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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. I lost 2 posts ;__;
  2. I really fail to understand why so many people feel that a plugin is needed for this. Just put in the motd "if the T with lr wishes, he may rebel against the remaining CT's instead of choosing a game to play for lr" and we're set. Not really that complicated lol.
  3. Why has the gayness not be cleansed from the earth yet?
  4. -1 faggot, nazi, freemason, probably in league with the Illuminati. Should be publicly stoned to death. Jk rorlcopterlmfao, + 1. Kool kat, very mature and knows the motd well. Yeah, he did do some stupid shit a while ago but everyone fucks up here and there. Great guy and deserves to be back in xG.
  5. Wow, this thread is totally necessary! It's not like you could have replied to your other thread or anything!
  6. @@Superkiller67 kid I am THE kool kid. Have you even seen my TS channel? It's the new Warrior's room, only the koolest kids are let in.
  7. I think the real question here is: Why do you care?
  8. +1. I'll try to keep this short, as typing on this ipad is giving me cancer. Here's the thing, pretty much 100% of the time I have been on, Shadowspy has also been on, and as a T I have personally experienced each of these "trust days". They've never really caused "mass confusion/tarping", and only on rare occassions has there been some kind of snafu. I understand that you DM's warned him, however I hadn't seen Shadow do one of these in a few weeks. In my opinion, a teamban would have been a much more appripriate punishment, as Shadow was at no point being a poor admin.
  9. diabeetus

    Chance at $$$!!

    Chrono won? Brb cutting wrists.
  10. @@TheKingBaby the screenshots are great and all, but don't present much more than the OP did. Personally, 1-2 freetazes isn't that much of a hig deal, as it was likely done as a joke and not with some kind of malicious intent. I see people get freetazed all the time (including myself) on the jailbreak server and no one really seems to care at all. I would personally have more of a problem with the supposed free-knifing, as jacob would both be baiting and unjustly damaging a prisoner. Here's the big problem with this ban request: the time length requested. Nothing even described in the OP is close to warranting a perm CT-ban, even if enough proof had been presented. To all those who +1'd, if you really feel that Jacob shouldbe perm Ct-banned, and that he is obviuosly some troll (which he isn't really in my opinion) then it really shouldn't be too hard to collect proof to support your claims. However, until sufficient amounts of proof have been presented to warrant a perm, I can't really see how someone could +1 this.
  11. @@Onward you're one to talk. You have a history of being incredibly annoying (we all remember the HLDJ spam) and you constantly find loopholes in the rules that are totally unnecessary and just makes everyone's life a little harder. You also have been banned on several occassions, one of said bans was for 3 days for trolling, so if anyone is a troll/douchebag it's probably you. I have never seen Jacob break rules to the extent that would warrant anythingnclose to a perm ban. While I was not prsent for this situation, the proof you have presented is not enough to back up all of your claims, and even if everything you claimed he did, you had proof for, nothing of what he did is really perm worthy at all. Just putting the Steam ID's of people who were present isn't enough as well, as once again, you need actual proof instead of just what people who were there said, as they could over/under-exaggerate the situation. -1 for lack of any real proof.
  12. diabeetus

    Chance at $$$!!

    I just donated last night as I said in my previous post I only want the amount I entered in ($25) to be put into the contest, instead of the full $35.
  13. From tomorrow until August eighth (I think), I'm going to be away on vacation. I'm pretty sure that I'll be getting back a week from tomorrow, however I could be mistaken and I might be back a day or two early or late. I should be able to get on forums but I'll be completely inactive in-game. @@Forest (or really anyone else) could send me a message if I win the "lottery" that is about to end I'd appreciate it. That's pretty much it, so I'll see you guys next week.
  14. diabeetus

    Chance at $$$!!

    @@Forest I donated $35, but I only want $20 of it (4 entries) to go towards the drawing.
  15. Didn't really expect this at all, but I'll see you around Rainbow. I hope you'll stay active on the xG servers, but I understand if you don't for whatever reason. Adios amigo.
  16. already permed, crisis averted.
  17. This is how it is.... If people are messing up on how to count the days in-between special days, then they need to go back to Kindergarten.
  18. Well this came quicker than I thought. Congrats to everyone, and especially Hidingmaster. I kind of had a feeling you were going to get DM, you've been working very hard lately and I think you're the right man for the job. Once again, congrats to all.
  19. God damn that green text is seriously making me want to gouge out my eyes.