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  1. Winner
    Kyoko reacted to Pepper in Ratings   
    I gave a "fuck you" to balance it out. Hue hue
  2. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to John in Must...Beat...the Beetus!   
    Almost have a longer red lightsaber than @@diabeetus. I'd like to thank @@Hidingmaster and @@DarkWolf6052. They have helped me tremendously in my quest to be better than the beetus. They're also both gay.
  3. Creative
    Kyoko reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Update 5/10/2013   
    You are an mmmmmmbitch that likes mmmmmmbananas
  4. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Matsi in Bad Mods making up rules.   
    A Badmod slayed me today because I killed rebel after it became a freeday. Telling me that "once it becomes a freeday all rebels are no longer rebels" which is bullshit and mentioned nowhere in any of the rules! On every JB server I have ever played on(including xG's CS:GO) rebels remain rebels unless pardened.
  5. Informative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Brian in To where ever duckii is :(   
    inb4 flame war. >_> anyway i miss her too. But those bans were just wtf......
  6. Creative
    Kyoko got a reaction from MineCrack in roflmao61 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 he is pretty active on teamspeak, fun to play with (if you know what i mean huehuehuehue ;) and know the rules pretty damn well. xG material.
    A 8/10
    Minecrack is a baddie.
  7. Creative
    Kyoko reacted to PlueAK in Dem finals tho.   
    HOLY SHIT EVERYONE RUNNNNNN!!!! or study...either way finals are a pain in da ass
    *suicide by shooting self in head*
  8. Friendly
    Kyoko reacted to Duckii in Buh- Bai   
    Welp, sorry for the sudden leave but i had planned to leave around june - julyish. but yea i'm not going to avoid it but got push to leave early. Been with the clan longest besides Silence, and now just wanna be release from the annoyance of many and the stress~
    I myself do admit i broke rules, not going to avoid it!
    @Brian Sorry but i just had to ban you today, you think because your position was Co-leader you could do as you please without punishment, after you left you're still annoying to me.
    @@MineCrack (banned from forums~ win) This guy sure talks trash about his own clan, but still in it? says i do nothing, i've done alot for xG but i admit i've been lacking lately and i'm sorry for that. Banned you for annoyance, breaking majority server rules, illegal use of Ddos.
    @autumn Your really focus on the clan and put a lot of effort into it, Had some fun in the clan. If your going to have some fun with abusing, why not allow some of the others have fun from time to time :cat:? anyways try not to add to much customize thing, i know you want it to be different from other server. but adding annoying/bad things will just bring it farther down~
    @@Sousei just a sex doll who sold himself to me
    @everyone else~ had some fun with you guys, And i know you guys don't think highly of me and already know many talk about me and hate me for enforcing the rules but hey! motd is nice isn't it :eek:
    Anyways I won't really be rejoining, i've already left several times and this time it's for good.. just want to have some nice relaxing time to enjoy the game and not be bitched at and have to constantly figure out people problem which should be already figured out by the other admins.. but they're lacking!
    @duckiijr Sorry, i just want to delete you. i can't really handle you anymore, no hard feelings but i just can't take the constant messaging even while im offline i still get the after another, just find someone else... i've already ask you to stop but i guess my feeling doesn't matter :eek: (probably can't read this so if someone is kindly c/p this to him
    Gl, and i hope you guys do consider about minecrack :cat: he himself admit to ddos and who knows, may be the one behind the attack on xG! audios!
    Now 1.. 2.. 3 Begin the flame attack!
  9. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Update 5/10/2013   
    so this is the tekkit server right? anyway we could probably have some fun games in the other "worlds" like a spleef game or 2 and maybe a pvp tourney where they are given sets or armor and tools and fight eachother on specific maps.
  10. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to xGShadowSpy in One of the most unenforced rules i've seen on JB.   
    Ts who are rebelling can only be deemed as a rebel if they were seen breaking rules by a CT. This means you can only kill a T you see rebel, not if you were clued to it(Such as their name popping up as killing a CT).
    I bolded the main part im focusing on
    Whenever a T gets pardoned, if in the corner(not seen by a CTs eyes) the T kills someone,(as an example since he's bad xG:A ShadowSpy *KNIFE* xG:A Diabeetus), he gets "unpardoned" and counted as a rebel again, so im gonna go ahead and start enforcing it again, and unless its changed(which im not saying i want it to be changed) you should all enforce it too.
