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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Vector


    Rabid did nothing wrong. He has what it takes to put xG on the right path. He is the hero xG needs.
  2. awe...vanellope is a really nice person and is active. damn good sniper. +1
  3. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZPgApv0PLw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_23z9yJAq0 >JonTron http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4PTf7LgsIE
  4. nice guy and is incredibly active. see him on everyday. +1
  5. +1 very nice kid, and is very helpful when newcommers arrive on the server. would be a great addition.
  6. +1 my nigga. very funny guy would love to see join.
  8. this problem has been happening for a week or so and muffin and nomulous don't know how to fix it. i have tried contacting @Rhododendron to fix it but he seems to be busy. they told us they put the maps in the right area. So silence if you can look at this for us we would be very happy..
  9. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    why. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8U2H2NBWCU
  10. you're name is doge president 2k16. that alone is enough for me to -1 this shit.
  11. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    Pretty much every video this kid makes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ef3rm9PXdCI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2VzbYNzVAM I think i'm cheating, cause anything with sonic is cringe worthy.
  12. Vector

    The Cringe Thead!

    Post you're most cringe worthy shit whether it be pictures or videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zIDiHXvhOY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebjwFVxbY_I
  13. Vector

    Joining Xg

    this is the exact reason why it shouldn't be increased, at least, not until we see more TF2 players be active on the forums. We have many Tf2 members joining but the forums are dominated by CSS MC and league. I have tried to get members of the Tf2 div to be more active on the forums and they are trying. so as of right now it's perfectly fine but if we see some sort of change then MAYBE (i really don't see the point) it can increase. TLDR: it's fine
  14. actually you only gave half of the story. during the day i was playing, the problem happened on abstract where he was constantly putting dispensers on the enemies spawn so they could only leave by teleporter. he then planted a mini-sentry in the same exact area (i told him twice already not to do it). after the mini sentry was destroyed he starts building a dispenser there again, i kick him then the map changed to clocktown where he building blocked us. he was warned several times and it's only an hour. @DrLee i be gewd admining skeels.
  15. +1 is very active and nice. quiet but always seems to have a good attitude.
  16. @MuffinMonster @African nig has enough
  17. +1 when im on every now and again he seems to be very friendly.
  18. +1 even zeal came up to me and was asking for a mod/admin. bitches on surf be really bitchy these days.
  19. +1 dondingler is super nice and very active on the servers. he would be a great addition to the community.
  20. Vector

    Help. Pls.

    Hey, i'm making this thread out of Silence's request. please fix the maps. we have been waiting for 2 - 3 weeks and we feel (as an in the gaming history community) as if we are being ignored. now i understand you two are busy (@MuffinMonster @Nomulous) but i have to ask multiple times some sort of help. I feel it's sad that we are often forgotten especially with new cool toys such as plugins and stuff. i would love it if we got a bit more recognition. (for example we still don't have the duel plugin and i believe the f2p plugin is broken too....) The missing map error for the maps is a problem that happend before and we need this fix. Thanks to muffin for taking it out of rotation. We also need to remove Delfino plaza because of how everyone's ping rises to 130+ and people go to the maps because it's incredibly popular. the other maps that were added (Cyberpunk, Flood, the new realms, and Banjo kazooie mansion) are having missing map problems which silence solved before with him uploading them to the correct area. other than that you guys keep up the good work and love how much effort you put in. @Rhododendron
  21. papi and poncher in one thread again? lets keep this trend going. @Link! @Link! @Link! @Link! @BillyMays @BillyMays @BillyMays @BillyMays @Duckii @Duckii @Duckii @Duckii
  22. Vector


    you shouldn't really make fun of the mentally disabled. Shadow can't help it sometimes. the moment he sees something he likes he marks his territory as you can see with his profile picture of a dog.