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Everything posted by jubens45

  1. +1 is Rabid's buddy and has a mic
  2. jubens45


    Buddy if i can get into xG when deathgod was still here you can. You don't have to show anyone anything. +1 the guy was really chill when i played with him today. Idk his activity and immaturity but he didn't seem inmature
  3. jubens45


    -1 doesnt have a mic
  4. Where are my leader powers @kbraszzz
  5. So i went on this 3 hour trip to this amazing lake and i just wanna say photo creds to me [MEDIA=imgur]ilGO98Y[/MEDIA]
  6. I can confirm thats what i look like
  7. I remember this back in cs:s, you'd always get me killed :)
  8. First grader who knows how to add 2+2
  9. There isnt enough cpu for all the servers to run with this server to run at 100+ ticks
  10. Stattrak™ Ctbans: 51 (new record!)
  11. I think we should have a bhop server because i personally find bhopping to be therapeutic and just relaxing fun but it can also help beginners learn and pros can dust off the rust on their skills. It could also help people who play jailbreak as in most maps have a bhop or a climb as a challenge for ts
  12. DIE ALREADY, stop posting on xenogamers unless you can get in teamspeak. you are considered dead
  13. You think im good enough to be silver?! Lol thanks!
  14. Idk is my +1 is invalid or not but just for the record +1 knows the rules and is active on teamspeak and the server
  15. +1 knows the rules and is really chill
  16. for real the +1 is great addition to clan