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Posts posted by LeToucan

    1. When a T kills a CT, it no longer hides which T killed the CT.
    2. After 5 rounds, a mapchange occurs (not done by RTV).
    3. !call still doesnt work if no admins are on.(Might not be possible)
    4. Shot4Shot is still broken.
    5. Tick rate is still 51.2
    6. T's can rebel even after choosing to do a LR (More specifically Race).
    7. People can still get into CT without joining guard queue, I won't say how to make sure it doesn't spread.
    8. CT guns spawning in T cells (with CT's name on the gun)

    1. fixed accidental reversion
    2. From what I can see in logs, they're playing out fine. What maps does this occur on?
    3. TF2 can use multiple methods to connect to the steam bot, while CSGO can only use the one. Right now, the only method that was available to CSGO isn't working.
    4. Something is forcing the cvar sm_hosties_lr_s4s_dblsht_action to 1, instead of 0. I might have just fixed it.
    5. When we reach 30 players, we would hit a constant 100% cpu usage. Until we can find out why, we're keeping the tickrate at 50.
    6. This is built into hosties, as long as there's sm_hosties_lr_rebel_cts (4) alive, the option will show in the menu.
    7. If you're referring to the autoselect method, that was patched about a month and a half ago. If you're referring to the wait until you're forced into a team, that was fixed around Christmas.
    8. What kind of gun? Primary? Pistol? What specific gun is it? I've never seen this happen.

  1. This has been said so many times that I can't count anymore. It shouldn't HAVE to be said this many times.

    Is it on one of those rotating server messages? I think it should be, possibly along with some page that contains some type of communication with staff. First thought is all staff members steam profiles (using a steam group or something) so that they can be messaged.

    Added a message saying how to record demos

  2. lol

    This isn't how you reply to a report abuse thread on you.


    We don't get the full context with just a screenshot. We also can't take he said she said. Though its clear that solo needs to adjust his attitude. You don't get to just say "Cool", you have to actually deal with it.


    also sick gold nova 3

  3. Every Sunday we'll be hosting community 10 mans. It'll start at 7:00 pm central time (5 pacific, 8 eastern)


    10 mans start with a knife round, where you knife your teammates to choose captains. The last person alive on each team are captains. The captains then knife mid for first pick or choice of map and side. The captains will alternate picking players for their team. Cristo will always be last pick. Overtime is enabled, using MR3 10k. We will be using 1:55/40. Deadtalk is disabled, meaning while you are dead only dead players can hear you.


    This is only for fun and to teach silvers, you can be silver and still play (@Insane @ThePenguin @jubens45 ) Depending upon the turnout, there might be prizes next week.


    Special thanks to my babe @PlaysWithSquirrels for the suggestion

  4. 11188-1dd653537d8a566aeace192e4c914e49.jpg




    Your Leader Submission has been accepted!



    Please remember to be...

    -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers

    -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers

    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

  5. You can certainly have it both ways.... I understand that there are times when a staff member can't come help instantly but I tried for almost an hour to get the same people to come help.... and as a result of noone coming, the server population died.... from ~20 players to 0


    I also think that if the leadership of this division aren't even going to play in the division for over a month like... @Bleed then they should be demoted! I would get demoted if I just stopped playing TF2 for 2 weeks, bleed hasn't even launched the game since Sept 7 according to his profile.... that's just ONE example that I bothered to look up.


    Then there's the fact that for the passed 4 promo/demos the only CSGO promotion has been Snackbar.... it looks to me like the csgo leaders aren't even bothered to play on the servers to see who would be a good staff.


    These guys were able to keep global DM/DL powers for years without there EVEN BEING A SERVER.... now that bleed finally got a server up, they don't fricking play on it or anything... HELL my ban request got solved by a fricking moderator! find someone like snackbar to be the DL and get this div off its feet with someone who's actually going to play in it and fudge.


    Plus if the reason there aren't mods for CSGO is that there's not enough people to choose from, make some of the TF2 staff...staff... so that there are at least people that can be called in to help when needed.

    You can't have it both ways. People complain about bad admins, so we remove them. Now we have less staff, and people complain that they can't find staff. We haven't been getting reliable new members, so who are we supposed to promote?


    When you come to lithium and I when we're in the middle of a competitive game, we can't tab out to look at the chat, and we can't just leave the game. Yes, the game did take about an hour, that happens. Its competitive.


    I'm sorry if I can't get on during peak hours. I haven't been using my main account to play CS:GO. I've been using my alts. I've also been testing things out on a personal server before putting it on our server. I still won't be too active until after midterms. I probably should have posted that in hellos/goodbyes, but oh well.


    The only thing that means is that we didn't feel that anyone else deserved it at the time.


    The server went up multiple times, just to be emptied every time we populated it, and then it would usually follow with valve breaking something major. I'm sorry that I couldn't respond to the ban request within 20 minutes before a mod got to it.


    I'd rather not make people that have never played CS jailbreak moderator on CSGO.