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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. @@John this is for CS:S, however he doesn't have a lot of time in-game. When I look up both of your Steam ID's on rank.xenogamers.com , I get no results, but I do for the second one. However, you barely have any time on any of our servers, with Jailbreak being the only one you've played (with a total of 4 connects to the server, amounting to about 40 minutes of time played on the server) Normally I do not -1 for inactivity, however I make exceptions for those who have barely played on our servers at all. John Wilkes Booth and I are some of the most active staff members for CS:S, and both of us have never seen you before. Please play more on our servers, and get to know the community before applying, and see if you like the community and servers enough to actually want to become a part of xG, and be able to help out the community as a member. So until you get a considerable amount of time played on our servers, I'm keeping my vouch at a -1. A: 1/10 (has less than an hour of time played on our servers, and has only connected a few times) M:???/10 (haven't seen the player at all, unable to judge maturity at this point)
  2. diabeetus

    Muh Sprays

    Are you just jelly that I got to have passionate totally not-gay anal sex with Chrono first? Try deleting System 32, that usually works for me. Either that or DDoS these websites: Welcome to the National Security Agency - NSA/CSS Welcome to the CIA Web Site — Central Intelligence Agency Homepage Homeland Security
  3. I-I .... *furiously weeps while eating human excrement* WHY GODDAMMIT! WHY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKc7f0k_g9w
  4. The reason you were banned is because you left the server immediately after freekilling a T, most likely before even being slayed. Doing so is avoiding punishment, which is a bannable offense. You were only banned for one day, it would just be best to wait the ban time out. Plus, going on CT "by accident" isn't an excuse for not knowing rules/breaking rules. No matter what, you should have read the motd, or have at least not left the server immediately. Slaying/Teamswapping is doing something, we only will teamban when a person has broken rules to the extent at which they need to be banned. CT's are never server banned unless they leave the server to avoid being punished, like you did. It really irks me when people say stuff like this, as many staff members work hard in their position to punish rulebreakers and to regulate the server, and when people just turn around and say we don't do our jobs, it's incredibly selfish in my opinion. TL;DR: -1, you shouldn't have left the server after freekilling, as it's avoiding punishment and the ban was just.
  6. guest = someone on forums who currently isn't logged into his/her account
  7. guest =/= nonmember
  8. -1. You've been banned for barely just over an hour. From what I saw of you playing earlier today, you clearly didn't know the rules at all, and something like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Once again, you've barely served any time being Teambanned, and you should definitely wait at least a few weeks before making a ban protest. Revoking your ban now would be basically letting a rulebreaker get away with mass-freekilling.
  9. it wasn't removed, Charrax was just demoted
  10. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety Can we get some kind of consensus about whether or not this will be implemented as a rule or not? I know that Forest has already given his opinion but I'd like to see what the rest of the DM's / Poncher have to say.
  11. I copied everything from that list just about word-for-word from the general server rules. 3 characters is the minimum amount of characters needed for staff for target someone, so 3 characters would be "enough" in this case. The rule is much longer on Silence's original post, but I decided to shorten it just so it wouldn't appear excessive. I linked the thread in my post before my most recent one, so if you want to check out the thread the rule will probably make a little more sense in the original form.
  12. >Leaves xG >Joins HG >Continues to make useless posts on xG forums >Logic
  13. @@Forest can we see an updated version plox?
  14. Chuck should have clarified, as he didn't really say that the T's had to be in one line shoulder-to-shoulder (which is why a lot of wardens say that you need to be with the majority of the T's or be shot). I'm going to -1 this app, but +1 for a shortened ban. Chuck doesn't really have any proof to suggest that he didn't mass, however I personally believe that there is really no risk of any more rulebreaking from Chuck. To all the people who +1'd with reasons like "he'd never do that" when the person has absolutely no proof to suggest he didn't break rules, please rethink your responses.
