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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. We tried it several times. The very first time the CT's dropped all their guns in armory, but cell doors were opened a little earlier than wanted, and the T's poured out and charged us, even though I had told them to go to big cage once the cell doors opened. Since we had no guns, we got massacred and the round was over in less than a minute. The second time, the cell doors didn't open as early, and the round was fairly successful. Another reason for allowing CT's to keep their weapons will even the playing field for them once T's become KOS. By the time that 3+ minutes rolls around, all the T's will most likely have gotten guns, and the CT's will have a real hard time getting to the armory to get their guns back. Allowing the CT's to keep their guns (but not be allowed to use them until the designated time) will greatly level the playing field for the CT's. I wouldn't be able to see a round where CT's would win this day unless something like this was done, because T's would either just immediately rush out and kill the defenseless CT's, or the CT's would be gunned down by T's after the T-KOS time was passed.
  2. Well, since I can't edit posts, here we go. The round was fairly successful, however we need to remove this. T's don't listen to weaponless CT's, essentially ruining the entire day. I think CT's should be able to keep their guns, however if they use them to kill any T's before the designated "T's are KOS" time, they should be slayed. Other than that, the day went pretty well.
  3. I will. Will edit post once done.
  4. @@DarkWolf6052 Rainbow didn't want to edit his previous post so he just made another one, with a more justified reason than just plain inactivity.
  5. #populatemywhitevan
  6. Yes, there is no rule about when CT's have to be in warday area, and you are also correct that any kills that a CT outside of the warday area gets are freekills, and will be punished accordingly. However, if you're a CT, just try to get to warday area by the time given. While CT's don't neccessarily have to be in the warday area exactly at the time given, they have to get there fairly quickly. The motd does say: This means that both CT's and T's must be participating in the warday, so any CT's found outside of the warday area who are clearly just goofing off/not participating will be slayed. Just to answer the question quickly, yes there is a rule, but no it is not explicitly stated. CT's do not have to be in the warday area at the exact time, however CT's must be actively participating in the warday, so any CT's caught outside the warday area for extended periods of time will be slayed. Unless you were outside of the warday area for a long time, the slay was unjust.
  7. +1. I doubt that there is any risk of MineCrack mass freekilling again. Good CT, obviously knows the rules well, deserves to be unbanned.
  8. *facepalm. so people....
  9. #gottalovefavortism
  10. DAYUM, I can feel the burn through my monitor! Want some ointment for it John? I love how ShadowSpy brings up a theoretical event, and you guys decide to take something from in-game that happened and start fucking arguing about it. Shadow asked the question: "You're a T, you are following orders and a CT purposely shoots you, is that slayable?". You should not be posting on this god-forsaken thread unless you're going to answer the question he presented. This thread was not made for the purpose of arguing over in-game semantics. Get back on topic, because this thread is spiraling into oblivion pretty quickly. Now back to the issue hand (@@John huehuehuehuehue). If a CT comes up to you, and you are a T following orders perfectly fine, and proceeds to freeshoot you, it should be a slay-able offense. If someone is going to be that much of an asshat and just shoot you for absolutely no reason because he has the attention span of a 5-year old and gets bored when there isn't constant gunfire and action going on in-game, he clearly should be slayed for not doing his job as a CT. Just because something isn't necessarily in the motd, doesn't mean it's not a rule. For example, freekilling is defined not a single time in the motd at any point, so does that mean that freekilling now mystically isn't a rule and people can freekill? The answer to that is: FUCK NO. Staff isn't just supposed to blindly follow the motd like a bunch of lemmings, but we also have to interpret and determine what the motd contains, and what should be deemed right or wrong based on the motd. Just use some common sense people.
  11. Looks pretty damn similar to me. The only real difference is that now warden can't restrict throwing nades, which I never really saw happen on the server.
