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  1. Friendly
    Forest reacted to Rabid in @hidingmaster - teamspeak   
    For anybody that knows me by the way, @ThePenguin if you have read this entire thing,You can tell how much i held back, I tried my hardest to be respectful to this game.
  2. Informative
    Forest reacted to AegeanOld in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    So just a quick introduction. I joined the xG community december 2010/jan 2011, was co-leader for about 2-3 years and then left due to disagreements towards my fellow higherups. You might know me by Link if not by Aegean. I had a very good history with this clan with exception to duplolas having powers, and then darkwolf having powers, cuz they were retards. Anyways.
    Why is xG not the same as it once was? It's easy to blame rhododendron/silence for alot of it, but that's not it. He might have caused some shit, but it's not him that's preventing xG to get back to its former glory.
    1. It's the staff themselves. If you go back to 2011-2013, it wasn't silence alone that was keeping the servers populated and fun, it was the members. The biggest thing was the members who were keen on being staff, and once being promoted, having a positive influence. I remember when jailbreak and other servers had 5-6 + staff on all the time (except for the late night, where myself, cristo and other night owls would populate and play if we were bored) The biggest thing is the staff don't care anymore about bettering the server. You know what I don't see? Mods and Admins constantly asking higher up what they have to do to be promoted. It's true I'm not staff anymore so it might be behind the scenes now, but I remember how active staff were on forums, always asking members what they want from the server, and even people pming me and other higherups for an "operation populate (deathrun)" or w.e . The biggest thing is from talking to many members, and even staff themselves, promotions are much more skewed then they used to be. It's not so much how active you are or how good you are in server, it's more who your friends with, and who you talk to in teamspeak.
    2. People don't care. Look at the forums. There are so many posts that are stickied but not updated, or stickied that should be removed. I made a post about what the different levels of staff do for this community, and what you can ask them for help with. As higherups, you need to be constantly looking to see what you can do to make this community better. If this isn't your goal while being a higher up, then you should step down or re-evaluate your position. You aren't higher-ups so you can abuse on TS or forums, and just be the shield for your friends when something gets called out against them. You are there to set an example, and make sure EVERYONE (this is key) has a great experience in the servers and community, and that they would want to join and even invite their friends into the clan. This also means that you can't bend rules to appeal to one group of people (example the furries or bronies who don't like being insulted) but then allow NSFW avatars that are actually against the rules because (that's just my opinion). You guys need to understand that you represent the community, as soon as people go "ouu i'm gonna go check out another community" you fucked up possibly many new recruits, ad sense, and donation money.
    3. Everyone is segregated. Look at teamspeak and look at the ridiculous amount of black lists and passwords in the channels. A select few staff almost never go into a public channel, and that is also very upsetting to newer members who want to meet staff and others and want to play other games with other fellow clan members. I mentioned this a few times, but this is a ridiculous thing that I should be bringing up time and time again. Staff need to acknowledge the newer members, and play games with them or even create events. Before the Cozy boys (Billy, Trif, Rpgs, etc) and I quit, Rpgs had the idea of making a community night. Once a week, we choose a few servers, set up an event to all of xG (through the forums and steam group) and just spend a few hours with the community. Anyone is welcome to join, and just play some games that aren't populated as much. (xG Minigames for example)
    What does this do?
    1. You introduce members to a new game mode that they potentially might like and come back often too, and
    2. The members get to meet others (staff, members or just randoms) and get to have fun and feel like they really are in a community.
    You have nothing to lose from this, you lose 0 resources and you get the community involved; something this community hasn't really done in a long time. You can provide incentives to coming if you can, if not just have fun and play games. This can also prove valuable to members and staff who are looking to be promoted but are often unseen to the people that they need to be seen by.
    This will not return xG to it's former glory, but it's a start. Once the staff start acting like staff, and stop being spoiled brats who are power-happy at any slight discomfort, this community can lead to the right path back to competing to be one of the top gaming communities on steam. If you disagree or would like to add any points, please I urge you to start a conversation. This is how change starts, from people talking. Thanks for the long read, there is no tl;dr because if you don't wanna read it, you don't care.
  3. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from StarmiX in I'm out.   
    Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.
    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.
  4. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from denwaotoko in Frame rate pls   
    I agree with this. Maybe I won't drop from 80 to 05 when they do
  5. Sad
    Forest reacted to Goblin in I'm out.   
    Not sure if I even want to go on the tf2 servers anymore what with all the poop happening these days, oh well.
  6. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from Swift in I'm out.   
    Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.
    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.
  7. Dislike
    Forest got a reaction from Tekk in I'm out.   
    Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.
    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.
  8. Sad
    Forest reacted to Duke in I'm out.   
    so you wouldnt +1 me if i came back? i mean i wont ever but still :3
  9. Agree
    Forest reacted to Warriorsfury in I'm out.   
    The tease is strong...
  10. Smelly
    Forest got a reaction from Kypari in I'm out.   
    Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.
    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.
  11. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in I'm out.   
    Not to be rude or anything of the sort, but if you re-apply, I swear on me mum I'll -1 . Countless times have Members acted out in frustration or anger by 'leaving' and then come back within a month to re-apply.
    It is not a justifiable reason that is worth re-accepting at all. Either choose to represent xG, or don't. Don't leave and then come back when you feel that it's okay to do so. This applies to anyone else with the same mindset btw, not you specifically.
  12. Creative
    Forest reacted to denwaotoko in Toast flavoured ice cream   
    You should've thrown it all into a blender and drank it instead.
  13. Like
    Forest reacted to Unit12p in Cs:s scheduled population   
    Like I said in a shoutbox convo we had a few nights ago, I don't have a PC capable of running CS:S right now. (IT SUCKS YES I KNOW)
    But I really would like to see the CS:S xG community grow again, so I'd love to help anyway I can.
  14. Optimistic
    Forest got a reaction from Shadower in Xg sings bed intruder song.   
  15. Creative
    Forest reacted to StarmiX in Xeno Gamers Logo   
    imgur: the simple image sharer
    I can change color scheme/font/size (Sadly no Dmitri font :()
    Just tell me what you think about it!
    Yes, I understand that it's tiny

