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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. He would almost definitely, in my opinion, make a good mod. He's fairly active, certainly mature enough (by xG standards).

    HOWEVER: Last I checked he has no mic, and unless he now has a mic I'm not sure that would be the best for a mod.

    i remember the entire time i was mod i didnt have a mic, good times.+1 if jubens can get mod, why cant someone who is actually active, mature, and knows the rules get mod. (@jubens45 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

  2. but...im still getting it every minute?

    if i remember correctly, the plugin creates the timer when the plugin is loaded, so it would have to be reloaded for the timer to get reset. I'll fix that later tonight.

  3. Entry 1

    Once upon a time, There was a tree named forest. He wanted to write a song so badly, he copied The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, but added his own twist to it. He submitted his song to his favorite Goat Simulator giveaway with high hopes. The host said that his song was "3bad5u", and disqualified it. The host then lit the song on fire and tossed it on forest.


    Entry 2

    Once upon a time, there was a brit named Forrest. He loved playing with fire. One day, he went to a forest. He forgot that he had matches in his pocket. He "accidentally " lit a match. He burned the forest down. As he burned it down, he yelled "Never forget."

    Entry 3

    A shady man walked up to me. He looked at me and said "If you burn down this forest and write about it on an internet forum, ill give you a chance at getting Goat Simulator." I've been trying to win goat simulator all of my life. I went to my nearest forest with a fire in my left hand, I threw the fire down, yelling "GOAT SIMULATOR IS LOVE, GOAT SIMULATOR IS LIFE." Shortly after, i was told that the giveaway was rigged. I walked away mumbling, "Never forget."

  4. I think you could re-adjust the prices to make it somewhat fair. A small bomb, for example, as it used to be, is something you should be able to easily earn in a couple rounds, even for new players. Medium, maybe a couple times a round. Large, only if you saved up all the money from a round. If small bombs were kept the same, mediums increased to 20-25k, and larges to 50-75k, that might even it out a bit. Also, redbull should be imo like 30-50k with bank as it is. Now interest could also be decreased as well as adding a cap to the amount of money in the bank. 1mil might be high enough that people can save up that much, but low enough that they might think twice before spending it all. And interest maybe .5%, or no interest at all. Just my thoughts on the matter.

    added a cvar for max money. sent new version to lee

  5. Ok. this one is easy.


    Makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Is there for the good and the bad/puts up with your annoying habits and you with theirs. Makes you cum and vice versa.


    Q: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


    A: 4


    Q: When is hub coming out?