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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. Jailbreak

    • Fixed extra connection info printing the wrong names
    • Fixed certain Last CT weapons not spawning
    • Heal shots are now removed during last request
    • Re-added Medic (Right click to heal others)
    • Bounty
      • Money is now formatted with commas
      • Announce players with active bounty who join the server late (Activates on first spawn)
      • Alert players if they have money available via !payout

  2. Jailbreak

    • Added HUB beta
      • Trails (Kinda glitchy, mostly works)
      • Bombs
      • Player models
      • Grenade models
      • Player Colors
      • Chat/Name/Tag Colors
      • Last CT Weapons
      • Class Weapons

      [*]Tickrate increased to 102.4 tick

      [*]Now using an in-house version of sm_hosties.

      [*]Now providing daycare

      [*]Buffed Last CT weapons and songs


  3. Just because someone is being a dick isn't an excuse to freekill, same thing with revenge freekills.

    That being said, I'm willing to lower it to two days.


    @Majestic_Narwhal You need to calm down while playing. Take a break or something. Just stop shit talking random people so much.


    Well he added me on the alt then, I wouldn't say evading due to the high account level and amount of games on that account. Just being real here.

    i have an alt account with 1k hours on csgo, that doesn't mean if I get banned I can just use the other account.


    Regardless, he was unbanned with the pay to win thing Xeno Gamers

  4. Jailbreak

    • New multitarget filters for admins. Should make it extremely simple to ban name change hacks or whatever its actually called.
      • @namechanger targets the person who changed his name last.
      • @mostnamechanges targets the person with the most name changes on the current map.

      [*]Added new connect and disconnect information printed to everyone's console.


      • <name> (dis)connected [#userid, steamid]

  5. From Jailbreak Rules, last updated Wednesday at 12:18 AM. This doesn't necessarily mean that this was the revision that was made Wednesday.

    • Gun Check Freeze - This is an AFK freeze performed directly outside your cell, facing away from your cell (unless another direction is specified).

    It definitely says unless another direction is specified.


    Like I've said before, I'm fine with accidental masses being a week ban. Unless anyone else says otherwise, I'm going to change it to a week tomorrow.


    @Chrono @Lithium @Snackbar

  6. Jailbreak

    • Last CT now gets random weapons
      • Day time:
        • MP7, MP9, UMP, MAC10, m259
        • Deagle, P250, CZ75A

        [*]Late Night

        • XM1014, SG, SCAR20
        • CZ75a, R8

      [*]Changes to Class that should fix menu related crashes

      [*]Temporarily removed No Scope Battle, might fix knife animation related crashes.

      [*]Fixed Last CT "One Man Left!" sound

  7. The reason we have swapteam is for these instances. You don't just serverban right after 2 freekills if they're accidental. I'd even bet that most admins would only slay, and just teamban for the next freekill.


    @Chrono @Lithium


    Any further bans I see that do not have a valid reason will be immediately unbanned, without consultation of the banning admin. This includes but is not limited to "are you fuking retarded?", "wtf are you thinking", and "wtf is wrong with you"

  8. I don't know your type, as in if you would get offended by my suggestion... but you could go higher ghz and more cores for cheaper by going to AMD instead. Of course I'm talking about This Baby right here.

    Though you'll need a Mobo that supports AM3+ as it's socket type, but finding an AM3+ socket on a mobo that supports all you need is easy

    The AMD processor might have 8 cores but its not as powerful as an i5 4690k, especially if he's going to overclock it.


    If you aren't planning on overclocking you won't need an aftermarket cooler.


    The keyboard is fine.


    You probably have a copy of windows sitting around somewhere if you built your old computer.


    If you aren't planning on SLI you can change the motherboard to this to save some money


    You could also get a cheap SSD in addition to the hard drive

  9. Holiday-related event days are an interesting idea, but it's not likely to happen any time soon, both me and Bleed have been working on other projects recently. Like forest mentioned though, we have had other holiday related stuff in the past such as the XMas server and various forum events.

    That being said, what other ideas did you have other than easter egg hunts? I'd be interested in hearing any ideas for other holidays, that might be a bit simpler to actually implement.

    what are you, some kind of casual?


    Get me an egg model and I'll do it.