  16. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from DCook in Cs:s scheduled population   
    Hey all, the title is exactly what this post is all about. For those of you who are not aware, the CS:S Servers are in bad shape. Like, bad. Very bad. So bad, that if you were to compare it to George Thorogood's "
    ", it would sound like " ". 
    For the moment, this thread is merely a proposal and nothing solid will be happening just yet. What I (or rather, the CS:S Division) hope to achieve is a regularly scheduled time in which Players/Members can know without a doubt that someone will be on. It is as simple as that, no hook or hidden agenda. It will be during a time of the day (the community will agree on) every day until Servers see a noticeable improvement.
    Now, the whole idea behind this is that (as I mentioned) Players will know when the Server is populated and will therefore be more likely to hop on and play a few rounds. After a period of time, eventually it will become the norm and hopefully result in a group of regulars who play during that time frame daily.
    This is all just a theory though, but at this point there is no reason not to try. For the time being, this thread will act as a simple poll. I will remind those that this will require dedication, which may be asking a lot. Imagine, if you will, a weight lifter ignoring leg day. This average Joe then gets into a habit of not doing it, and what do we end up with?
    We end up with this poor soul:

    Damn, look at those guns. Alas, look at those legs. Looks like a freakin' marshmallow with toothpicks jabbed in for legs
    My point is that this is something that will require diligence, patience, and dedication. You will have to commit to getting on at that time. You don't even have to be a CT, hell, you could be that T who just tries to rebel each round even if the chances are slim. The point being that so long as there are numbers (and CTs who don't drone on with repetitive cell orders and mix things up) it will draw attention.
    As cliché as this sounds, united we are stronger than a single unit. I will try my best to get on at whatever time it is (should this plan go through), and I'm hoping you all will as well.

    This post is brought to you by TL;DR posts by Forest.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  17. Optimistic
    Forest got a reaction from Unit12p in Cs:s scheduled population   
    Hey all, the title is exactly what this post is all about. For those of you who are not aware, the CS:S Servers are in bad shape. Like, bad. Very bad. So bad, that if you were to compare it to George Thorogood's "
    ", it would sound like " ". 
    For the moment, this thread is merely a proposal and nothing solid will be happening just yet. What I (or rather, the CS:S Division) hope to achieve is a regularly scheduled time in which Players/Members can know without a doubt that someone will be on. It is as simple as that, no hook or hidden agenda. It will be during a time of the day (the community will agree on) every day until Servers see a noticeable improvement.
    Now, the whole idea behind this is that (as I mentioned) Players will know when the Server is populated and will therefore be more likely to hop on and play a few rounds. After a period of time, eventually it will become the norm and hopefully result in a group of regulars who play during that time frame daily.
    This is all just a theory though, but at this point there is no reason not to try. For the time being, this thread will act as a simple poll. I will remind those that this will require dedication, which may be asking a lot. Imagine, if you will, a weight lifter ignoring leg day. This average Joe then gets into a habit of not doing it, and what do we end up with?
    We end up with this poor soul:

    Damn, look at those guns. Alas, look at those legs. Looks like a freakin' marshmallow with toothpicks jabbed in for legs
    My point is that this is something that will require diligence, patience, and dedication. You will have to commit to getting on at that time. You don't even have to be a CT, hell, you could be that T who just tries to rebel each round even if the chances are slim. The point being that so long as there are numbers (and CTs who don't drone on with repetitive cell orders and mix things up) it will draw attention.
    As cliché as this sounds, united we are stronger than a single unit. I will try my best to get on at whatever time it is (should this plan go through), and I'm hoping you all will as well.

