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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. I have tested all the maps, the ones named by Poncher were all suitable for 40+ people, and had everything necessary to be a map on xG Jailbreak. Read my above post if you want more details, but they were all fine other than Alcatraz.
  2. I literally have a picture of it above, it clearly doesn't.
  3. No, it clearly says "previously in xG", not "previously played on xG servers"
  4. -1. Unless you're some oldfag who made a new profile to re-apply, you're not in xG. Lying on your app is not a good way to make a first impression, especially to a clan you're trying to get into. You only have about 8 hours of total time logged into all of our CS:S servers, something anyone could accomplish in less than a week, showing you're very new to our servers. Spend some more time playing on our servers and maybe on your next application I'll consider +1-ing. A: 4/10 (very little time logged on our servers) M: ???/10 (haven't seen in-game at all, needs more activity)
  5. Talk to literally any higher-up of WD, they will all tell you the same thing. DuckiiJr was never, at any point in any dimension or reality, part of WD.
  6. Incorrect. If any of you had actually checked with any members of WD before saying this, you'd know that this isn't true. I've talked to Speedlimit (current Co-Leader of WD), Wailord (CS:S DL I believe) and several members of WD and all of them have confirmed that he was never in WD at any point whatsoever. Promoting someone to DL would have to go through Speed at some point, as he's been CL of WD since its inception, and I doubt that someone could be promoted so quickly to a rank so high without the freakin' Co-Leader of the clan figuring it out. I'm not going to argue the fact that DuckiiJr has had a rough past, he did hack on our servers, and he has been banned several times in the past. However, if DuckiiJr really is some kind of "threat" to our community, then he should have been banned from all servers and teamspeak. Yet, he isn't. In-game he clearly doesn't do anything deserving of a ban, and while he can get annoying in TS he will usually stop when asked to. +1. DuckiiJr is a good member of this community, and imo doesn't deserve to be banned any longer. This is a forum ban people, not for in-game, so don't use reasons to have him banned in-game or in TS for a ban protest relating forums. That would be like if someone mass-freekilled in Jailbreak months in the past, and then wanted to be unbanned from TS for a completely unrelated reason, and you -1'd because he broke rules in-game, and not in TS.
  7. The Map Request part of the CS:S sub-forum is there for a reason. Find some cool maps, make a thread, tag silence no less than 1,000,000 times, spam your friends the link to the thread via Steam Chat, and you should be all set.
  8. well, since this map has pretty much been denied, go over to these threads: NEW JAILBREAK MAP FOR CSS jb_station (the version is in link) Jailbreak Maps Request. Now, I know that they've been dead for a while, however we seriously need at least a few news maps on Jailbreak. To avoid gravedigging, just check out the maps mentioned in the thread and post here your opinions on them. I'm not just going to let another map request fade out of memory and have nothing come out of this. @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn @autumn
  9. Can you quit it with the "Justice done on Mythic" thing. Mythic was demoted several weeks before this Promo/demo came out, and it's getting quite annoying. Mythic just did something incredibly stupid, it's not like he DDoS'd or attacked the clan or something along those lines.
  10. @Vector would you rather fist an 8-year old or be cock-slapped by 69 elephants?
  11. diabeetus


    Nope, I figured it out. In the Summer of 2011, Gkoo was just a nameless Palestinian boy roaming the streets of Chicago as a drug runner. However he was fucking terrible at his job, and was on many a occasion had a large pee-pee stuck up his poopshoot. However one day Gkoo stumbled upon a website for handbags, gifts,presents,handbags,New iPad bags,backpack,gift set,monogram damier bags,ostrich leather,playboy,genuine leather bags,briefcase,wallets,doctor's bag,quilted bags,wooden,metal model,vegetable tanned leather,crazy horse leather,attorney's bag,cheap bags. Gkoo purchased one of these extraordinary handbags, which allowed him to have a discreet way of transporting his drugs without getting caught. Gkoo was so incredibly happy that he named himself Gkoo on Steam, in honor of this incredible website that changed his life.
  12. I kinda agree with Shadow on this one, however I think that CT's have to have some kind of reason to actually look for rebels. It's getting increasingly discouraging to go T and rebel when CT's ask right at the beginning of the round if they can rebel hunt, without even knowing if any T's could possibly be rebelling. I think it should be changed so CT's can only rebel hunt once 1 order has been given (not including something like "out of cell rebel"), but the normal "you have to ask permission/see a rebel" rule still applies.
  13. adios amigo, hope to see you later, and good luck with whatever you do here on out.
  14. diabeetus


    My first name was something like hey_imthatguy or something along those lines. Around late July/early August 2012 one of my friends and I were talking about memes, and the Diabeetus guy (Wilford Brimely) came up in the conversation. I watched some of the videos and thought they were hilarious, and since I was looking for a new name to replace my current shitty name, I went with Diabeetus.
  15. Someone sounds a little mad lelz.
  16. Like Forest said, Simon Says cannot be played until after 5:00, as Simon Says is a tarp game, and tarping isn't allowed until after 5:00. What I'm getting out of this is that you're asking if you only give orders through text, then are you allowed to play Simon Says before 5:00. My answer would be no, as once again, Simon Says is a tarp game. Not only that, but warden cannot give orders through text, and MUST use his mic to order the T's around. I could be wrong, because your paragraph is a grammatical Holocaust, so maybe if you could clear up what you're trying to get across we could better answer your question.
  17. Because you joined before being active on TeamSpeak was a requirement. Remember TS is an essential part of the xG community, and if you're not active on it, you'll never be promoted to a staff position, and if you are currently in a staff position, you'll be demoted if you aren't active on TeamSpeak.
  18. -1. While you are active you don't seem to know the rules very well from what I've seen. Not really xG member quality yet, maybe after a while you might be, but not yet. You also aren't active on Teamspeak, which doesn't really help your case. A: 8/10 (fairly active, not on every day but some days of the week) M: 6/10 (not very mature, doesn't seem to know motd)
  19. diabeetus


    What the hell are you even talking about?
  20. hi gigantic penis
  21. By your logic, we should remove !rules, because it's a misleading suicide command that lots of players use to troll newcomers into killing themselves. Why is this command so bad but !rules isn't, which in my opinion is a much more deceptive suicide command, as it looks like it'll show you the server rules/motd. Who cares if it's a suicide command, if someone gets tricked into typing it in and killing themselves, they most likely won't be tricked again, unless they're incredibly stupid.