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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. That isn't really an excuse to skip the necessary steps in punishing someone. Also, what was seen here can't really be considered spam. Every time Jacob put the fake bind in (except for one time) there was sufficient space in-between. I'll repost the screenshot I took just to clarify this further. Entries 1 and 2 were nearly a minute apart, so that's clearly not spam. Entries 3 and 4 were only 1 second apart and could have been considered spam if Jacob had posted it 1 or more times, but since he only typed it out twice, it can't be considered spam. Lastly, entries 5 and 6 were also just about a minute apart, which cannot be considered spam.
  2. Here's the thing, DarkWolf has been warned before as a result of both of his previous abuse threads. Warnings have already been given, if this abuse thread goes through then DarkWolf will face some sort of repercussion, whether or not it will be a full demotion I don't know. A system of strikes would be problematic, as each time a staff member abuses it won't be the same. If a staff member fucks up, he should get one warning and if he continues to fuck up, that particular staff member should expect a demotion.
  3. +1, Honestly, the last two threads should have been wake-up calls to DarkWolf. I can understand that when you tried to gag him that there wasn't enough characters or whatever, but just as Hidingmaster said, there was no real warning to stop, and he really wasn't really spamming the bind. If you thought that this was offense, you should have made it clear, which is from the proof presented it doesn't appear you did. Yes, jacob does have a history of spamming every once and a while with stumpy, but in this occasion he wasn't. Just to clarify the spamming, here's Jacob's chat logs: The proof makes it clear what happened, but this is in the hands of the Co's now.
  4. @@MineCrack It wasn't me, other mods and admins handled it and then let me know. There is proof that you freekilled, and thus you more than deserve the ban. Where's this evidence? I believe this (micheal.dem) is the link to the demo recorded. skip to the 4:00 minute mark. I wasn't really there so I don't entirely know what happened and who killed who and for what reasons, but I think this issue was already clarified on Michael's ban protest (Michael - Counter-Strike: Source)
  5. fuck I thought this was the new one. #gravediggingswag
  6. Did you even read the OP? Hidingmaster clearly stated in his post that he thought that the proper punishment for Michael should be a perm. Plus, this thread was created today, while michael was banned yesterday. I would be willing to bet that this thread is a product of him being banned. Try to use your brain every once and a while purple.
  7. +1. He is literally always a problem when he goes on the server. I've nearly had to ban him on several occassions he's gotten so bad. While we're at it, we might as well revoke his member status as well, as this type of behavior is unacceptable for a member to display, and could give non-members a bad first impression of xG.
  8. After some thought, I've decided to move the community night to this coming Friday (the 16th) as school is starting for a lot of people here at xG, and it wouldn't be fair to them to miss out on this due to tonight being a school night for some people. Also I may not even get home in time for the community night, considering the drive back to my house is over 12 hours long and I'm only 2 hours in and also stuck in gridlock traffic. The official thread will be up as soon as I can get it up. @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Cristo @@Hellafun13 @@Yuno_Gasai @@orangejuice @@Gawd @@LostCause @@TurdWig @@Unit12p @@Warriorsfury @@Zeal @@arvelez @@Genesis @@DaddioDoug @@DrPepperPhreak @@JakeEnglish @@WhyJewMad @@John @@JINGS @@kbshooter2 @@Matsi @@Sarcast1cninja @@Sep0h @@xShadowSpyx @@Sporky @@payturr @@BaileyJay @@TheAlpha31 @@Nub1234 @@SyrJirk @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  9. -1. Constant loopholing of rules, uselessly spamming admin chat, and is just an average annoyance on the server. Not even close to xG material. A: 8/10 M: 3/10
  10. I'll put this bluntly: if you're someone who would rather just play on jailbreak/any other server than moderate as you should be as a staff member, then you should resign your position. If you don't want to actually do the job you're supposed to do, then resign from your position. If you can't take some heavy moderating every once and a while, then resign your position, because staff powers aren't for you. EDIT: this thread shouldn't be furthered derailed, if anyone wants to continue debating feel free to message me on steam
  11. I would suggest reading the previous statement again, as Forest clearly states that our staff positions are not given to us for us to feel empowered or strong, but instead to help other people have the best experience they can. As I said in Chuck's thread, I'm seeing more and more staff complain about positions that they were graciously given. If you feel that having your position is too much of a burden/too boring to handle, Then resign from your position. Feeling put-upon or sorry for yourself for having too much work from something that was given to you essentially as a gift is unacceptable. There is no problem with going on T/CT and playing for a while, but if your time playing greatly outnumbers your time actually moderating the server as you're supposed to, then there's a serious problem.
  12. I'm going to just +0 for now, as I haven't been able to get on CS:S in a while, however you only have just over 1 day of playtime on jailbreak, which isn't all that much. Just as advice I would suggest logging in some more time on the server to aid your application.
  13. Every time purple posts 100 afghani refugees die.
  14. As if people wanting to kill the president is a new idea
  15. @@xShadowSpyx I kept Jailbreak in the server rotation to serve as kind of as a pitstop. People who didn't see that a community night had started might want to hop aboard then for the rest of the night. The more "competetive" servers are best kept at the end as well, because they're bound to be very chaotic as gungame and awp/scout aren't really meant for 30-40+ people, and some people will get frustruated and leave.
  16. -1. Sorry man, but you're under the age limit. I would most likely +1 if you were 14, but you're just gonna have to wait until october to get into xG. Both Forest's and Silence's psosts regarding the age limit clearly state that no exceptions will be made.
  17. >delete system 32 >??? >win CS:S On a serious note, I've gotten this error several times, all of the times I realized that I was offline. Try going back online/connect to the internet, and if that does't work restart steam/your router/garage door.
  18. @@Genesis June 7th m8, what about you?
  19. I still have a month left of summer lel. Have fun.
  20. @@Rhododendron gib him access, pweety pweese?
  21. Gaaaaaawwwwwd stop being mweeeen to meeeeee ;--;