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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Again, you could of said it on the multiple member applications with different people so i have no idea wjere this comes from also arent you a mod? Why diddnt you tell him to cool it? Also keep in mind you are not taking into account this good things he has done. Even then is "got killed by a brony" cocky? Because if it is, you are really fishing for reasons lol
  2. But you havent given any examples....how is someone to improve if you dont try and help them? Also banging barley sees him so he is another, also there are so many others you could of -1 for cockyness yet only now do you do it for moosty.
  3. I love how everyone is saying moosty is cocky doesnt bring up an event where he is cocky. "B-BUT THAT ONE TIME HE WAS MEAN -1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1"The guy helps out new players by guiding them through the trade system which he did just last night. Is always giving helpful advice and always the one to cool down an argument. Just blindly saying he is cocky is no reason to -1 him. There are multiple people in xG who have a worse attitude (lol). Every regular as moosty mentioned, loves the guy and has been on this server then the rest of us. You guys admited to seeing him only limited times but still havent brought up a situation that has made him look bad.
  4. +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 a REALLY REALLY old regular on gaming history and is one of the nicest guys i have met. would be an amazing addition and am happy to finally see him join xG. A: 8.5 M: 9.5
  5. you need proof dude. -1 @kbraszzz @John_Madden
  6. also LOL good job guys back ground checking him, he has 1500+ hours on TF2 and it's fucking @ChickenPanda holy shit you guys are dumb.
  7. First of all, don't talk during the recording also second how the hell is this aimbot? he can't even headshot with the bargain, you also need to account for lag and shit, he's not snapping to anyone. he could possibly be good at the game and if he is "hacking" he's probably the worst hacker ever. -1
  8. +1, awesome guy and very nice. would be an amazing addition to xG A: 9 M: 9
  9. they always come crawling back. +1 A: 8 M: 8
  10. Vector


  11. +1. Honestly, this is why tf2 jailbreak gets a bad name, hes even an xG member. More and more i see these threads, demotivates me from joining them.
  12. +1 he is very nice and active. Alwayz on when i see him would be a good edition. A: 8 M: 9.5
  13. Unusual Trading. People who get their feelings hurt to quickly Hypocrites Quick-buyers on outpost Outpost
  14. Vector

    Xg:m Hexx

    i thought joke threads were supposed to be funny?
  15. damn, you were a funny guy and it sucks that you're gonna be gone.
  16. i thought we had a meeting after the towlie incident to not let retards get powers?
  17. tiger? a newfag? nigga you serious?
  18. honestly, the best advice in unboxing is to not expect you're getting an unusual. that's how i unbox my unusual on my 3rd crate from a free key and free reserve crate.
  19. and i to you. hope this settles. see you after the day bans. I apologize for the overreacting ban to you. Hope your stay in xG is better than how it started. have fun. also @speedlimit56kb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eS7Ctv_F4Q
  20. lol it's funny how everyone in the server is sick of your shit so you decide to jump ship. did you even read what they said about what you need to work on? no? alright. i'm done trying to help you. and yes i really was trying to last night but you decided to not listen to anybody on the server and only your self.
  21. There was no anger against him, which is why in the chat he asked if i hated him or not. there is arguments between me and him which is frustrating however there was another incident that i wanted to clear up between staff and regular members on the server, he kept interrupting, and at first i tried muting everyone who wasn't involved on my end so i could get it out, but i saw people getting frustrated (see photos). i then had to act and tell him to cut it out because he talked over me and trying to butt into the conversation, i then muted him and went on and unmuted him after little bit because another few needed to talk. then proceeded to continue. if you want to reduce the ban length go ahead but i want there to be a fair warning that if gorilla continues upsetting server members i will take action.
  22. you don't need to be a member to make a ban request....
  23. you changed your password and sent a ticket, relax, you're fine