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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. i'll be inactive as my parents want me to have 80+ grades all over the board, and my English teacher might not have updated the grade book so i currently have like a 76 which should be at least an 80 anyway yea @@DarkWolf6052 @@Mizore @CSSStaff
  2. Yea, i kinda fucked foreign language over so i just do a bunch of Engineering/techy courses instead
  3. Kyoko

    I Done Ducked Up

    Request acknowledged, please wait for a response, it shall come in 3-5 work days
  4. Kyoko

    I Done Ducked Up

    >wow >so much stupid >so much wowe >so much retard
  5. Kyoko


    I use shitty $10 earbuds, I am however getting a Logitech headset that normally lasts me awhile
  6. Kyoko


    +1 is a Kewl Kat A 8/10 M 8.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001/10
  7. meh, I'm doing some work atm so maybe. I'll hop on TS if when i can and tell you then
  8. oh, i thought i changed that, anyway i can helpsorb, but you shuld definatly teach me howto run a server
  9. Teach me first, then i'd be able to help
  10. Kyoko


    what is the best Mic i can get for like $30
  11. Oh noes, now i won't get my daily dose of molestation, i must find another. And sad to see you leave man. </3
  12. So this is for RainbowDashie, I'm sure you all remember him. He's leaving and is too lazeh to make a post himself. He's leaving as he hasn't been on in a month. He says it's been a good year and loves us all, especially me :P
  13. Kyoko


    butbutbut... i want my ass to be violated by Audibruh.
  14. but it makes since as long as they aren't seen doing it, they should be able to LR.
  15. good list, i have seen or am watching all of them and also may i suggest watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann? images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDdrnw23nTVEvZ3puQHXgdeQJC-s8xRvjWrBSzrLTDVPrvOMoM_Q as well as Hajime no Ippo, Currently Airing season 3. :D
  16. Kyoko


    couldn't we ya know keep it at the last update? as with the new launcher we can kinda change what version we;re on
  17. Kyoko

    Happy Halloween!

    #nope. I am communist facist nigger
  18. I currently have an AMD Laptop and it runs CS:S fine at High setting for about 55 frames. And i might be getting a intel build soon.
  19. Would you like Poison or Sugar with your tea?
    1. Tsuchikure


      Are Sugary Poison or Poisoned Sugar options?
    2. Kyoko


      Yes. As well as Lemony Poison and for this week only I am selling Strawberry flavored Poision. FOR 50% OFF
    3. DrLee


      Honey, pls
  20. Kyoko

    Rust Division

    Looks good I'll buy it when i hopefully get my job in 2-3 weeks
  21. -1 jk +1 he is cool, active as far as i know. A 8/10 M 8/10
  22. @@Forest you can accept dis bish nao ya know.
  23. Ik but still we could get a jailbreak server goin mayb wit dat kind of plugin