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  1. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in I'm back. glad to see jack shit happening while i was gone   
    You were gone? :^)
  2. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Nomulous in Public todo list   
    Off topic about hub, @Chrono forum hub is set up with the ability to transfer forum -> tf2 (because it's set up), and you can buy forum options AND teamspeak tags. So I set up my end, when @Bleed sets up CSGO and CSS (which will be on the same database), forum can be integrated to fix that. As with the CS:S fiasco, my opinion is that we cut it down to 2 servers, 32 spots each, when those get populated we add another one, and continue, as if it starts to grow again, we can grow it again. right now it seems like csgo has bigger potential to grow so we need to add more resources into that.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DCook in Public todo list   
    With respect to the whole CS:S debacle, I think the best course of action is to go forward with the plan that I suggested during our meeting in TS. Operation CS:S Revitalization is given full support for a set period of time (I think Christmas/New Years was our cutoff point). Christmas/New Years should give us enough time to finish the renovations that are needed for CS:S and have some spare time to see whether or not those renovations actually make any significant changes to the population of CS:S. However, if CS:S fails to gain a significant increase in population from its current state (which we can all admit is essentially nothing), CS:S is either significantly reduced to 1 or 2 servers, or is removed entirely (which is unlikely considering that Silence seems quite reluctant to the total removal of CS:S) and our resources are refocused on getting CS:GO up and running. Additionally, Bleed should be done with his super sekrit project, so we should have several potential servers available at that time.
  4. Drunk
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Contest For Cash 8/2   
  5. Drunk
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    @DrLee and @Yu_Narukami ya just got nominated scrubs.
  6. Drunk
    diabeetus reacted to Tsuchikure in Ideas for more game divisions on xg   
    i heff idea pls no h8 b8 m8
    unturned (JB topkek)
    club penguin
    DoD:S JB
    L4D2 JB
    Don't Starve(multiplayer soon huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehueheuheuheu)
    just cause 2 seems like a good and fun idea but this mexican over here... @ThePenguin

  7. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Ideas for more game divisions on xg   
    Opening a new Division requires a lot of.. Resources. In its current state, XenoGamers should be concentrating on the Servers/Divisions we currently already have up and running. If a game receives a large amount of attention (and I mean really large) as well as has a large majority of xG Members to back it, then it may be considered, but the odds of this happening are very slim. I'm not saying it'll never happen, but I don't see adding more Divisions to be a possibility for the moment; although that's just what I think :coffee:
  8. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Why xg is not the same as it was, and ways to bring back oldxg. (serious)   
    On a more serious note, xG will never be the same as it was, that much is obvious. What really made xG was the community, the people. After those people left, we were stuck with a slightly above average JB server. xG was a fire. The people who made JB fun were the spark, once we lost that spark all that was left were a few logs and some tinder. We can improve server plugins as much as we want, if nobody likes the people there then whats the point?
    And here's your Aegean meme of the day, made by @Duke awhile ago.

  9. Smelly
  10. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to ThePenguin in @hidingmaster - teamspeak   
    I'll post more later but for now, there is absolutely no need to be general assholes to each other (I.e. pitiful, other insults etc,.) That isn't a civilized way to communicate nor does it help anyone fix any problems
  11. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in I'm done.   
    I shall clear some things up first.
    "I have decided I am leaving xG. There are a number of reasons I have to do this and none of them are any fault of mine.
    First of all the way the CLs handled the whole member protest problem was embarrassing and the final outcome even more so.
    Not entirely sure how it was embarrassing. What would have been embarrassing is if we had given bans based on evidence without checking further into things. It also would have been embarrassing for us to give a decision within minutes of the thread. We took our time to come to a conclusion that addressed a number of issues. Just because you put up a ban request doesn't mean we are going to ignore other sides of the situation. For example: If someone puts up a ban protest for someone mass freekilling, and we go through the evidence and find that someone was warden and told them to kill everyone, then we address all issues and two people get banned for different amounts and reasons.
    I will not accept my demotion for doing nothing wrong, I would love an example where I have abused my responsibility as a mod to warrant a demotion, can't find one? neither can I.
    You had admitted to retaliation. No matter what circumstances it is, harassment is harassment. You said they did it to you and that you did it back to them. You can't use someone elses actions as an excuse to act improperly. We have a responsibility to stop harassment against all members, not just one. You were not given a forum ban because of the much lesser extend to which you harassed others. There were other outlets you had to take care of the situation as well, which included contacted your DM or DL, or any CL who would have taken care of the situation.
    All the issue needed was an announcement from a CL to those involved to cease fighting or be punished but all we got were unnecessary demotions and bans which were lifted anyway so that makes it even more pointless!
    The issue did not need an announcement, especially since you made a big deal out of it. Had it "just needed an announcement" I would have thought you would have confronted us about it. CL's had no say in bans that were lifted, that was purely something that is in Silence's hands.
    I am not angry at any of those involved in the protest. I have made amends with the majority of those involved and there are no further issues. That is not the reason I am leaving. I am leaving because of the CLs and the way this clan is run (with the exception of Nomulous).
    I was so angry after I saw the outcome of the protest I was thinking of leaving right there and then but I kept going until the next promo demo as I heard the demotions were a temporary demotion and everyone will be re promoted next promo demo. This is not just me I feel unjustified for I also feel for Moosty. Yes he made that picture which was wrong but he apologised for it and he should not of been demoted either.
    Any demotion is a temporary demotion. Members that are truly "dedicated TF2 Div trade members" would not leave a clan. You can never expect to receive a promotion, especially when the same kind of behavior continues after the punishment in which you lost your powers. Everyone did get promoted the next promo demo though, but CL's turned down all but starmix; he has shown maturity and generally stayed out of most issues since the punishment which cannot be said for the rest and thus why they were all denied promotion.
    What baffles me is the only person who got demoted in the protest and got his powers back is StarmiX. This obviously points to favourism and I refuse to be in a community that favours some members above others.
    I don't even think i've met starmix. Don't assume when you don't know the truth. Actually, come to think of it, I don't think i've played or let alone held a conversation with any of you before this incident. Its hard for me to play favorites with someone i dont know.

