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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. Amanda Todd sub-clan forever
  2. diabeetus


    So in order to solve our problems (one of the largest being adequate finances) we should go and spend even more money on another Division? No thank you. We should focus on improving our already successful divisions, not trying to just churn out as many as possible. Focusing on bringing back hub or coming up with new games for servers like Jaibreak would probably be a better idea. We need to break away from the mold that we've created with our wardens on Jailbreak and try to be more creative and spontaneous. Just playing the same map games and First Reaction; Last Reaction all day gets real boring.
  3. can someone please ban this moron? He's making my head hurt.
  4. 0 for now. I really haven't seen you on very much lately, in fact the only time I can recall seeing you within the past few weeks or so was a couple of days ago, and you weren't on for that long either. Please get more active and I may change my vouch. A:2/10 M:7/10
  6. Personally I think the game is fine. It's a quick way to see if the T's are paying attention and it keeps them on their feet.
  7. +1 for the removal of the rule. So you're telling me that a mod/admin can be doing their job perfectly fine, but if they aren't in TS they can get banned/demoted? All this rule doing is unnecessarily punishing good staff for really no reason. It's not like it's hard to be reached while playing on the server, admin chat is there for a reason (or you could use regular in-game chat or steam chat, there's a lot of ways to reach someone other than in TS). Like Aegean said, this rule was created without the consent of any staff whatsoever, and should just be removed.
  8. 3 freekills right in a row is a permanent ban, not a week ban. 3 freekills over the course of a couple of rounds would probably warrant a day ban, so unless you have any evidence to show that this wasn't mass freekilling, -1.
  9. Hey, if you look up right now, you'll see the point of my whole reply flying overhead. The point of me putting those threads in wasn't to show how you don't know rules or something, but how you tend to make a huge deal over stuff that isn't really that big of a deal at all, and how you tend to disrespect a lot as the thread descends into an all-out flame war. This is going nowhere, requesting a close @@serbiansnaga @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo @@HighSociety
  10. -1, here's the thing matsi, you may think you don't do this a lot, but you do. Any time you feel as if you've been wrong in-game, you blow it up into a huge deal by making an abuse thread or making a thread in CS:S Discussion about how horrible us CS:S mods and admins are so stupid and how most of us are abusive and don't deserve to hold our positions. Here are some of the past threads Matsi has made regarding CS:S staff and rules.: Noobs can't count.... Where is this rule about wardays? I'm getting sick of stupid people Bad Mods making up rules. . Honestly, you just need to chill out. If you think that CS:S staff are dumb, then just don't play on CS:S servers, it's really that easy! ShadowSpy clearly did what he was supposed to do as a staff member if he felt he was being disrespected. Remember, everyone has a different perspective on what is disrespect and what isn't. Just because you think that what you said wasn't disrespect, doesn't mean that everyone will think it isn't disrespect. Also, just because people say worse things on CS:GO, doesn't mean you can be disrespectful and just whip out the fact that some people are more disrespectful on other servers as an excuse.
  11. The hallways seemed a little too narrow and almost maze-like to me. It kinda reminded me of iPlay and to me was kinda confusing to navigate.
  12. +1 to all of them but Kistroll and Minecraft.
  13. Maybe if @@Rhododendron actually checked the Map Request section and added the maps that we like, there would be more maps on Jailbreak. It seriously pisses me off when I see countless maps that people want added to the server, but never end up on the server because silence doesn't check that part of forums, and there's no one else who can add the maps. If you're reading this silence, please go to the following threads and add the approved maps jb_station (the version is in link) Jailbreak Maps Request. jb_carceris_final_fixed ba_jail_leoben
  14. @@Rhododendron add this map to CS:S jailbreak or I will poop on your front door.
  15. @@Rhododendron add this map to CS:S Jailbreak or I will poop in your mailbox
  16. holy shit, this map is fucking awesome. +1 get this added to Jailbreak immediately. @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron @@Rhododendron
  17. +1. Pretty active on Jailbreak, knows the rules, friendly and mature guy. Never really seen any problems come out of Narwhal, and I hope he gets member status. A:9/10 M:9.5/10
  18. @@serbiansnaga @@HighSociety @@DarkWolf6052 @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@Gkoo he's got enough +1's and co-leader support, accept this polish motherfucker already!
  19. I've seen you on a lot on Jailbreak recently, and you seem like a pretty cool guy. Active, seems mature, knows the motd as far as I can tell. Overall just a pretty cool guy and is member material for sure. +1 A: 8/10 M:8/10
  20. +1, awesome fucking map, I was wondering why it got removed.
  21. or we just keep it how Forest said it, as that's how it was going to be implemented into the motd.
  22. +1. Tute's a good guy, I can't really see him doing something like this again, at least intentionally. Tute knows the rules well and I don't think the server would really be put in any danger if we un-teambanned him.
  23. +1. I also think that we should get @@Rhododendron to make an announcement via the xenoGamers Steam Group about Late-Night Jailbreak every Friday night or something along those lines, just so everyone in our Steam Group would be aware of this (Plus it could help out to boost the server's population a little bit). Just announcing in all-chat that it's currently Late-Night Jailbreak would really clear things up, but I think that we should also put a link to the original thread in the message as well, just in case people don't understand what exactly Late-Night Jailbreak is. If other higher-ups are good with this, I'd like to start off Late-Night Jailbreak tonight if possible. Tagging those who haven't responded yet @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga