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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Dutchy666   
    -1. Your activity is decent, but you've only been active for about a week. While you do seem to be fairly mature as well, it's a little early to call whether or not you should be in xG as of yet. Maybe if this app is still open in a couple of weeks and you keep the activity/maturity up I'll change to a +1, but right now it's just a little too early for me.
  2. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Jordozombie - Counter-strike: Source   
    It's one thing to mass freekill intentionally. It's a completely different story when a Staff Member slays everyone for no reason other than for shits and giggles. As much as I like Jordo, what he did was unacceptable and he should not be let off the hook so easily. If he truly wants to be unbanned, he can contribute to XenoGamers or he can participate in the "pizza" challenge. It's a -1 from me.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DeathGod in Jordozombie - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1. You slayed @all, you got permed and should stay permed. Abuse like like this is punished with a perm ban, not a 5-month ban. People who do stupid shit like this and get permed need to realize that you aren't going to get out of stuff like this, even if you waited to make a protest for nearly half a year. Permanent bans should be permanent, and I really see no reason at all to have you unbanned.
  4. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Few problems with all of this here.
    First of with the way Speed and Trin were facing. They both very well know that a Guncheck Freeze means face away from cells, with the unstated rule that it does imply a 180 degree face away from cells. Because of various reasons, it is acceptable to be slightly turned. I don't care if they were 89 degrees or whatever, when you are turned to the right or left you know that you may be killed for it. I do it all the time, but i understand that if i do get killed that it was my responsibility since i was not really facing away (its trolling to be honest). We're they freekilled? As far as Chrono states it, no they were not since they were not truly facing away from cells. It was NOT a freekill.
    Second has to do with the ban for "freekilling fag". Speed, you know thats not respectful... why did you even think of doing that?
    Third is with the punishment. I don't even have to go over this with you speed. You didn't ask why you were killed (according to chrono), you banned for a day for it... just wow...
    And @@Chrono as far as I know, nobody told us about the CS:GO punishment thread... not very useful if we don't know about it. Just saying.
    Fourth, and final thing. You all need to stop the bickering, something like this should have been handled in game. It should have never got to this point, just get over your differences.
    @@Tsuchikure : I think the best action is to get both sides of the story, and talk to each of you one-on-one. Then get you both together to get it figured out. I don't see a reason to use punishments, but if you both keep this crap up then we will do what is necessary.
  5. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in Cristo Thought D.c Was A State   
    best thread 2014
    10/10 would read to my grandchildren
  6. Like
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    to continue on with this thread, as this was another recent incident (i just got home from going out to get chinese with the gf) I refreshed the ct ban list, to see any new bans as I usually do and if I need to change any fuck ups (perm ban reason 1440).
    [MEDIA=imgur]lMuUSzy[/MEDIA] I saw this. the original ban reason states it was for "gunplanting" now i'm not sure about what happened in server, so you will have to hear his testimony on it first, but assuming the ban is valid (he got slayed the first time, and kept doing it after)
    Why are you then going and reducing your original 1 day ban (the proper ban length, as defined in the CS:GO proper punishments thread that was mutually accepted as a legitimate ban time for both jb servers by the at the time div leaders of myself, nova, (pretty sure it was still poncher, if not then he was co as well, and he approved it as a guide for CS:S as well, it never got moved because we are lazy) and taking it down to a 1 hour ban because you "changed your mind about the ban time"?
  7. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to GandalfTehGrey in Best Music Videos Ever   
    milkshakes i vote milk shakes it makes me hot
  8. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to GandalfTehGrey in Best Music Videos Ever   
    i like the one with the black chick
  9. Like
    diabeetus got a reaction from DCook in Speedlimit - Counter-strike: Source   
    From what I've seen on the server, if you can see any part of your own cell (or cell block itself) then you are facing cells and should be killed for doing so (assuming it was going against warden's orders). For example, when warden says "face cells at all times" it's always been enforced that if you can see cells even just the smallest amount, then you are facing cells. The moment that you can no longer see cells on your screen, you are no longer facing cells. This is why a lot of admins/mods warn CT's to be careful who they kill for not facing cells because the CT's cannot see what the T's are seeing, as they could be facing cells without the CT's realizing. To be honest, I'm kinda stuck in the middle on this one. While Speed might have been genuinely facing away but Chrono couldn't tell as he can't see Speed's screen, Trin could have very easily been facing his cell for all we know. The info at the time wouldn't have been enough for a ban to be honest, so Speedlimit was definately a little hasty in banning Chrono so quickly, and the "fag" added at the end of the ban doesn't really help his case either.
    TL;DR: lol fuck you read the whole thing.
  10. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Charles in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    So what you're saying is that we should have a system where all parties always agree with each other 100% of the time and the notion of any dissenting opinion is stomped out at the first opportunity? Sounds a little dictatorial there buddy. To be honest warrior, you're just a fucking broken record at this point. Every time this thread comes around (the "xG has tons of problems" thread) you blurt the same message over and over again, but offer no solution to these problems. If you're upset with the fact that our servers aren't very unique/interesting, find some damn plugins or anything else that would give the desired effect yourself, instead of just playing smeague of smegens all day long and bitching on forums. Upset that upper administrations doesn't do jack to help out the servers, learn how to do some basic coding and get the position for yourself, or find someone else who has the know-how/balls to take the position. The constant bitching and moaning isn't going to help the drama levels on forums either. Be the change you wish to see.