    I was told by Hiding "you must earn your mod again" sorry but no.
    Yes. Nobody will ever get mod handed to them. There was nothing stopping you from receiving it again, and chances are you would have got it back next time.

    I already earned it and did a good job with it, you demoted me and Moosty without knowing how much effort we put in to the TF2 div trade servers. You're an idiot and how you are a CL baffles me.
    I cannot say one way or another about your mod performance, and i'm sure you earned it the first time. But, you actions, along with others, caused mod to be lost. I'm the furthest thing from an idiot, but thanks for insulting me (it reinforces our decision). I really don't appreciate you calling me an idiot, that can be considered verbal abuse and harassment if it continues.
    so well done CLs on this clan losing one of the most active, friendly and dedicated TF2 Div trade members. Give yourselves a pat on the back and maybe learn how to run a community properly because you are clueless, corrupt and idiotic from what I've seen.
    Can you go ahead and let us know exactly how we are clueless, corrupt and idiotic? As far as I can tell we handled it in the best way that we could, although hopefully we can get answers a little faster.
    I will still play the servers sometimes but I am not affiliating myself with xG."
    Hope to see you around. Feel free to message us with any further questions.
  12. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Vector in Rip the legend   
    xG may be dying, but at least we cured one piece of cancer.
  13. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to Kittylicious in I'm done.   
  14. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in I'm done.   
    So you're disrespectfully saying you never disrespect? and expected mod back? and when you didnt get it back you rage quit?
    So with all that, what makes you think we ever planned to give you mod back, which is a privilege, not a right. you don't get mod just for playing on servers, you get it for being respectful and enforcing the rules.
  15. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to ThePenguin in Klure - mmo   
    As has already been said, just turn off notifications for ratings, ez pz lmn sqzzy @DrLee
  16. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to DrLee in Klure - mmo   
  17. Like
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in Forge, Muzzle, Izanagi, Kendrick, Starmix, Moosty   
    Closed because people cant handle themselves like adults. If @Nomulous deems it necessary to be open, go ahead and open it, but until then this thread is closed.
  18. Funny
    diabeetus got a reaction from Egossi in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    @DrLee and @Yu_Narukami ya just got nominated scrubs.
  19. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from SiliconDragon in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    @DrLee and @Yu_Narukami ya just got nominated scrubs.
  20. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from Hidingmaster in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    @DrLee and @Yu_Narukami ya just got nominated scrubs.
  21. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Official Als Bucket Challenge Thread   
    Can you all take your problems with the Ice Bucket Challenge elsewhere? It's raising awareness, people are enjoying it, and it is receiving a lot of donations and contributions. If you have a problem with someone pouring a bucket of ice water on themselves, deal with it. Regardless of whether people are doing it for attention or not, it is still raising awareness for an illness that truly sucks ass. Are you going to start bashing the people who wear pink shirts on "Anti-Bullying Day" too just because they don't contribute or donate? Think aboot it.
    Regarding this shiz, unless anyone else has planned on doing so (and unless @Rhododendron has a problem with it) I'd like to make an xG Ice Bucket Challenge compilation (featuring xG Members) to have posted on xG's YouTube channel. Anyone comfortable with being seen associated with xG should send me a PM on Forums with their vid ;)
  22. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    Honestly, you cant blame hiding because he's atleast trying, and nobody else was willing.
    But although he is trying, I agree that it is a pointless effort. The time we spend working on css is time we could use towards improving csgo. Think, if you had two people dying infront of you: One is an old man, he lived his life, he had his fair share of fun. The other is a young boy. He is still young, he hasnt gotten to experience all his life yet. Which do you save? You can only save one, no way around it. Now, I would imagine most would pick the boy. CSS Is the old guy, CS GO being the young boy. Let csgo have its chance to thrive, it has more potential than CSS, rather than trying to drag an old division back up, that has little to no chance of recovering, atleast not significantly enough to be called populated.
    I love css, spent 4 years of my life playing our css servers, maybe its because of the fact ive seen its downfall that I know it cant recover. The majority who voted for css to stay are newer members, who didnt experience the servers when they were good. 10 people on a server is normal to them. They believe "Hmph, easy enough. Just add this and that and BOOM, people!" Im sure other servers have gone through this same situation, and tried the same exact things. You can give a crappy car a good paint job, but it doesnt make it run any better.
    Well anyway, thats my rant.
  23. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Dumbest Quote Ever 2.0   
  24. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Cs:s Operation Revitalization   
    not to be cynical, but here is why this will not work.
    "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito
    "Give me admin and I will start playing CS:S again" -Drpepper
    "Retards like you are why this wont work, waiting for it to miraculously actually work before you participate in the revitalization of CS:S are the reason it will fail, and wanting powers before being active and showing you are still a good mod are not how you get them." -me2k11+3-1+2-1
  25. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Kittylicious in Cleverbot   
    this thing is just annoying and keeps going off topic lol