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  1. Like
    Kyoko reacted to DeathGod in Soccer stuff...   
    the only sport i play is CSS
  2. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Soccer stuff...   
    Ok so i have a soccer tournament, over the weekend so i will not be on at all for 3 days or so. @@Black_Rock keep the ramen warm
    @@DarkWolf6052 hold down the fort
    @@Superkiller67 ur ghey
    @@Warriorsfury hold down CS:S for me, K?
    Yea i'll be at a soccer tourney for the weekend cyall on monday
  3. Informative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Krys in Krys - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +/0 i've never seen him on TS but hes pretty active on jailbreak.
  4. Friendly
    Kyoko got a reaction from LapisLazuli in LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I'm game for a shorntened ban maybe about 2-3 months? an put him on probation for awhile and if he fucks up perm. I think i brought up the probation idea earlier but yea +1 for 2-3 month ban as that is still long as hell
    ~ Kirito-chan
  5. Disagree
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in LapisLazuli - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I did not GET another chance, I was punished.
    I did not "slide" through my punishment either.
    Based on what I did I was punished accordingly.
  6. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to xGShadowSpy in Admin Activity   
    This got off topic pretty quick.
  7. Not Funny
    Kyoko reacted to MrAwesome104 in plug ins   
    We need a voice activated command. That only DMs and DLs know
  8. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to PapiChulo in Great Job   
    I thought you left? But how can you judge a whole community based on a flawed leader no one in the community sees or agrees with? lol
  9. Optimistic
    Kyoko reacted to Gkoo in I am demoted lololol   
  10. Smelly
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in It's my time to go..   
    Ill take some of it
  11. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Genesis in It's my time to go..   
    ... on vacation. YEEAAAAAAAAAHHHH! Anyways you scrubs, starting tomorrow (Sunday) I will be going down south to Flo-Rida and kickin' it at the beach. Won't be back until Thursday (Friday at the very latest). Don't burn down the house and I left plenty of ramen packs to sustain you guys. @@MegaRobin be sure to share you fatty >:l .
  12. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Jaybreeze in A Few Things I've Noticed   
    yall are such pussies. jesus christ, you got offended by dildo-eater? youre prolly the kid that when he gets hit goes to tell on someone instead of hitting back. grow some nuts, buck up and be a man or woman, or furry (whatever the fuck those are im pretty sure all of them are either gay or gingers) and play the game. if someone is ACTUALLY disrespecting you just ignore the fucker, if it comes to the point of harassment then talk to someone, dont go reporting every little incident when someone calls you a fag, call them a fag back, 82% of the time its never serious.
    too many rules make the game terrible, take a step back, let the children play, and have some fucking fun for once, it is a game after all.
  13. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from orangejuice in Kirito/xG:M Swarm - Counter-Strike: Source   
    So first off:
    1) abuse thread over one freeslay wtf?
    2) You had PLENTY of time to go open cells as you were asked at 7:20-7:25.
    3) I laughed at your talk over warden thing.
    Secondly @@MineCrack GROW THE FUCK UP. One freeslay and you make an abuse thread
  14. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from SonicRainbow in A Few Things I've Noticed   
    ok Warrior a few things
    1) Dildo eater really, thats kinda hilarious
    2) Learn 2 ignore
    3) Learn to CALM YOUR TITTES
    4) Also learn to take a joke and not be serious all fucking day
    5) idk get better at life?
  15. Disagree
    Kyoko got a reaction from Pepper in A Few Things I've Noticed   
    ok Warrior a few things
    1) Dildo eater really, thats kinda hilarious
    2) Learn 2 ignore
    3) Learn to CALM YOUR TITTES
    4) Also learn to take a joke and not be serious all fucking day
    5) idk get better at life?
  16. F!$k Off
    Kyoko got a reaction from Ebic in Remove all children faggots from xG   
    why dont we just fucking give it up. #closethisthreadcuzitghey
  17. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Peechis_Jr in Peechis_Jr - Garry's Mod   
    +1 i liek peechis he's a good guy knows da rulez
  18. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from salartarium in Remove all children faggots from xG   
    why dont we just fucking give it up. #closethisthreadcuzitghey
  19. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 he never really left the server he knows the rules well and hell if warrior got away clean from mass free smite minecrack should be unbanned. #imprisonwarrior2013
  20. Funny
    Kyoko reacted to MineCrack in ABusinessMan - Counter-Strike: Source   
  21. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Jaybreeze in Freeshooting.   
    What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
  22. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to Forest in Freeshooting.   
    Not every single little detail needs to be put into the MoTD Rules, a lot of the rules we abide by are implied and have been passed down generation by generation by the Wise Ones. Free shooting being one of them. If a CT is intentionally and blatantly free shooting any Terrorist for no reason at all, then yes, I would say it warrants a slay (something like this isn't needed in the MoTD as it is implied). Unless, of course, you're like me, and you enjoy the pain of being free shot by certain people :woot:
  23. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to diabeetus in Freeshooting.   
    DAYUM, I can feel the burn through my monitor! Want some ointment for it John? I love how ShadowSpy brings up a theoretical event, and you guys decide to take something from in-game that happened and start fucking arguing about it. Shadow asked the question: "You're a T, you are following orders and a CT purposely shoots you, is that slayable?". You should not be posting on this god-forsaken thread unless you're going to answer the question he presented. This thread was not made for the purpose of arguing over in-game semantics. Get back on topic, because this thread is spiraling into oblivion pretty quickly.
    Now back to the issue hand (@@John huehuehuehuehue). If a CT comes up to you, and you are a T following orders perfectly fine, and proceeds to freeshoot you, it should be a slay-able offense. If someone is going to be that much of an asshat and just shoot you for absolutely no reason because he has the attention span of a 5-year old and gets bored when there isn't constant gunfire and action going on in-game, he clearly should be slayed for not doing his job as a CT. Just because something isn't necessarily in the motd, doesn't mean it's not a rule. For example, freekilling is defined not a single time in the motd at any point, so does that mean that freekilling now mystically isn't a rule and people can freekill? The answer to that is: FUCK NO. Staff isn't just supposed to blindly follow the motd like a bunch of lemmings, but we also have to interpret and determine what the motd contains, and what should be deemed right or wrong based on the motd. Just use some common sense people.
  24. Smelly
    Kyoko reacted to Chrono in Ratings   
    Ratings do matter, it is the opinion shown to new people, i get that it's all fun and games, biggest e-peen is biggest sith saber, but in all if you have 502 negative ratings it looks bad at first sight compared to 20 positive lol
  25. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to John in Ratings   
    Here's my opinion. I don't care if it's someone that's doing it for fun. However, in the case of Laith I think he's doing it because he doesn't like Pinoy. Even though it is the forums and I mean, ratings don't matter. It is annoying to some people to get spammed with negative ratings because someone's upset at them.