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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. +1 he was cool and mature when he was in the clan, although now hes 3gay5me
  2. i gave the gift of pain and got the gift of $50 for steam
  3. Merry Christmas to your self hoe hoe hoe
  4. bai, have fun, I'll make sure to blow everything to shit while your gone. Goodluck with the Bigshot's website though
  5. Just upload the demo to youtube, and give us the video link
  6. +1 is on Teamspeak seems like a cool dude. Would be a great addition to the clan
  7. Yea, Factions is basicly Towny only you can only have as many or less "Chunks" of land as you have Faction power. No money to upkeep, just don't die.
  8. Kyoko


    Gkoo, whai. U baddie
  9. If this is true. Mega will lose still lel. Oh and idea. Lets do the build contest, we copy pasta the winning build to the Grief Arena and put a chest whereever inside it. And do that maybe? :D
  10. Congrats to Lee for getting the elusive mod position, am i not alone anymore as mod of CS:S :D
  11. +1 friendly, active, a cool guy, unlike Forest heuehuheu but you should get on our TeamSpeak server. Here is the server ip: voice.xenogamers.com we have meany rooms, so go and choose one, I tend to be in the Anime Room, or The Christmas Tree Adventures
  12. Kyoko


    With the Shops, we should add in the new items, (Acacia wood, Old Oak wood etc...) And we could hold contests, as I already pitched to super last night, and Showcase the Winner's Creation By Spawn until the next Contest begins, also the contest Winner gets a special rank (until the next Contest ofc) like idk, for example maybe "Swaggit" and it gives you a cool set of tools with some wacky enchants (Can only be used like twice a month). And for some of those special holidays, maybe add a new wacky plugin that would make it feel more like the holiday? For example, Easter, maybe get like a "Easter Egg" plugin so the players can go around picking easter eggs (maybe this could be a contest)? Who gets the most easter eggs wins? and they get a different "rank" like egg collector assuming we make this a possible Contest. ~Kyoko, Dat chick wit da spear
  13. Kyoko

    A New Hope?

    Thank you Brian. #CS:GO
  14. It's sadly under 10 people most of the day. We staff of CS:S belive it is because hub has been gone for too damn long but yea, My name is Kirito if ya know me. Maybe we'll see eachother on the server
  15. I remember this guy, he was cool, i think he will add some good times to our server. +1 for unban/shortened ban.
  16. I believe this was to be a joke thread lel. Anyway, this really is not that bad, I am pretty sure we all kicked each other from the server, multiple times for no reason. This at most deserves a slap on the wrist and saying "Don't do that again, you crazy kid"
  17. +1 obvious abuse is obvious. Down with Genesis, who dosn't even know what it is. #SegaGenesis
  18. Kyoko

    A New Hope?

    If we get a good CS:GO div, I will gladly play it. As CS:S sucks monkey balls right now
  19. Kyoko

    Are You Calm?

    I am sooo fucking clam