  12. a mass freekill has always been defined as when a CT freekills 3+ within a very short amount of time (usually right in a row). This is always as it has been, and for all the time I've been in xG, this is how I've seen mass freekill defined. If someone just freekills 3 T's (maybe over the length of a couple of rounds) it isn't mass freekilling, and the offending CT will ususally get a day teamban. John's wording in his original paragraph is kinda vague, but I really don't know how you could have missed something like this for so long. This is literally how it has been for a long time.
  13. Exactly. What is so different about this "new" rule. It looks exactly the same as how it used to be.
  14. No, just no. Banning for mass freekilling should stay how it is. There is literally nothing wrong with the system currently in place with mass freekilling, if someone freekills 3+ T's in rapid succession they get a permanent ban, and that's how it should stay. Even if someone 'unintentionally mass'd' (Which is very rare, most of the time mass freekilling is either intentional or involves a lot of T's when unintentional) they should still take the perm ban, but still have the chance of protesting it. If something ain't broke, don't fix it. Two months is a pretty damn long time, I think it should be brought down a little bit, let's put it at 5 weeks, nice and even. I do agree with you on the limited number of ban protests one can make however. The only thing I see here that's different than the current rules is the wait period and the number of protests allowed.
  15. MIGHT AS WELL! IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL'!!!!!!!1111oneoneone Jessus crust you people drive me crazy when I see 'mind as well'. 'mind as well' is not a saying, because IT'S FUCKING 'MIGHT AS WELL' SDAFKLSJADFJLKSDJFJAFJLSDFLA ALL-CAPS RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGEEEEE! /endrant
  16. For whatever reason I can't edit my post, so here's what happened when I DL'd and tested a bunch of maps (I believe I have 9 in total) ba_jail_SuperMega_lv (link: ba_jail_SuperMega_lv (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Fairly large and open map, seems to be well balanced as well. Decent amount of minigames Cons: Few valid warday areas, however I'm sure that CT's can be creative and find some that I didn't. Not a ton of minigames, but enough Verdict: +1, I think that this would be a good map Jb_Summer_Redux_V3 (link: Jb_Summer_Redux_V3 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: large map, very balanced, and has tons of valid warday areas and map games. If you couldn't tell, this is an "updated" version of summer (however I would suggest keeping in both maps) and has improved certain aspects (no heli, cell buttons can't be spammed) Cons: some people may think it's too large, but I think it'd be fine Verdict: easy +1. This would be a great addition to the server. ba_jail_kistroll (link: ba_jail_kistroll (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: large and has lots of map games Cons: few valid warday areas, very narrow and maze-like, and seems like it would just be a confusing map Verdict:-1. The map is simply too confusing to navigate. If you thought iPlay was hard, you'll be absolutely lost on Kistroll Electric Winter/Xmas (link: Electric Winter/Xmas (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Basically an improved version of electric_razor but with a Christmas/Holiday theme. Lots of fun, adds a couple of minigames and in turn another valid warday area or two. If you like electric_razor, you'll love this map Cons: If you didn't like Electric_razor, you'll probably dislike this map. There still isn't a ton of map games, but there are enough in my opinion. Verdict: +1. Lots of fun to play on, would work well on our Jailbreak server. ba_jail_aeon_v1 (link: ba_jail_aeon_v1 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Very cool visual style, lots of minigames and several valid warday areas. Lots of fun and a really cool map. Cons: None that I can really find, this is my favorite map of all mentioned here. Verdict: +1 tons of map games, very unique, lots of fun. jb_pyramids_final (link: jb_pyramids_final (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: cool visual style, fairly large and open. Cons: Not much to do on the map, and has only 1 (or even none) valid warday areas. Verdict: -1, simply far too little valid warday areas Ba_jail_aperture_science (link: Ba_jail_aperture_science (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Cool portal style map, lots of minigames and several valid warday areas. Fun map and looks awesome. Cons: Fairly confusing layout, and is farily narrow. Slightly T-sided Verdict: 0. Decent map, however I think more people should take a look at this map. I think it could go either way. Ba_jail_escape_final (link: Ba_jail_escape_final (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Very open and balanced map, with a good amount of minigames. Many valid warday areas. Cons: The map is a little cluttered, but other then that it's a good map. Verdict: +1, I think that this map would do very well on our server. jb_dt (link: jb_dt (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA) Pros: Very open once again, and there are lots of minigames and valid warday areas. Cons: Kinda cluttered too, and the main cell block is kinda bland. Verdict: +1. Fun map, and would do great on the jailbreak server. Feel free to leave comments/questions about the maps, and I encourage you to all go out and DL these maps and test them out for yourself. Please let me know if any of the links don't work or are paired with the wrong map.
