not to mention people can say/do whatever they want without any consequences, I doubt many would be this upfront in reality.
    All that aside:

    Glad I wasn't the only one wondering about the whole "13 year old swimsuit model" :coffee:
  25. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from RichKnight in Cs:s scheduled population   
    Alright, so with what I assume is 20 backers from the poll, I'm hoping this will be enough (or at least a start) toward having a Population Schedule. I'll be posting another thread soon in regards to a time in which everyone can expect there to be population. That thread will involve discussion on the most suitable time for everyone, but keep in mind that this is a daily schedule which means the best time for everyone every day.
    Just so everyone is aware, this particular schedule will only apply to the CS:S Jailbreak Server for the time being. Reason is that I would like this idea to first be tested before expanding the schedule to other Servers such as Minigames, RPGSurf, etc.
    Keep spreading the word guys, the more backers we have for this, the higher the success rate!