    This post is brought to you by TL;DR posts by Forest.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  18. Like
    Forest got a reaction from AegeanOld in Cs:s scheduled population   
    Hey all, the title is exactly what this post is all about. For those of you who are not aware, the CS:S Servers are in bad shape. Like, bad. Very bad. So bad, that if you were to compare it to George Thorogood's "
    ", it would sound like " ". 
    For the moment, this thread is merely a proposal and nothing solid will be happening just yet. What I (or rather, the CS:S Division) hope to achieve is a regularly scheduled time in which Players/Members can know without a doubt that someone will be on. It is as simple as that, no hook or hidden agenda. It will be during a time of the day (the community will agree on) every day until Servers see a noticeable improvement.
    Now, the whole idea behind this is that (as I mentioned) Players will know when the Server is populated and will therefore be more likely to hop on and play a few rounds. After a period of time, eventually it will become the norm and hopefully result in a group of regulars who play during that time frame daily.
    This is all just a theory though, but at this point there is no reason not to try. For the time being, this thread will act as a simple poll. I will remind those that this will require dedication, which may be asking a lot. Imagine, if you will, a weight lifter ignoring leg day. This average Joe then gets into a habit of not doing it, and what do we end up with?
    We end up with this poor soul:

    Damn, look at those guns. Alas, look at those legs. Looks like a freakin' marshmallow with toothpicks jabbed in for legs
    My point is that this is something that will require diligence, patience, and dedication. You will have to commit to getting on at that time. You don't even have to be a CT, hell, you could be that T who just tries to rebel each round even if the chances are slim. The point being that so long as there are numbers (and CTs who don't drone on with repetitive cell orders and mix things up) it will draw attention.
    As cliché as this sounds, united we are stronger than a single unit. I will try my best to get on at whatever time it is (should this plan go through), and I'm hoping you all will as well.

    This post is brought to you by TL;DR posts by Forest.

    - Dat guy, Forest
  19. Creative
    Forest got a reaction from Unit12p in Hello everyone!   
    Hope you enjoy your stay m8 ;)
  20. Ding!
    Forest reacted to StarmiX in Regarding the "3 legible characters" rule   
    Why do we even have that rule?
    We have /admin for a reason don't we?
  21. Like
    Forest got a reaction from denwaotoko in I made a pic in photopgrahy class!   
  22. Disagree
    Forest reacted to kbraszzz in Ssfebreze - team fortress 2   
    The ban has Expired.
    And forest IS the 5th CL.
  23. Ding!
    Forest reacted to Chrono in New song for ban lift?   
    "if it ain't broke, break it"
    "if it ain't fun anymore, make it more hitler"
  24. Agree
    Forest got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Ssfebreze - team fortress 2   
    Not agreeing with anyone, but since the ban is nearly timed out, I'd just wait it out.
    Keep in mind that timed CT bans aren't in effect to 'punish' people so much as it is to tell them to re-read the MotD rules. With that in mind, those that are banned should only be banned if they are clearly struggling with the rules. There are subtle differences in dealing with bans. For example, consider the following:

    A player has just joined the Server. They proceed to 'accidentally' freekill two Ts. The proper punishment for the situation should be a slay together with an explanation of what they did wrong.


    A player has been playing for two rounds as a CT. Throughout their time as a CT, they have broken multiple rules such as breaking vents and baiting. They then 'accidentally' freekill two Ts. The proper punishment for the situation should be a day ban, as it is well aware that they do not have the extensive knowledge they should have before being a CT.

    It may not be obvious to some, but there is a context when dealing with rule breakers, and the appropriate punishment should be determined via these subtle differences.
  25. Winner
    Forest got a reaction from kbraszzz in Ssfebreze - team fortress 2   
    Not agreeing with anyone, but since the ban is nearly timed out, I'd just wait it out.
    Keep in mind that timed CT bans aren't in effect to 'punish' people so much as it is to tell them to re-read the MotD rules. With that in mind, those that are banned should only be banned if they are clearly struggling with the rules. There are subtle differences in dealing with bans. For example, consider the following:

    A player has just joined the Server. They proceed to 'accidentally' freekill two Ts. The proper punishment for the situation should be a slay together with an explanation of what they did wrong.


    A player has been playing for two rounds as a CT. Throughout their time as a CT, they have broken multiple rules such as breaking vents and baiting. They then 'accidentally' freekill two Ts. The proper punishment for the situation should be a day ban, as it is well aware that they do not have the extensive knowledge they should have before being a CT.

    It may not be obvious to some, but there is a context when dealing with rule breakers, and the appropriate punishment should be determined via these subtle differences.