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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Tsuchikure


    Please let this not turn into a fight.. o.e
  2. Tsuchikure


    you're just that bad, hue. :afro:
  3. John is fat and ugly.. Also he has no balls
  4. Too young.. Also i highly doubt you were in xG before. -1
  5. +1 A 8/10 M 7/10 Seen on, seems mature enough, active, friendly, gay, etc. :afro:
  6. NO BALLS I usually just decide on what Forest said in another thread.. Something like "Just think about the pros and cons about unbanning someone" or some shit. Honestly (no offense) But you don't make the server much better on CT/warden at all for me. Doesn't matter if you think bad of us just -1ing because you intentionally mass freekilled. I'm standing at my -1 for all those reasons.
  7. I still think it's a bit too early for this..
  8. It's gonna be a terrible moment when the T's husband/wife becomes last CT right next to them.. Hue.
  9. Tsuchikure

    The Usual

    That's on my back? wat? Kinda looks like i'm cuddling it or something.
  10. -1 for reduce ban-time to anywhere under 27 years +1 for reduce ban-time to 27 years :afro:
  11. Tsuchikure

    CT bans.

    Along with what john said, Forest really summed it up for what i was gonna say: I don't see much of a problem with reducing unintentional mass freekills to around 2-4 weeks because that's just what it's reduced to when their ban protest gets accepted. Half of the CTs who get perm'd for such things are usually regular active players on the server. Others are just newbies who never learned the rules and their ban may get reduced if they are mature enough. We just need to find a way to tell if someone honestly did it unintentionally and out of complete accident, or in similar situations.. +1
  12. Don't say i didn't warn you, though. Most people usually just regret leaving *cough @@SonicRainbow cough* and rejoin later. Bye, though. Will miss ya. <3
  13. 10:01 PM - [xG] ThunderCats: I want a nice ThunderCats like Avatar for my profile pic on xG He told me what he wants and was too derpy not to put it there. LEL 10:20 PM - [xG] ThunderCats: Ima just cut myself now
  14. He permed himself, I guess he did what he thought was right in the situation since everyone was making a big-ass deal about it. +1 for shortened ban anyway.
  15. How is calling a mod a new mob disrespect? I understand calling him BAD is alittle disrespect but seriously I'd say it's something like telling them they hardly know anything about moderating and constantly freeslays/gags/etc, For a new mod they usually don't do much until they get the hang of things. But he's not really new. I believe the gag was valid, Plus it's just a gag, who even cares? it lasts for 1 round or less. Usually they do this when they're unsure about freekills, (as in they're not 100% certain if it was a freekill or something like that) Another edit.. They also usually only do that when someone asks why they were killed.
  16. The reason its just the slayed cuz he didnt even give me a warning to why i should be slayed he just did it even without talking to anyong about it. I doubt any mod/admin says "You were slayed for reason" and then slays the person, unless i read that so wrong that, well, derp. But like i said, screen the entire console since it will help a lot more.
  17. Next time try to take a screenshot of the console or some crap and get all of it, don't try to hide some chat parts. But if it was everything then ignore this.. Because i considered it suspicious that the "name slayed name" was on the BOTTOM of the first screenshot. I don't see anything useful above it that we should be reading. -0
  18. Your steam ID is: STEAM_0:1:22871511 You have just about 3 days connected to the server. Xeno Gamers - Search -0 A 4/10 M ?/10 Barely seen him on for now, but i'll just have to be more active myself and find out how active he is.
  19. This. This. This. I dislike the rule. Don't think it should be added. Everything is fine without this rule. Why add another pointless rule to our extremely long MoTD? We would be removing the silly rule that t's can only teamkill during deathsoccer, so technically the motd wouldnt get any longer. Just sayin Seeing the size of the current MOTD, I don't think it would even matter anymore.. If all other servers have an MOTD as big as this normally, then, well... :afro:
  20. Basically what i do to change my name is put my mouse over my name (top-left), click "personal details" (also top-ish left). One i'm there i scroll down looking at the options posted on the left side of the page and "Change username" is just under "advanced options" at the very bottom You can get there by doing almost anything (Personal details, signature, etc) but i just do it this way cause yolo.
  21. Birthday today! :D
    1. mtown81
    2. Cloud


      happy birthday
    3. Tsuchikure


      (Late) Thanks guys, appreciate it :d :african:
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