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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Did i sound like i didn't like slower speed from it? (Or that it ruined LCT cause of it?) I'm sorry (no sarcasm). Didn't mean it like that. It has much better accuracy if you don't literally spam it making it a decent med/long-range gun while also being a very good mower for close-range. The slower speed just evens out the fairness is what i think.
  2. The current weapon is a lot worse than the M249 in my opinion, the only thing wrong with it is it slows speed. But yes, a P90, AK or an M4 will make things a lot easier for the LCT when he has enough bonuses.
  3. I loves drawing..
  4. If the warden says something like that, I'd assume Ts know exactly what he's talking about, and just yell "TARP!" cause they just like to be dicks. It's hardly even a big deal assuming this is a puny (is it even a tarp? who the fuck cares, honestly) and i doubt anybody can ever be killed for it (Which map has a ramp/stairs?) People keep confusing everyone making them think this is a tarp and I think it should be dealt with in the rules, unless i'm blind and can't see it..
  5. Some people call that rebelling, Some don't and just don't care. I've seen people slain for "accidental baiting" from a T doing the exact same thing. It's slight delaying. It's just a small amount so some people can get confused whether it's a bait or not.
  6. Fucking shit, I was gonna say that, You beat me to it. :(
  7. holy fuck im famous now EDIT: -1 ALSO: I hope you liked that rating spam LOLwut
  8. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rWjZbXl6bGE Holy quality... you still got damaged, gg
  9. Even though this is probably a troll thread, that usually only happens when something like an object (soccer balls, chairs, etc) or nade gets thrown at the enemy. It sometimes does that unless i never really pay attention to exactly when it happens..
  10. Welcome, hope you enjoy yourself and make sure you read the MOTD and learn the rules. Also, I remember someone in a previous clan that had your avatar as their in game spray >.> He obviously means CS:S... the only GOOD one.... TF2 is populated (from what I see) but idk, i dont like it Just look at what division the forums says he's in. Derp.
  11. +1 Active, mature, knows most of MOTD. M 8/10 A 7/10 You're on CT often and i hardly remember seeing you break rules often when you are.
  12. I don't think this is the thread to talk about that, plus it just makes one small noise. If it's that big of a deal, ignore it. I find it useful somehow. lel