  15. He's just been inactive, and doesn't really have an interest in xG or playing on our servers. He's told me that he just doesn't really like being part of a clan. I believe he was waiting to be demoted this promo/demo to leave, which he should have been considering he told several DM's to make sure he was demoted this coming promo/demo. I'm pretty sure I've told you this before, don't really know how you somehow managed to forget...
  16. @@Hidingmaster is the one who banned you, I'd like to hear what his input on this is.
  17. I don't have any problem seeing sprays. I can see about 70-80% of all the sprays on the server, there's just a few that that don't show up.
  18. Kinda like DeathGod said, I think some general server rules should be added as well, as the general server rules are just as important (if not more important) as the motd for Jailbreak itself (e.g. no advertising, no racism, no porn sprays, etc.). See this thread: General Server MOTD/Community Rules. Just my own little summary, feel free to edit/format this however you want: GENERAL SERVER RULES: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Do not advertise on our servers. 2. No cheating on our servers (this includes wall-hacking, aimbot, etc). 3. Do not impersonate other members or admins. 4. All sprays and avatars must be PG- 13 and cannot have nudity in them. 5. No using voice changers in-game. 6. You must have enough legible characters in your name so staff is able to target you. 7. Do not bring up or make remarks to political stances, religions, leaders, nations or touchy subjects. 8. No racism or sexism in an insulting manner is allowed. 9. Lastly, and most importantly, admins have final say about decisions in-game, do not pester or bother them. ------------------------------------------------------------- Once again, feel free to make improvements/criticism.
  19. The warden could do only First Reaction Jump/Crouch. From what I've seen Forest, when something like this happens, one of the T's will betray the other for a chance at lr. It doesn't matter for how long or how hard you co-operate with another T, because only 1 T is going to get lr, and sooner or later that truce that they made will have to be broken.
  20. -1. Like Duckii said, you tend to overreact when you are freekilled and tend to make it a much bigger deal then needed. I'd recommend that you refrain from just putting in admin chat "freekiller slay" and try to put a short description of what happened. All in all, just try to keep your cool and don't spam admin chat. A: 8/10 M: 5/10
  21. >Implying we can get other T's to coordinate a plan The only way for this to work is if a lot of people don't jump or crouch as well. If you're the only person not jumping/crouching, you just end up getting shot for being the last to jump/crouch. Even if you have multiple people doing this, ultimately what most T's want is to get !lr, and usually will betray a plan to mass rebel, to sabotage fr:lr, etc. to hopefully eliminate a bunch of people who are potential threats to their survival. This would really only work a very small amount of the time, and I'm sure people would eventually find a way around the attempted sabotage.
  22. -1. While I normally don't -1 for never seeing someone before, it's clear you barely have any time on the servers. Upon looking up your Steam ID on rank.xenogamers.com, you have only about 2 hours of total time on our Jailbreak server, no where near enough time to be even considered letting you into xG. I'd be willing to bet that today or one of the last few days was the first time you've ever connected to one of our servers. Spend more time playing, and get to know the community before just diving right in, it's clear that you just want to get tags as quickly as possible, and that you're not dedicated to the community enough to want to be a part of it. A:1/10 (very little time in-game) M: ???/10 (really never seen you at all in-game) EDIT: Yes, considering you have only played on our servers for about 2.5 hours.
  23. -1. Once again, we have given Peppermint faaaar too many choices. Every time we unban him, he goes and blows his chance again. People said that he had "changed" when he reapplied to xG a few months back, and after about a month he was back to being the disrespectful troll that he's always been. If you guys feel that he's "changed" go ahead and unban him, but I guarantee you that within a month or so, he'll be banned again, and will make yet another protest, and people will probably still +1 it saying he's "changed". It's time for Peppermint to own up for what he's done, and feel the consequence for everything he's done on the server. If Peppermint has a problem playing on our Jailbreak server because he can't go CT, then he should find another server to play on.
  24. you're right, and it tastes pretty damn good.