  17. -1. While I like Echo it's too soon. Unbanning him now would essentially be allowing someone to free-smite @all with only receiving around a week ban (I think it isn't quite a week yet though). I'm pretty sure that even with Mythic he wasn't unbanned for a while after he smited @all, and he only was unbanned because he used the autistic "get-out-of-jail-free-card", which in my opinion shouldn't be given as a choice to people who hack or do something like this. People have been unbanned for worse, but not this soon from what I've seen personally. Maybe in a few weeks I'd +1, but it's simply too early.
  18. If we want to go on only when the server is empty, then we should be bumping the time back a lot. Like Jordo said, the server is populated sometimes from 10 PM and even later. Also we have to realize as more and more kids are getting out of school, more people are going to be able to stay up much later as there's no pressure from homework. Not only that but in other timezones it's not actually going to be 11 PM (ex: if players on the West Coast hopped on at 11 PM EST, it would be around 8 PM PST), so we can't just count on the time alone to get the server completely empty. The only way I see that happening is by moving the time back to like 1 AM EST, but some people may be too tired to play at that point. Either we put a password on (but make sure everyone who has access to forums can find the password [i.e. making a thread explaining when/what late night jailbreak is with the password on the thread]) or we risk having randoms coming on who have no idea what's happening and will most likely be put off by the abuse/racism/rulebreaking going on (which could possibly result in un-warranted ban requests and abuse reports).
  19. +1 I'm downloading a bunch of maps right now, I'll test them once I get home from school and edit this post based on how the maps were.
  20. awwww yiss, now this is what I'm talking about. I'll +1 the shit out of this idea. Seems like it'll be pretty awesome, but we'll definately have to let people know about when it's happening well in advance so people don't freak out and think that the jailbreak server just went to hell and staff doesn't give a shit anymore. If we end up doing the password protection thing, we'd also have to make sure all xG members would know, and make it something somewhat easy to remember, but not easy enough to just be able to guess it. All in all, sounds like a great idea.
  21. lelxd my naems warrior and I liek to change rulz so i cean remember dem bet4r, and so i nevr hav 2 admit that im wrong evri once an a while, jus like evri othr human being. How about this, let's just change it to how it was before? Was there really any big problem regarding whether or not CT's can fucking thrown flashbangs/smokes/HE grenades? Just use some common sense people, if the CT's are using the grenades at the expense of the T's, slay them (the CT's) for inciting rebellion or hindering T's from completing orders. If a CT is stupid enough to throw an HE grenade and it hurts/kills some T's, then slay/teamban them for freeshooting. Easy as that.
  22. diabeetus


    I detect trace hints of acute butthurtitis, I would suggest 50cc's of "going outside" and "giving less fucks about something that is entirely pointless and has literally no impact on your life whatsoever". If people honestly care so much about some red pixels on a damn screen, and think that said pixels will forever determine your fate/reputation, you need to immediately get off the internet, and stay off for a long time. Seriously people, it's just little markings on your post that most people put down as a joke, if you take this shit so seriously to the point where you want to get ratings reset just so you can appear better to new members (these stupid ratings shouldn't matter anyway, it's the physical interaction with people in-game that will really determine your reception within the clan, not how many "likes" or "dislikes" you have) then once again, please take a glass of water, and pour it all over your desktop and monitor.
  23. +1. I love going on Minigames, but the maps are so old and stale that I just don't want to get some friends and hop on the server. Updating Minigames could be a huge success not only in reviving the CS:S division, but could also bring a lot more people to xG.