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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. +1. Great member and admin on CS:S, one of the most helpful and friendly people on the server as well. I see no real reason to keep Speedlimit banned on servers any longer.
  2. Yeah I'm not entirely sure what or when you were banned, as you're not showing up in the ban logs when I search your Steam ID or your name. However, I don't really know if you should be unbanned especially with the DDoS threatyou made. You seemed to be joking around right after it, but I'm not really sure how genuine this was. While I was on I was having some disrespect problems with you, so I don't really think you should be unbanned. Me and Black_Rock were kinda unsure on what to do, as it wasn't really clear how serious your threat was. I'll leave it to Higher-Ups to decide what to do regarding the DDoS threat.
  3. Here is Saint Ownage's (person who was double-clanning/trolling/whatever the fuck was happening) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25855804 Sorry for any confusion, but I was talking about a different person than the Swampert person, just for future reference.
  4. diabeetus


    You're posting on our forums why? Oh yeah WD's forums are completely dead.
  5. diabeetus

    Why ??

    Well seeing that you're permed from everything xG, I don't really see the reason in trying to see how you can improve as you're not going to be playing on our servers anytime soon. However if you somehow managed to get unbanned I would say try to be a little more mature.
  6. How tough am I? HOW TOUGH AM I? I have a pair of functioning ovaries, a wide gaping vagina, and a pair of sagging tits like the world has never seen. Instead of sweat, I ooze pure estrogen out of my pores. When I work out, I take the 2.5lbs weights. I eat some nice warm oatmeal for breakfast, with some brown sugar on top and warm syrup drizzled all over.
  8. *sighs* Time to talk to the Higher-Ups.... @@serbiansnaga @@Duckii @@Brian @@Forest @@HighSociety @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@DarkWolf6052 More proof below if needed, not sure if they're fake tags and he's just trolling or what.
  9. +1. I wasn't there, but this kind of disrespect wouldn't normally be tolerated on the servers. Only reason he managed to escape a ban was because it appears there wasn't a staff member on, or he just wasn't paying attention to the disrespect. By the way what is this ^? I thought Saint Ownage was in xG, or was this someone else?
  10. Here's Poncher's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1: 32573008 (The space is there to prevent the :3 face from showing up)
  11. I wasn't there when this happened, but I know this wasn't your first day like Shadow said. However you do seem genuine with your apology and I think you should get a second chance. The CT ban should definately be shortened, but the server ban is fairly short already and I don't think it should be shortened. Taking away the server ban would basically allowing him to get away with ban evasion.
  12. LOL, this is hilarious that this is even up for debate. If a T is close enough to a door leading into the warday area, but is not entering the warday, the T is baiting a freekill/not participating in the warday, and should be killed by the CT's or slayed by the staff currently in the server. If you're a CT and while you're spraying through a door, and you hit and kill some random T on his way to the warday area, who happens to have his/her guns holstered, then it's your own damn fault and that CT will be slayed for freekilling. All in all, CT's are allowed to shoot through doors during a warday, but it isn't a great idea, as you could accidentally freekill a T on his/her way to the warday area.
  13. -1. While it is god to see that you are enthusiastic and that you call warden frequently, you need to brush up a little on the rules. You seem to know them fairly well, but a re-read wouldn't hurt. I would suggest trying to be a little more creative when wardening, and try to come up with games to play instead of just doing first reaction last reaction or simon says every day. A:8/10 M:6.5/10 (typed this on an ipad so there's prolly gonna be gramatical errors up the wazoo)
  14. -1. Like Shadow said, there's no real proof of any freekilling from the picture posted. And judging from the little snippet of admin chat from the picture, you kind of have to provide a little bit more information. Just saying "slay CT's for baiting" doesn't really help the staff to figure out who the rulebreaker is. I can vouch for SuperKiller's lag, as he's been lagging pretty bad all day, and I can clearly see it in-game right now. Just putting in a little more information would have really helped the situation.
  15. +1. The only reason this happened was because of the fact that Edenpbe is a terabad warden. There is pretty much 0 chance of this happening ever again, so I think we won't be in trouble of having a rulebreaker on the loose if we unban JakeEnglish.
  16. You are one tricky bastard, Hidingmaster. Good to see you out! EDIT: Gosh Golly Gee I've made quite the error. Sorry for the confusion.
  17. I kinda do think that it is avoiding punishment, because the whole purpose of changing your name is to delay staff from finding out what you did and punish you. Yes, while we can eventually track the person down, it can take a little bit, which could lead the further problems if the person decides to further break rules. Just like with disconnecting from the server after a mass freekill, they're trying to throw the staff off to either avoid being punished at all, or are trying to delay a ban as long as possible.
  18. Gravedigging is when you reply to an inactive thread, for example a thread in general has gone 2 weeks since someone last replied to it, making it inactive. Replying to that thread would be considered gravedigging.
  19. Forum spamming and gravedigging several threads.
  20. +1. Cool Guy. Blacks are delicious. @@Forest. A: 5/10 M: 9/10 I love you. Cool ass kid, fucking hilarious, knows rules and shit, but who fucking cares. It's Sham, let this piece of fuck rejoin.
  21. I'm changing my vote to a -1. Honestly, with the new post that Towlie has, it's clear that the leadership of the group (with the exclusion of SpeedLimit) sees xG as a troll group/enemy. Towlie continues to feed them propaganda and most of them are probably believing it, as many of the members of the group are unaware of Towlie's past on the xG servers. I've been tipped off that there was a DDoS threat coming out of WD by one of their higher-ups (if you want to know who you can ask me in TS/Steam Chat, do not spread this around please, no need to further complicate the situation) and it's becoming abundantly more and more clear that WD management does not want to make amends with xG, and continue to trash us.
  22. You guys don't really need to post spam though. There is this great feature called "edit post" that would allow you to update your post with new pictures, instead of just making a new reply for every new name you make.
  23. Holy fuck uber-Gravedig. @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Forest @@Gkoo close this shit before it gets necroe'd even more.
  24. +1. Awesome dude, mature, insert more generic +1 stuff here. Needs to be back in xG again. A: 7/10 M: 9/10