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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. @@Tsuchikure @@Bleed @@Hidingmaster @@Chrono @@Rin_Okumura @@Rhododendron @@xGTim @@DrLee all i have to say is "purple butt holes." That is all
  2. That is enough of a warning. He muted and said "that is the warning" and for mega @@Tsuchikure @@Tsuchikure STAHP BEING LAZY
  3. He gave warning. Mute/gag with warning is generally how it is done. At least to my current knowledge
  4. I'm pretty sure you didn't leave
  5. I'm Kirito. And for fucks sake I've said this or something similar to many god damn times already,IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT TO BE TROLLING. AS IT MATTER WHAT THE VICTIM BELIEVES IT TO BE. I don't know when you became such a fucking dick but. and you fucker i base everything i say on what i have read and what my damn ideals are.I could care less if you hate furries and him in general. THAT under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should mean you can do that kind of shit though. You need to re-think how you treat people, i used to like you and now your a fucking disgusting motherfucker who really should die. And for Stumpy's refrence: I am not being biased towords furries or Matsi)
  6. You should have gotten a warning but really Stumpy did you need a god damn warning? You are (were) a respected member of xG. Therefore you KNOW the rules and you SHOULD'NT have broken them. Idk why you did this but it was a really stupid move for you. You wern't a dick before but now, your a disgusting troll. #goodbye #faggot
  7. Kyoko


    +1 reasons stated in OP. And honestly stumpy you used to be cool man. Now your more of a dick than before. I've said this many many times before but, "Disrespect can be taken by many people on varying levels, just because you don't take it offensive or mean it that way dosn't mean that the target won't feel disrespected." And the fact that he continued his trolling in his ban protest and then went on to further do it in shoutbox. I wouldn't want him representing xG.
  8. -1 for unban. Disrespected said staff member in OP. And you really shouldn't be calling people furfags (or whatever the hell it is you called him) in general. As some people can take that very offensivly.
  9. Want me to set up a spleef arena or something this week?
  10. +1 hes really nice on TS. I like him personaly and he does seem to be timid but I am sure we will make him one of us soon enough heuheuheu *evil laugh*
  11. A rebel is a black man
  12. I am secretly a Magical Girl who only cares for myself
  13. +1 he know the rules. I've known him for awhile. I think he;ll do well
  14. Spoutccraft will probably come back. We jsut need to wait for it to update to 1.7.4 Then we might get it back. And hopefully have another modpack server
  15. dont worry, It'll only be perm bans from moi.
  16. Im dm. The server will die wthin a week guys gg
  17. Don;t lie about this stuff. The fact that it's been years adn you were unabnned twice illegaly. You could be insta demoted and kicked out.
  18. @@diabeetus I think you banned edenpbe for massing right. IT was the fastest ban i've ever seen
  19. +1 dis nigga, is too active. Too good. Must be Plat 1
  20. Audible left the clan. And Jewmad had probably the best tekkit server That we've had. He has A LOT of experience. And Jewmad did have family problems at the time of his leave of absence. And a DL dosn't need to be very active. They just need to support the server. Being active does help though