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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Somalia happened @ThePenguin @ASock @Bleed @alltheothersomalians
  2. Im not mad about the rating? Im upset about you guys not explaining why you disagree. Contribute to the division you are in instead of posting garbage like "xD LOL DONT GET MAD OVER LE RATING" Tf2 division kids are retarded holy shit no wonder everyone hates them
  3. @BelloWaldi @Dethman how can you disagree with a fact? there are literally no moderators on tgh most of the time and i have to call on mods to get on the server, the closest thing i see is @Tekage and @Kypari but they have to go back and forth. stupid lmao.
  4. that's because virtually all staff that were on the server either left or got demoted.
  5. "we don't insult our member" - @Dethman LOL still sad, pce brah
  6. You have made 3 treads in less than an hour in 3 different areas about the same problem and then proceed to shit up the shout box Holy shit can you sound any more like a little bitch about a 1 day ban? Lmao holy shit kids in tf2 are awful
  7. I agree. No know one should of gaged luigi. Wanna know why? Because his opinion doesnt mean jack shit and his voice is the same as a million other kids who cry because their feelongs got hurt on the internet. I would like to make a vote to place vector back in admin if you guys dont want to give vaporeon a chance. I feel this is fair. Thank you, i will go back to my dictator chair everyone assumes i have. I will also gas the rule breakers too for the fun of it!
  8. impersonation of staff/leader, impersonation of a clan member, multiclanning, disrespectful attitude to others telling you to take your tags off and too young. i'm nice to younger kids/squeakers but for fucks sakes are you dumb? @Bach @kbraszzz @diabeetus
  9. uhhhhhhhh? suicide threats? -1
  10. but bronies and furries are the same thing and deserve all the hate.
  11. bach doesn't talk to you about your demotion until months later though.
  12. Vector

    Lets go back

    please leave and never come back. Anyway. it was fun lots of moments when the server had a grand 64 people on the server and there were always a few who were so good at CSS, wardens would be really scared when those players would rebel, usually taking out at least 3 guards.
  13. NO one should spam that mic room, birthday or not. You are not above the rules and this is coming from the same people who complained that nomulous abused his powers on his birthday. Hypocrisy, holy shit. Now, anonymous sandwich, i warned you too about a good number of times and you refused to listen to me or iggy, your ban was completely justified and it doesn't make you look any better when you say "BECAUSE THEY DID IT, IT'S OKAY THAT I DO IT" if you see someone break the rules, you report them. Now if people don't know, in the frantic factory map, there is a secret room next to the boxing arena, that if you go in, there is a microphone. if you proceed to shout anything in the mic it makes what you said incredibly loud in the boxing arena, and since the boxing arena is the most popular area in the map, of course this is a problem.
  14. so strict? Just don't wear the tags. it's not hard jesus christ. You can't join because you didn't join xG, we can't deny people joining the server and the xG steam group is for all to join and be apart of the servers. Also, when is being 14 year old requirement strict? just wait a year, even then i don't think you would want to join xG especially for what it's turned into. but that is up to you honestly. I'm sure if you play on the servers more and get people to know you, i'm sure you'll get in. just don't worry about it.
  16. also thank you @Izanagi for posting the thread, i forgot
  17. holy shit you guys seriously don't know this is zun? anyone who +1s this is a fucking moron. No, Zun was never a nice person even prior when i got moderator, shit talking to multiple people in trade gaming (before there was any mod and admins that were active on the server) Which is why the bans isn't large. He also music spammed, and we have gone over this already but since it's hard for people to look up ban protests (thank you @Chrono) i'll just copy paste this again Lol after i told you to wait a little while you completely ignore me and what you forget to mention about your constant suicide threats on our server and to our members @@BonfireCentipede. and no the poll was yes or no and people voted and it finished with i believe 14 yes and 6 nos (don't count on me for it). This kid has been a pain since day one, with having xG in his name after i told him multiple times to change it, and his porn spray which i had to tell him multiple times to change. after i banned him for that offense (i believe it was for 1 day) he went onto other servers with the name fudge xG and steaming pantload posted about us on other servers @@BonfireCentipede was the one who he was venting to, and had the name and everything. Another person he went all depressed on was @@Maymalays. I remember one night i come onto the server, because @@Huster_Salvador told me someone was threatening suicide. Sure enough it was Zun (this was on Mario Kart) i gave him a clear warning that if he did this again, that he would be severely punished because of our history with people threatning suicide. Zun is an attention seaking child who throws a fit when things don't go his way, he actually insulted another player named Kitsune because he wouldn't talk to him because she and i were having a conversation, he then proceeds to verbally assault her and leaves the server (thankfully he apoloigised for that.) not back to the suicide thing, so after the ban for the nude spray and everything he begins crying to bonfire about suicide and how he was going to kill himself and that "don't be surprised if i don't come back to the computer" and steaming pantload like "i'll give you all of my items because i don't need them where i am going" i am sick and tired of baby sitting him and having him abuse the people on our server, now was i harsh on him? you're damn fudgeing right i was, it's the internet, and don't take steaming pantload out on us with this server. i am absolutely disgusted with you Zun and i TRIED helping you by saying, give your self a few months to cool down but clearly you did not. Not if you guys want to believe me or not i don't really care, but ever since he got incredibly depressed it's been not stop threats and depression. Also keep in mind, in the same thread he never indicated any sort of suicide threats and doesn't indicate them here. i have given him 3 separate chances to change his ways and all the times he fucked it up. And during those times, he was still an annoyance, i had to be called on multiple times to monitor the server. Should Zun be given a second chance? No. Suicide threats are no laughing matter and zun seems to use them as a way to gain sympathy from others in a chance that his appeal can be accepted. I will keep this -1 forever and i do NOT want to see him unbanned. It's the same vicious cycle we have had in the past, and we have unbanned people who went back into this same sort of problem. The ban was justified and i don't want to have to deal with this again because if he is unbanned and does something of similar nature about depression or such, i have little faith in the staff now to take this into their own hands and do the right decision.
  18. oh boy. @Hidingmaster @DrLee @anyothercssfagwho'shere
  19. i've been on multiple trade servers dude that are "serious" such as PPM, RAWR, Fire, and so on, there is virtually no difference between the two, the closest thing we had to a "serious" map/server was our unusual server