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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Stop quoting me you stalkers. I backtraced the quotes, I know who's doing this. The cyber police will be notified if you persist David J Perrywinkle, if that even is your real name.
  2. @@Chrono I keep thinking that it's Nick, but I very well could be wrong.
  3. #requestingclose as the applicant is under the required age and the period allowing underage people to apply has expired. @@Forest @@serbiansnaga @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo.
  4. #requestingclose as the applicant is under the required age and the period allowing underage people to apply has expired. @@Forest @@serbiansnaga @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo.
  5. -1. KK FREAKIN' CLOSE THIS Just jking, +1. Sham is a good player and tons of fun to to play with. He's done a lot of good for xG in the past, and he really isn't someone who would continue to go around and troll on servers and just get himself banned again. He's not that dumb ...I think.
  6. By all means, please invite your friends. One of the biggests parts of having a community night is to introduce new p,ayers to our servers, or to intriduce regulars to a server that they might rarely play on. Regarding th DJ, if we're going to even have one, I can almost guarantee that it's not going to be you. Tere would be fairly strict rules for said DJ, and I personally don't think a lot of peoplesould really want constant music. @@Rhoukar yes, there will be trivia questions (xG-related only) which the prize will be 200 credits that will be given upon the release of hub. I have also edited the server rotation, and I have decided that Jailbreak will most likely not be included in the community night, and if it is I would propose a mini late-nite jailbreak to start during the JB section of the community night. I also want to know how you guys felt about how long server rotation was. Was an hour too short or too long for you guys?
  7. Go home Charrax, you're drunk.
  8. Oh my fucking god... I think I'm crying... Glad to see you back VanillaGrape, I remember you from the first days of my time here at xG. Hope to see you soon in-game.
  9. There was really no "clan war" with WD to begin with. Please don't instigate a situation that's been solved already. inb4 civil war 1776 IS UPON US MEN!!! YEEHAW, LET'S GET DEM COMMIES!!!!
  10. He split off and made his own community, then soured his relations with xG by pulling a "towelie" and copying our TF2 rules without giving proper sources or even asking for permission. Inb4 another clan war There was really no "clan war" with WD to begin with. Please don't instigate a situation that's been solved already.
  11. -1. Unless you get accepted in the next two hours, you are under the age limit required to be in xG. From what I can remember from the last time I played, you didn't seem to know the motd very well at all, and I can remember slaying and possibly even teambanning you. A: 7/10 M: 3/10
  12. +1. Constant shitposting of forums, I've seen him disrespect many other members of the community. The fact that he is only still in xG to piss other people off is reason enough to kick him out. From what I've seen, he's really nothing but constant trouble for the community.
  13. I don't think I'm alone in thinking that it's high time for a community night, as I don't belive we've had one (not counting late-nite JB) in several months. This thread is far from anything very formal/official yet, as I wanted to use this thread to fill positions for co-hosts, figure out server roatations, figure out an optimal dare, etc. once most of the details have been figured out, I'll post another thread for all to see official times/dates. The first matter at hand is co-hosts, because it would be difficult for one person to do this alone. In fact, even with several co-hosts, a community night is still a very chaotic event. Now, anyone can be a co-host, in fact I would encourage that there is one non-staff co-host (especially if said member is considering applying for a staff position) as it would give the person a example of what it's like to manage/moderate a server. Co-host positions are going to be handed out as a first-come-first-served basis, so if you want to be a co-host you should apply as soon as you can. There will be four co-hosts, along with four "backup" co-hosts, just in-case one or more of the co-hosts can't make it. Next is server rotation. What servers did you guys like from the last community noght? Which ines did you dislike from the last community night? How did you feel about how long we stayed on each server? Should the order of the server rotation be edited at all? Leave your thoughts to these questions as a reply to this thread, or even propose a new question. I feel we should also continue to do trivia questions, pertraining to xG history/info of course, that will have a prize in the form of credits upon the return of hub. Feel free to posts any trivia questions (they must be xG-related, once again). Proposed dates: Sunday, August 11th, starting at 9:00 PM EST (all times/dates are subject to change and official times/dates will be posted in a future thread). ??? ??? Co-Hosts: - Hidingmaster - Daddiodoug - - Backup Co-Hosts: - TurdWig - ShadowSpy - Rhoukar - Proposed server roation: - Deathrun (9:00-9:45) - Minigames (9:45- 11:00) - Jailbreak (11:00- 12:00) - AWP/Scout (12:00- 1:00) - GunGame (1:00- 2:00) Feel free to posts any thoughts/question/comments/concerns below! Tagging higher-ups: @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@HighSociety @@Forest @@serbiansnaga Tagging active people: @@Genesis @@BaileyJay @@John @@xShadowSpyx @@DeathGod @@MrAwesome104 @@Yuno_Gasai @@TheKingBaby @@Rhoukar @@Drendan @@SyrJirk @@TurdWig
  14. What in the name of god...
  15. No "most swagliest" award? I see how this is... #demoteforest201
  16. diabeetus

    Forums Rank.

    Someone is self-conscious of their e-peen
  17. @@Glad0s your application isn't closed yet, it will be once you hit 10 +1's (at this point you will be accepted into xG) or if the app has been open for a month without reaching 10 +1's (at which point you'll have to wai a couple of weeks to re-apply. You may put the URL to your app in-game but make sure not to spam it or ask anyone to +1 it. +1. Very active, fairly mature and seems to know the motd well. Has been playing on the jailbreak server for a while and deserves a shot at membership. A: 8.5/10 M: 7.5/10
  18. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Onward Offender's Steam ID: Does anyone really care? Rules Broken: Playing with emotions, hub related heresy, general faggotry Evidence: Thi - This abomination dared to spew foul heresy in shoutbox that hub had been returned to us. We all have read the scriptures, we all know that hub shall only be given to us in paradise. This heretic also conspired with others in-game, trying to lure me into believing his putrid treachery. I request that Onward is immediately drawn and quartered for his heinous crimes. @@Hidingmaster also conspired with this heretic, and should feel the searing pain as the long dick of the law enters his rectum.
  19. Nothing, other than the fact that he's never put out a specific date and been wrong/late on hub. Silence has pretty much been saying that hub should be out this summer the entire time, and last time I checked it's still summer for a while longer.
  20. Cymru am byth Have fun in my motherland.
  21. There is a reason we don't just hand out powers to people. Putting in a system like this would be horrendous. Yes, we could just remove it after any abuse/trolling, but I can see this having a very low usage and a very high potential for abuse. What if a rulebreaker decides to use this system to votekick/voteban someone who's calling them out on not knowing the rules? Remember, this would be used the most when no staff is on, so there would be really no one present to stop any potential abuse. It just doesn't seem like a logical thing to add in my opinion.
  22. Hub is (hopefully) being released within the next few weeks, which should bring in a lot more players/staff wo have gotten bored of playing jailbreak all the time. Personally, I think we should try to find some people that are enthusiastic about the server and are also able to handle staff positions, instead of just quickly promoting lots of people to admin while only a few are promoted to mod. I'm seeing a lot of staff members as of recently who seem to be tired of having staff responsibility, which isn't a good sign.
  23. Dood, just wait for fucks sake. It's not like you're the only one who wants hub back. Assuming Silence is still on time with hub progress, it should be released within the next 1-2 weeks. It's not like no work on it is being done (I hope)