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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. you do realize this is a ban protest correct
  2. Wardens dont have to make the day fun for anyone. But, it defiantly helps, no rules say to *Use map games* and most of the "fun" people are actually at school/college getting smarterer so dey can hev goot job
  3. Kyoko

    Vote Thread

    Hopefully it wont die this time, and if we get populated enough. We'll get another server and make Vanilla or maybe Feed The Beast. Depends on what we feel like doing
  4. +/-0 i banned her for 3 weeks for channel admin abuse(kicking from server multiple times no valid reason) @Britt was kicked by her multiple times and maybe @Tsuchikure idk much about the ddos threats, she hinted to it but never said it directly. Could have been anything from what she said. She looked for @xSuicidalCowsx steam ID (i'm assuming for her gmod server to ban him there) ps. will probably post more details later
  5. Kyoko

    Minigames Ideas

    well. I'll be damned that sounds fun as hell.
  6. Kyoko

    Hub Update #2

    #minecrafthub pls
  7. heyhey what about me @Hidingmaster
  8. Kyoko

    Asock - Minecraft

    who was DL I think it was Arthman right?
  9. Kyoko

    Asock - Minecraft

    uhm. Give some info on why you were banned, when. And is that your real MC name?
  10. eh true. I'll try that out every now and again
  11. Kyoko

    Minigames Ideas

    Will add them later when i talk to @SuperMaddud
  12. yea. True. I'm still finding what i think works best, this seems to have for me in the past but now, i find taking those kills really helps mid-late game for me.
  13. Ok so, The minigames hub is just about finished. We have a few ideas of our own but. I thought some ideas from the community would be nice. So Throw your ideas out there and we might just take them Ideas if mine so far/what we have Hunger Games Capture the flag
  14. I am the Jungle
  15. I main Jungle, and the mind set is, Don't gank a pushed out lane. Unless they call you for it, DONT DO IT. Try to not take the kills if you can. The laner needs it more than you. IF you get well gj. stay positive dont feed. and hold lanes when they b.
  16. +1, the potential is there. Its popularity is rising and i believe that it could become a prospering division.
  17. just to be SURE he gets it. @Tsuchikure
  18. OK, so you killed Tute. Slayed yourself. And got banned. Intentional freekills happen all the time. The actual ban time i think is like an hour so wait it out. Shadow is in the wrong here. Jebleez did right by what i read of the admin handbook for freekilling (intentional) ~sorry for the quick-to-the-point post. Not much meat in there will do it later
  19. -1 too inactive. havnt seen him at all. Got on a few days ago. havnt seen him before then
  20. Kyoko


    I thought he left lol. I think most of us did.and @DarkWolf6052 I'd start at least screenshotting some of your steam chats. I just copy pasta atm/screenshot
  21. Kyoko


    your a fucker :P