    BASICALLY: Don't unpardon a T after pardoning him because you saw him kill someone in the top corner text, unless you see him do it with your eyes.
    People should start enforcing it, and not do it yourselves.
  11. Optimistic
    Kyoko got a reaction from IAmLegend in Warrior   
    World is over. Goodbye World. I loved you. *shoots self in the head while jumping into a pit of lava*
  12. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to John in Warrior   
    Warrior got Admin. World's over. ggnore.
  13. Creative
    Kyoko got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Warrior   
    World is over. Goodbye World. I loved you. *shoots self in the head while jumping into a pit of lava*
  14. Like
    Kyoko reacted to Jordozombie in Warrior   
    So if you just chill and bitch in TS you get admin and div leader. It doesn't mattter if you really help the division or active in it. I see.
  15. Disagree
    Kyoko reacted to TurdWig in THIS IS NOT VENT CAMPING   
    Cheers to warrior for being the only admin actually explaining rules.
  16. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to SonicRainbow in THIS IS NOT VENT CAMPING   
    Sometimes I hate you warrior, but right now, i love you
    EDIT: Nvm i still hate you
  17. F!$k Off
    Kyoko reacted to Warriorsfury in THIS IS NOT VENT CAMPING   
    Time after time I have to explain this.
    THIS IS NOT VENT CAMPING. (It's frowned upon)

    THIS HOW EVER IS VENT CAMPING. When the cells are first closed and he is watching in!

  18. Dislike
    Kyoko reacted to John in New tekkit?   
    It's being switched back according to @@WhyJewMad
  19. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from StartNow in About Duckii Jr   
    +1 lets close this now. please.
  20. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to MuffinMonster in About Duckii Jr   
    This will be my last post in this thread. Now this thread alone shows what DuckiiJr does to this clan. Last time he tried to get unbanned we all got in a big argument over if he should stay or not. He made another one and look what is happening right now. DuckiiJr is splitting the clan into two sides. This causes drama. Drama is dumb.
  21. Agree
    Kyoko got a reaction from StartNow in About Duckii Jr   
    yea no kidding.
  22. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from StartNow in About Duckii Jr   
    @autumn Ok so here's my suggestion why don't we all get into a quiet teamspeak room and talk with him about it nice, and calmly, maybe even find a way for him to vent out his problems in a positive way? Poems, some form of writing, exercise (I think we all need to personally do this) or find something for him to do? Idk it's really up to you higher-ups for this.
  23. Agree
    Kyoko reacted to speedlimit56kb in About Duckii Jr   
    Ok this goes to all those who seem to be hard headed, and don't believe those who say duckii jr never double clanned.First off i will admit duckii did make a thread claiming he was going to be a DM later on for us,but then again that post has no meaning if he was never in our clan period.And you guys
    @@Chrono @autumn @@MuffinMonster since you guys seem to not believe duckii jr or the people who are telling you he never double clanned,im going to tell you myself as the Co-Leader of WD that duckii jr never double clanned.Now if you don't believe me then idk what to say to you guys but the fact that you guys are hard headed as fuck and just can't accept the fact that he never double clanned.Im hoping that once you guys read this,i hope you guys realize that ya'll were wrong the whole time,and should also say sorry to duckii jr for humiliating him in front of a lot of people cause you guys claimed he double clanned and were also soo sure that he was doing such thing when the whole time he was innocent.Just wanted to let you guys know what has been told to you guys many times since you guys didn't believe them.Now good day to you ladies.
    ~That Nigga Speed \_(*0*)_/ <33!!
  24. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from Superkiller67 in About Duckii Jr   
    ok so let me get this straight he was banned for "double clanning" when he was in-fact not in WD, he was banned for multiple suicide threats. (most recent being a rumor) and his un-ban protests on the FORUMS were shot down because of some things that he has done in the PAST and not on the FORUMS (Ie:Teamspeak,In Game). Can i see some posts where he posted anything about suicide on the forums recently? Also most of the people he ask to "+1" his application he asks them to, and i quote from his lips himself "hey could you check out my ban protest. Thanks" he never has asked that we +1 it only that we take a look at it. If you have any problems with what I've said please do tell me.
    ~Kirito-san, Master of the Blade.
  25. Like
    Kyoko got a reaction from IAmLegend in Coding and you!   
    i am code.