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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. oh, well bye. Ima miss you
  2. Kyoko

    Gold Is Shit

    2bad ur still gold1 heuheuheu
  3. Kyoko

    Tech Updates #2

    Thanks. I have no clue what most of it means. But thanks
  4. idk. I'm gunna go with a zero. Will post later
  5. If we can get a foothold at all On any popular modpack that would be fine as well. If we do get one other server(which won't happen till mc is super popular) Spoutcraft could be populated as well. But as i am now thinking, we need a way to craft the custom items. As right now it just looks cool. And if you have to buy them well. That works but being able to make them would just give that much more enjoyment. Atleast in my mind
  6. Minecraft is a shithole right now. It's is underpopulated, empty. But what can be done is fun. Spout craft brings in cool new custom items (they can't be crafted as far as I know) but it is an almost invisible modpack that noone knows of. If we are going to follow through with this i HIGHLY recomend that we first start with vanilla get that nice and steady. Then get a second mc server for spoutcraft or someother modpack server, Tekkit seems to be rising (the new one ofc). That and I'll talk with Audible and super later when i have time.
  7. I Kirito/Kyoko have read and understand the Admin Handbook
  8. Kyoko


    sorry but we own your soul so you get to stay :D
  9. Cuz winter break, most of the college kids are enjoying their breaks, JB being one of them apparently
  10. i will +1 an unban/shortened ban, i was there when this happened. I would unban him, at most we were all confused and asked the fuck happened? it was one of the maps @@DarkWolf6052 added that we thought were good. I don't even know if dark new about said button.
  11. Yo hoe, my name's Tempted and this shit will get real if my tempted aint pemted I aint got time fo shit, just let me rape yo clit guurl
  12. I guess i can take over with making it, when we finish it I'll post a vid of me singing/raping this. And i will see what i can do with the names that must be added
  13. yo yo my name's plausible I'm runin the imposible you think you got what it takes then ill make sure to poke yo face I aint got the time to deal yo, this is our story yo, lets stop all des gimmicks, and chek des cool kids out @@Plausible_Cabbage
  14. Lee's is my guy I'm rollin' with my nigga, ShadowSpy Jubens can suck on my cock tonight Some baddie Tiger just burned my rice Let's go Jeeblez! Now don't you give Cristo a gun And don't tell Cookie she's a lesbian tho she is And don't give blowjobs for a dollar in the vent cell, y'know That's not cool Let's go Jeeblez What the fuck were those orders, Could you repeat them please? Could I switch cell mates, Mine smells like cheese I really want a last request, and at the wardens behest I'll follow all the orders, I wont ever stay in my quarters, The only people who stay in their cells are fattys They really are baddis Well fuck, i actually got a good rhythm for this, send me the full thing and I'll see what i can do
  15. I am pretty sure this would count as a slay, a ban is just far too much, the ban reason is unreasonable, i would +1
  16. too good, them all be
  17. uhm -1 no steam id heuheuheu +1 hes funny active, still needs to lose weight yadda yadda (more bad puns/jokes) A 8/10 M 8/10
  18. Kyoko

    Mc Store

    I believe we have one, or i may be thinking of an older spawn, but yea we have the plugin somewhere
  19. +1 hes active, knows the rules helps a lot. coulda sworn he was in already but gg
  20. Warrior, if our staff dont bicker and argue then, we are not doing our job to improve the servers. We need opinions to innovate what is already there. JB really needs to be innovated but i havn't found anything, if you ask for change the you better fucking help look for it cuz if you just sit around nothing will happen. ~if i get any ideas i'll be sure to post something about them
  21. nice. I myself am building one just $100 short of what i need atm. anyway go to teksyndicate they will help you get a nice af gamin rig for that money. here's what i'm trying to build AMD Athlon II X4 750K, Asus Radeon HD 6670, Antec One - Kirito's build - nach0nick's Saved Part List - PCPartPicker
  22. So, today in teamspeak narukami yells at someone in his house, "hey wanna lick butts now?" now ik we have 2 sis cons in this clan and probably more but never have i heard of someone who licks their familly's assholes. This is worse than @@Tsuchikure and his sis con. Please let us help this severly messed up man, and his family, No more asshole licking as it is disgusting @@Yu_Narukami