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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. So when a couple of staff members are slapping each other because they were having a little fun, that is suddenly abusive, and our powers should be taken away from us because of that? If staff had been going around slapping every single person in the server, that would be "mass slapping" and there should be punishment for that. By your logic, staff who playfully/jokingly slay other staff should be demoted for abuse, yet for some reason we seem to be just fine with that. Once again, if staff are abusing the fun commands, just report them and have them demoted individually, instead of just demoting a staff member for using something like !burn @me or !slap @me 100 to kill themselves (or anything else along those lines)
  2. I agree 100% with this. Remember, most of us got to the positions we're in because we displayed enough maturity to be able to handle regulating the servers, so why are these fun commands an exception? If we have displayed that we can handle a server full of rulebreakers and not go on a crazy abusing-fest, then I'm pretty sure that we can handle the fun commands without abusing them. Plus, there is a clear difference between using them for fun or as a way to slay/punish (personally I think that !slap is a great way to warn a CT who is about to break a rule) and outright abusing fun commands (ex: altering gravity to escape T's/CT's, using !burn, !timebomb, or any other fun command to give yourself lr or kill the last CT, etc.) I think the fun commands should stay, and if admins are abusing the commands, then put up an abuse report and demote the abusive staff, instead of taking away these commands for everyone.
  3. While I do agree that it isn't the warden's responsibility to make sure that the T's are having fun, the amount of times fr:lr and simon says are being played on the jailbreak is getting excessive. There are several people on the server who will try to get warden whenever they can, yet many of them never take advantage of the map games, and will just play fr:lr or simon says for the entire round. I don't have a problem with a little bit of fr:lr or simon says, but Jailbreak can get incredibly boring for a long time when this happens, which is (like John said) going to push people away from our server and towards other servers. A good majority of the rounds I play on Jailbreak (assuming I don't rebel) I will never leave the main cell block for the entire round. It's just getting excessive, and we need to slightly restrict it for now.
  4. +1. The map games are there for a reason people! We need to implement a rule like this so wardens will feel more comfortable going outside of their comfort zone and try to be a little creative. It's incredibly frustrating when we go on maps with tons of things to do and the entire time bad wardens just play fr:lr until the map changes.
  5. no, it isn't. A steam ID should look something like this: STEAM_0:1:51354336 (that's my Steam ID) I've literally never seen you before, so once you post your Steam ID i'd like to see how much in-game time you actually have on our servers, so until then I'm keeping my vouch at a 0. A: ???/10 (Never seen him in-game) M:???/10 (Never seen before, therefore I can't say how mature/immature he might be)
  6. +1. Has been playing on the servers for a while now, very mature, active and knows the rules well. A: 8.5/10 M:9/10
  7. diabeetus

    Community Day #3

    Here is my List of Winners (this was a total list of winners, not just the people who won my questions): Turdwig x 2 Minecrack x 4 Stumpy x 1 MegaRobin x 2 IAmLegend x 2 GloryGuy x 1 Klure x 2 JINGS x 1 North (or whatever his forum name is) x 1 I kinda stopped paying attention once we hit GunGame, so if I missed anyone from GunGame or during the "bonus server rotation" during BuildWars, send me a message and I'll correct this list. Now onto my thoughts on Community Night. For the most part, I thought it was a success. It was great to see the Minigames Server full, but we definitely need to increase the amount of time spent on Minigames, because those 45 minutes FLEW by. I would suggest increasing the amount of time on Minigames to at least an hour, or even an hour and 15 minutes. We should also decrease the amount of time on DeathRun, as it kinda got boring fast (or maybe change it to RPG Surf or Bhop). Overall, I thought it was a pretty good time, and a success. I didn't really like it when Charrax decided he got bored of DeathRun, and started spamming chat to try and get people to come on Gmod, and skip out on the rest of Community Night. I'm sorry Charrax, but if you want more people to come on your servers, or to have a Gmod Community Night, schedule it on your own time and let people know, instead of stealing players from our event. I was about to hand you a kick or ban, if you didn't get off and immediately go to TTT.
  8. See you around man! I didn't really get to know you that well until fairly recently, but you're a pretty cool dude and I'll miss you. Good luck with whatever you from do here on out.
  9. Sinly was permanently banned at first. The only reason sinly's ban was shortened to 2 months was because Poncher said it was ok. It was a rare exception, and nothing more. Oh yeah and -1. After your little fit from getting banned on TeamSpeak or whatever happened, you were given an incredibly generous gift of being let back into xG without having to re-apply, and getting to keep your moderator status on CS:S. Smiting @all clearly showed that you didn't deserve this second chance, and that you should stay banned. Maybe a few months down the road you can resubmit this ban protest and I'll definitely changing this vouch.
  10. -1 until proof is presented.
  11. diabeetus