  11. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Shameless Beg   
    dayz lel
    just threaten your parents that you'll cut your wrists if they don't give you money like warrior does.
  12. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in Shameless Beg   
    dayz lel
    just threaten your parents that you'll cut your wrists if they don't give you money like warrior does.
  13. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to ForestFire in Jubens45   
    Hell no its jubens. -1 Jubens is immature. I think he's as bad as michael.
  14. Friendly
    diabeetus got a reaction from LeToucan in Tim.   
    Fuck tim
  15. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in Happy New Year   
    Eastern Standard Time only time
    central time sucks lel @@Bleed
  16. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    holy fuck uber gravedig. Close ples @@Hidingmaster @@MuffinMonster @Tsck -- @Tsh -- @Tschingchongpingding.
  17. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in Thepistolboss   
    -1 fgt scrub. cnt evn yy 360 720 reverse wallbang. fkn n00b.
    M: no skill/10
    A: ethnic cleansing/10
    + 1, he's been playing on the servers for a while, and is pretty mature and knows the motd. Never seen him cause any problems and would make an excellent edition to xG.
  18. F!$k Off
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    holy fuck uber gravedig. Close ples @@Hidingmaster @@MuffinMonster @Tsck -- @Tsh -- @Tschingchongpingding.
  19. Useful
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    Its tsuchikureqwtix or something like that.
    Closed for gravedig from 1857.
  20. Disagree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DeathGod in DayZ Standalone Vs. WarZ   
    holy fuck uber gravedig. Close ples @@Hidingmaster @@MuffinMonster @Tsck -- @Tsh -- @Tschingchongpingding.
  21. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Superkiller67   
    Little too early for a Member Submission. In my own opinion, I suggest you take the time to decide whether or not you actually want to be a part of XenoGamers, or if you're just in it for another ride. The reason I say that is the last time you were here, you bought Paid Administrator, and after a couple of weeks, resigned from xG to join another clan (EcG).
    Now I don't know what your intentions are, or why you even left in the first place if you planned on returning, but I don't condone what you're doing. Before I give a vouch of any sort, I would like to hear a brief description of what made you want to leave XenoGamers (a clan you insist on rejoining) as well as one you had recently bought Administrator powers in before leaving. It just does not add up to me, why would you leave in the first place if you were so inclined on coming back?
  22. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    So what you're saying is that we should have a system where all parties always agree with each other 100% of the time and the notion of any dissenting opinion is stomped out at the first opportunity? Sounds a little dictatorial there buddy. To be honest warrior, you're just a fucking broken record at this point. Every time this thread comes around (the "xG has tons of problems" thread) you blurt the same message over and over again, but offer no solution to these problems. If you're upset with the fact that our servers aren't very unique/interesting, find some damn plugins or anything else that would give the desired effect yourself, instead of just playing smeague of smegens all day long and bitching on forums. Upset that upper administrations doesn't do jack to help out the servers, learn how to do some basic coding and get the position for yourself, or find someone else who has the know-how/balls to take the position. The constant bitching and moaning isn't going to help the drama levels on forums either. Be the change you wish to see.
  23. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Lemons in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    So what you're saying is that we should have a system where all parties always agree with each other 100% of the time and the notion of any dissenting opinion is stomped out at the first opportunity? Sounds a little dictatorial there buddy. To be honest warrior, you're just a fucking broken record at this point. Every time this thread comes around (the "xG has tons of problems" thread) you blurt the same message over and over again, but offer no solution to these problems. If you're upset with the fact that our servers aren't very unique/interesting, find some damn plugins or anything else that would give the desired effect yourself, instead of just playing smeague of smegens all day long and bitching on forums. Upset that upper administrations doesn't do jack to help out the servers, learn how to do some basic coding and get the position for yourself, or find someone else who has the know-how/balls to take the position. The constant bitching and moaning isn't going to help the drama levels on forums either. Be the change you wish to see.
  24. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to Warriorsfury in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    Please explain to me why we need MORE staff. You're just silly... (I would call you stupid but I don't want to get banned)
    You need better, more mature, less ignorant, less divided staff.
    The servers need to be more unique.
    The servers need to have UPPER ADMINISTRATION WITH SERVER POWERS who are ACTIVE and scared of dealing with things.
    You also need staff who can see through problems and fucking solve them without taking 10 years of complaining to someone els.
    You need staff who wont spread useless rumors/drama around the clan.
    Pretty much, it should be to the point where if ALL the staff were put in one room, they wouldn't argue or say anything disrespectful for a whole 10 hours without problem. They should also all try to put in something to contribute to the server.
    P.S: start demoting people please?

  25. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in What Are The Things That Are Flawed In Xg Gaming?   
    we could start with you since i never see you on.