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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. lol everyone knows that The Big Bang Theory is the best show on television! It's way better than this Arrested Development shit. obvious sarcasm is obvious (unless you're a retard and actually think that BBT is a good show). I'm pretty excited for this, but since it's supposed to be Netflix-exculsive I'll have to use a friend's Nexflix account to watch it, which is kind of a bummer.
  2. Through a downvote war with Black_Rock Shooter.
  3. when something is optimistic, african or too long for you to want to read. /thread
  4. It's ok, I never loved you anyway.
  5. someone sounds a tad mad lel
  6. Because you already had a member submission up for CS:GO, and membership carries from Division to Division, making it pointless to make two member applications for two divisions.
  7. No, K/D > life. anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.
  8. I think you're just mad cuz his k/d is more than twice yours and k/d is all that matters in life.
  9. The almighty r0bot has been usurped from his throne by the baddie and aimbotter Megarobin. The prophecy foretold that this day would come. The day of reckoning is at hand gentlemen, prepare yourselves for Armageddon.
  10. +1. lol didn't see this until today. While I don't play GMOD as much as I do CS:S, peechis definitely deserves xG membership (to be honest I thought you were in xG). fairly active, mature, and is a lot of fun to play with. Great guy and I hope to see him in xG soon! A:7/10 M:9/10
  11. You haven't gotten used to this yet? I've realized that xG likes to have these nice systematic purges of entire sections of our staff. In December, CS:S and CS:GO got hit hard. In Early January/February, we lost like 3-4 Co-Leaders. And just recently basically our entire GMOD staff just got up and left. I'm kinda surprised you haven't gotten used to this lol. Anyways, see you around Duckii. I never really liked you as a CL, as you did have bouts of excessive derpiness from time to time. However I do respect what you've done for xG over the years, and I thought you did a pretty decent job as CL despite my personal disliking of you. Good luck with whatever you do from here on out.
  12. League is for women. Studies show that the longer you play it for, your testicles begin to shrivel up and contract into your body, slowly becoming ovaries.
  13. Well, I might as well -1 on here since I can't really judge you on what you've done in CS:GO, but from what I've seen on GMOD, you definately aren't xG material. For 15-30 minutes you and a friend or two pestered me continuously while I was on DarkRP. You went around trolling me for the whole time, going around my house, breaking all the windows, even after I repeatedly asked you to stop. A: 6/10 M: 3/10
  14. diabeetus


    Jklolroflcopterroflmao I love you bb. Glad to see you again, it's been waaaay too long.
  15. Being "no-balls'd" isn't a valid reason fuckface.
  16. diabeetus

    Favorite Movies

    Nothing can put to words the genius that is Birdemic: Shock and Terror. Never in my life have I seen such a brilliant combination of superb writing and stunning acting. The special effects alone are enough to put this movie up for an Oscar nomination. Truly one of the most underrated and under-appreciated films of all time.
  17. So, is this for CS:S or CS:GO? You put in CS:S for the thread title and your division, but your primary division and under 'further information' it says CS:GO. EDIT: still don't know what div this is for, but lying on your application is a good way to leave a bad first impression. You haven't been in xG before and I've never seen you in TS before. Once again, please clarify which division this is for. @@InSigniFIcanTXx
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM0-ZU8njdo Bye you dirty little african. Good luck on your journey of the great plains of Kenya.
  19. @@Eden@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden @@Eden While I do like the idea, I'm kinda on the fence about it. I definately think that the punishment should be much more severe if a member is to intentionally mass freekill (maybe adding on a month server ban on top of the perm Ct-ban), but in my opinion just revoking their membership might be a little too harsh. I'd like to see what some other people's opinions on this are though.
  20. I'll miss you bb, some of my favorite memories of CS:S are of you. Good luck with whatever the fuck you do.
  21. diabeetus

    'The Diabeetus'

    I'm crying right now. This just made my entire life right here, awesome job!
  22. Cristo is the one true rebel god, worship him or die heretic.
  23. diabeetus

    GGnore eden

    So having the bind: "!teamban eden 0 "mass freekill" paid off after all. Probably a new personal record for fasted perm-CT ban.