    Community Day #3

    I agree with you, that there should be xG trivia during Community Night, hell it can even be most of the questions, I just don't think that the trivia should be 100% xG knowledge. And trust me, I may be pretty autistic, but I'm not autistic enough to give out credits for simple math or simple history shit (if history was included, it was gonna be some obscure stuff, not like "who wuz da firs presiden of da United States lololo"). And just wondering, but was there a set time for each trivia question, because from what I remember, we just put up a vote to see if people wanted a new question or not. I don't know if this has been talked about, but we should definitely have some sort of set interval of time in-between each trivia question, like 15-30 minutes between each question or something like that. If possible, we should try to get on TS and try to determine some questions and finalize server rotations/anything else that might still be up for debate. Scanning for white text is always a good idea Chrono, might wanna check my other post.
  12. diabeetus

    Community Day #3

    I really hope you know that I meant stuff like World History. Kinda why I gave you the Downs rating. /joking
  13. I hope you get hit by a bus.
  14. diabeetus

    Community Day #3

    I would swap ZE/ZM and Death Run, because the longer we put off ZE/ZM, the less people will be on to play, and ZE/ZM with a ton of people on is tons of fun (Didn't see official server rotation, please disregard). GunGame should definitely be last, because the main reason we started to lose a lot of people was due to how insanely hectic GunGame was. I'm up for Co-Hosting, assuming that I will be there (which I'm pretty much sure I will, but you never know if something will pop up). If possible, all Co-Hosts plus the Host (@@Forest ) should try to get together on TS to try and coordinate when we'll be asking questions, and what the topics will be. Regarding the questions, I thought that for the most part the trivia was kinda unfair, as it was mostly xG history/knowledge, which is kinda unfair for newer members/non-members. The categories should change for every server rotation in my opinion (e.g. History, quotes, famous people, current events, etc.)
  15. diabeetus


    Trinindol is a beautiful butterfly, how dare you say that. I love Trinindol with all my black, charred, dead heart.
  16. Constantly arguing and refuting what other people are saying in their vouches isn't going to make them feel bad or buckle in, and make them change it. If anything, it just proves that you can't take criticism and that you're immature. What people put in their vouches aren't meant to be insults, but instead are there to show you where you're a little weak, and to show you how to improve that aspect of yourself.
  17. I'm in. Somebody put me on a team please, don't really care too much which team it is.
  18. -1. I've only really seen you on in the past week or so, and you don't seem to know the rules very well at all. I've never seen you on TeamSpeak as well. Not quite member status yet, maybe if you play on the server for a little bit longer and learn the motd, you'll have a shot at membership. A: 6/10 M: 5/10 EDIT: You're also in TG, and since double-clanning isn't allowed, you can't be a member.
  19. I'll give you twenty-seven Pakistani boys. Nice and juicy too, hope you like 'em.
  20. Forest, gotta love how you make this massive fucking essay on how to correctly vouch on member sub's, and then immediately do this: No Activity or Maturity scale, and an invalid reason, so your OWN FUCKING VOUCH was invalid. I sat and laughed for a solid 5 minutes at the sheer autism.
  21. +1. Awesome, chill guy, one of the best admins/Division Managers/Division Leaders. Fairly and active and very mature as well. I'd love to see him back in xG. A:8/10 M;9.5/10 Gotta love the invalid format, especially when it's coming from the guy who has an epileptic fit when someone doesn't follow the format.
  22. As long as it's fairly limited,I'd support the return of HLDJ. The main problem I had with it was with random people spamming the crap out of it.
  23. +1. Active, funny, knows the rules well. Fairly mature and I'd like to see him in xG again. A: 8.5/10 M: 8/10 Btw, the total count for valid +1's is 14, I believe (I might have missed one or two). There are lots of invalid posts, so all those who have vouched please check your posts again to make sure they are in the proper format.