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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Ok, well from @@Hidingmaster 's thread it seemed like this was approved, however no real time for it/schedule was brought up. While a time was put in place (11 PM EST) the dates were never really discussed. I just wanted to know if this was happening every night, just during the summer, on weekends, etc. Personally, I think we should have Late-Night Jailbreak every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, to give everyone a time to just unwind on Jailbreak and not have to worry about following rules 100%. I would suggest that we put some kind of schedule thread up in General just to let people know when/where this is going to be. I want to see where the idea of Late-Night Jailbreak stands with Higher-Ups, just so we can get this going soon since I think it's an awesome idea by HidingMaster, and finalize when this is going to be. @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga Link to the original thread: Late-night JB
  2. I agree 100%. Game had been nothing but trouble on the Jailbreak server, unbanning him would just be allowing for someone whose broken countless rules and fucked up a ton back into the server. I've heard "I've changed, please unban me" so many times that it holds absolutely no meaning. I've seen too many people get unbanned and then turn out just to be exactly the same as before. -1.
  3. +1. Awesome guy, funny, mature, knows the rules. Very active and overall just a great guy. A: 8.5/10 M:9/10
  4. Too bad what I said is valid as well. You can feel however you want about me, I honestly don't care whatsoever. You have your opinion, I have mine. All I said was that we have our differences, I never said at any point that what you said was untrue or try to refute what you said. I love how you say "I called him out for it" when really you just started out by going: "You're unbelievably retarded." Not very mature I must say, practice what you preach buddy.
  5. I think you have the wrong thread... Still a valid and good point, nonetheless.
  6. The rule only applies to staff, members and non-members do not have to be on TS while playing on xG servers. You can always mute your sound on TS too if you need to.
  7. *violated. Lern2spell or lern2spellcheck, whichever floats your boat.
  8. -1 to everything other than the disrespect. Like Vector said, problems with allchat abuse are pretty few and far between. The last time I can explicitally remember a staff member get warned for allchat abuse was mike, and as we all know he isn't going to be a problem on servers anymore. If a staff member is abusing allchat, just warn him about it and if he continues, just give him a kick. To be honest, a staff member should never get demoted for "allchat abuse", or really even banned for it, unless he's causing other kind of problem. Plus, if a staff member has the intent of abusing for malicious purposes, there are much better things to do than allchat abuse. Truly abusive staff aren't going to do stuff like this, they'll probably just freeslay/freesmite and eventually just Mythic it up and smite @all. It would just be stupid to demote a potentially good staff member just for abusing allchat. Regarding the whole "be on TeamSpeak whenever on xG servers" thing is pretty fucking stupid. There are plenty of ways to be reached while playing on our servers other than TS. There's admin chat, PM-ing the player using admin commands, just plain old typing out in chat, messaging on steam, etc. In my opinion, you shouldn't have to be on TS while playing on xG servers. The only reason that I could see you not being able to be reached while playing would be if you were afk. However, you'd probably be afk on TS as well, so the purpose of being on TS is pretty much negated.
  9. I was going to say something like this, but to be honest I stopped taking what Minecrack says to me seriously a long time ago. We've had our differences and arguments in the past, and we still do and will probably until continue to until one of us are banned or leaves xG and all servers/forums.
  10. It's fine by me, not that I really have any say in who gets member or not. He's drastically improved since I made that vouch, and I gotta say I wouldn't really mind seeing him xG. I'm not saying I'd +1 him, but I definitely wouldn't -1. And @@MineCrack go ahead, say I'm retarded for my opinion, but I wrote that after the two last interactions I had with him in-game. One of these was in Jailbreak, where he tarped on many occasions and clearly was pretty cloudy on the motd. Secondly, he came into Sliderace, will me and several other staff were testing out !hub's progress. When we asked him how he got in to the server (as it's password protected) he said he guessed it, which myself and all the other staff on said was highly unlikely. Since I hadn't seen him on recently at the time, I wrote the vouch based on my last few interactions with him, which weren't very positive. ABusinessMan has gotten a lot better recently, as I said before. Also, your picture didn't work, and I wanna see it. Better get meh jimmiez rustled.
  11. +1. Jake's a good guy, pretty active and knows the rules. Just don't leave xG after being in for like 2 weeks again bb. A: 7/10 M: 9/10
  12. +1. As of recently he's Ganja's been fairly active. Good former member and admin, mature and knows the motd. Ganja definately deserves to be back in xG. A:7/10 M:8.5/10
  13. +1. Good guy, fun to play with. Knows the rules well and is mature. Good to see you again Whitestar, I hope you get back in! A: 8/10 M:8.5/10
  14. wow, CS:GO got hit hard this promo/demo. congrats to those who were promoted.
  15. minimum bid is 10 dolla, disqualified nigkuh.
  16. + FUCKING 1. Seriously Kittens is one of the worst maps out there, please let it get removed.
  17. requesting move @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety
  18. well, he's got enough +1's I believe. @@serbiansnaga we need your input plox.
  19. adios amigo. Sorry about all the shit you've taken from this clan, I really think you were a good mod and fun to play with. Good luck with whatever you do from here on out.
  20. -1. I strongly dislike people like you. You have a very trolling type attitude imo, and I can see you getting kicked out of xG for taking something too far, or just de-evolving into a full on troll like the countless people in xG who have. You are active, I'll give you that, but I just don't think you're xG material. To me, you're immature and seem like you're pretty full of yourself. I've also seen and heard of disrespect issues coming from you. Lastly, your familiarity with the motd could be questioned as well. A:8/10 M: 4/10
  21. holy fuck ur old m8. Cool guy, very mature, fun to play with. Knows the rules well and is pretty active as well. Glad to see he might be coming back to xG. A: 7/10 M:9.5/10 D: +1