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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Dark don;t get a laptop, unless it's that one you showed me way back when that was kinda good. Get a desktop. It's customizable and it can be cheaper than Laptops Here is one Penguin built for me soon. I'm getting a seagate hardrive instead of the ultrastar AMD Athlon II X4 750K, MSI Radeon R9 270X, Antec One - System Build - PCPartPicker
  2. It is a great anime, i wish sometimes it was a bit longer though. The movie i believe was to be interesting
  3. all right Here is the screenshot Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting
  4. i will kill you meganramen.anyway grats on promos you fags anyway you forgot to put me in MC promo to Mod
  5. Pretty much we get bored of whatever game we've been playing for the longest time - Dark RP comes back - Everyone goes to play it - 3 weeks later those people get bored - 4th week Gmod died again. It's pretty much a cycle of Death and Rebirth that takes about 2 -3 months to come full circle
  6. Man dude that sucks, if you want i can go shoot up some baddies for ya :P
  7. @@Audible_Savage if you havn't come up with an idea already you can have them "escape" and go to the "Town" and if they are "caught" doing something they shouldn't they are sent back to Prison with absolutely nothing
  8. You too? and seriously though, we have no way of "quizzing" Cts nad if they go on CT without reading the rules and freekilling not out fault, they should have read MOTD before hand
  9. who said anyone here was banned from a zoo?
  10. Forest. If you don't come back i will burn all the forests of the world. K? #ForestFire
  11. i hope to god this is a joke. #Furry for Co
  12. Nobody looks at the status's. And that is not the proper way to inform the higher ups of problems with staff. This is what he should be doing.
  13. Kyoko

    Genesis Is A Bitch

    Genesis won't play c9, he shuld be permbanend huehuehue. +1 = you get cookie.
  14. -1 I am soopuh legitzorbniggeriancunassbitchniggerface
  15. +1 i like him, hes cool, active. A 8/10 M 9/10
  16. Kyoko


    Yes we should bby <3
  17. Jubens i cum every time you talk. I want ur 10 mm dick in my anushole
  18. I believe this may already be in it but a class system, ya know, similar to darkrp with rapists, guards, WARDEN, etc. so then there is more of a variety.
  19. Kyoko


    i got you a box of condoms, then realized your a girl so i kept them for myself <3
  20. I'm sorry, the tnt block was just right there and and lever came to hand and kaboom