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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. I don't wanna overwhelm him. He's got a new kid haha and I don't wanna put pressure on him.


    Is there anyone else you would recommend for CL?


    Also are the other CSGO DLs active at all?

    I've been pretty busy for the past few weeks, and probably will continue to be for a couple more. I've only been able to do things for the server for a couple hours each week. After midterms I can do more.


    Also scootaloo definitely would be a good CL, but didn't he turn down the position before?

  2. I didn't add the cell_block entity to the open plugin. @badmins try using !open and see if the invisible thing is still there.


    I wont be able to do anything on the server until this weekend, even then I'm not sure how much i can do it (Right @ASock ;))

  3. without knowing any of the plugins in the server or what was happening while it crashed, my guess is that a plugin called AcceptEntityInput(index, "Explode") on a env_explosion (Or anything else that accepts an input to explode). When this was happening in CS:GO, the bomb plugin was trying to kill the env_explosion entity right after exploding. You could try looking for plugins that create explosions (Or rockets, stuff like that) and download the latest version. A list of plugins would help.

  4. GiveNamedItem Econ needs a gamedata update, right now it crashes the server. Even if it did work, you would only get skins from your class. A skin plugin I'm making could fix this, but right now if you jump into a stack of guns/armory, you make multiple guns disappear. I'll work on it more tonight.


    First reaction last reaction has always been allowed before tarping was allowed. Also, instead of saying "this mod", can you tell me who?


    Updated the special days plugin so that at the start of each special day, a sound is played. Friendly Fire now has a 5 second delay.


    It cannot be literally every other round. The minimum is every 3 rounds.

  5. I would consider almost 45 thousand lines of errors in a single day a pretty major problem.

    Install accelerator and send me the link when it crashes.


    I'm not going to go through all of the errors, but I'll tell you the ones i keep seeing.


    >L 07/02/2015 - 00:01:30: [sM] Native "SetFailState" reported: Could not initialize call to GEconItemSchema
    L 07/02/2015 - 00:01:30: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "tf2attributes.smx":

    This causes the errors relating to setting/removing attributes (i.e. "TF2Attrib_RemoveByDefIndex"). This is most likely caused by incorrect gamedata.


    >L 07/02/2015 - 00:01:30: [sM] Native "CreateNative" reported: Fatal error creating dynamic native!
    L 07/02/2015 - 00:01:30: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sourcebans.smx":
    L 07/02/2015 - 00:01:30: [sM]  [0]  Line 163, C:\Users\blocp_000\Desktop\sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sourcebans.sp::AskPluginLoad2()

    This causes admins to not be loaded and other plugins aren't able to use natives like SBCheckBans and SBBanPlayer. I don't think the update would break this, but you could update it anyway.


    >L 07/02/2015 - 19:54:28: [sM] Native "LoadGameConfigFile" reported: Unable to open tf2items.randomizer: File could not be opened: No such file or directory
    L 07/02/2015 - 19:54:28: [sM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "tf2items_giveweapon.smx":

    Since i found this near the bottom either you just added this plugin and forgot to include the gamedata, or it was deleted. Regardless, you need to download the gamedata file.


    I'll try to look further into it tomorrow or the next day.

  6. The servers and (xenocsgo001 and xenocsgo003) can't connect to the store database. Either the database doesn't exist anymore, or it needs to be whitelisted


    Errors from console

    >[store] Connection to SQL database has failed, Reason: [2002]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2)

  7. I won't speak into the past as I don't really know that much about her, but I will say that she came to penguin after she heard that penguin believed she shouldn't have gotten division manager. She just talked over penguin, not allowing him to say why he believed that. She ended up calling him a faggot and leaving the channel. Also, her current avatar in teamspeak is this. I have no idea how she is in the minecraft server, or in any game for that matter. What i can say is that her immaturity is evident and if she acts the same in the server, I wouldn't promote her.

  8. i5 3330

    asus r9 270x

    8 gb ram

    some 1tb hdd

    some optical drive

    some random case

    asus ASRock z77m

    22 in monitor + 24 in monitor

    corsair K70 keyboard

    razer deathadder

    razer kraken pro



    @DrLee your turn ;)

    added a crucial mx100 128gb ssd

    @DrLee still waiting on the real setup ;)