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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. I thought Vector explained it fine.


    I work full time at the dear old terrible Walmart and TF2 has been going down hill ever since 2015's halloween update.


    I'm also just not a fan of CS:GO's Jailbreak/minigames.


    Teamspeak activity dropped because most the people I enjoyed chatting have went somewhere else, So I have just been watching the forums and helping Bello when he asks.


    And the Caleb comment has to be the only huge butthole thing I have ever posted AND I don't regret it.


    That clear it up?

    No I don't think this clears it up. Community Managers need to be doing what the name implies, Managing the Community. You don't know the people on TS? Well they don't know who you are either and you are supposed to be a higher up to them. I don't think this snarky attitude you have is helping anybody in this thread which is about trying to see what you guys actually do. In the case of you and Scoot recently its been jack shit, and Scoot realized that and stepped down. So what I think needs to happen is you either engage in the community more or you step down like Scoot did.

  2. Uh maybe make the gun like a minigun? rev up time? maybe make it so ts can instant kill with knife or do more damage with a knife? I was thinking more as a juggernaut type but the speed was only because if you were moving like a snail you wouldn't get across the map in time

    I really dont know how possible this is to make, or even if its that great of an idea tbh

  3. Well it would just be a standard clan on mobile games but its so xG members can play together. And maybe recruit other players

    What games are you refering too. We would need a lot more to go off of

  4. This doesn't really help. -_-

    I mean looking at your post history there is an area that could be improved upon. Even if you feel like there is nothing to do doesn't mean you should basically disappear. Its not really and excuse. I would like to see ALL of the CM's be more involved in forum discussions so we as a community can see all of you and you have a presence. Most of the new people probably don't know who some of you guys are. Nomulous has never really had a forum presence but has been a behind the scenes guy. You and @kbraszzz used to have pretty good forum activity but now its pretty much disappeared. As a CM I don't think you should have to be necessarily be told what you need to be doing, but you should be looking yourself on how to make the community better. Whether is playing on the servers, host a community night, post on the forums more regularly. These are things you can be doing instead of whats happened. One thing is that I don't think that all CM's should necessarily have great server knowledge or coding experience but there should be at least better mix of server side fixes from the CM's and putting your faces out there and there and lately there has been a severe lack of the latter from the CM position. I think there should be changes to the higher staff if this continues.

  5. I think I heard @DrPepperPhreak it or someone else talking about this over the summer. When you're on CT you have to answer a question correctly from !rules. So basically it's like a quiz you have to pass in order to get on, and if you fail you have to wait a certsun amount of time (prob like 5min or so).

    Was not me

  6. In my personal opinion, they should only be allowed staff in one division. If they wanted to become staff in a different area, then they should step down from their current area and apply to the new one.

    That's just my thoughts on it though.


    Egossi is a good staff member, and I've been glad to have him on the team (even before I joined xG and made my way to where I am now). He does fantastic work with the TF2 division, and I'm sure he'd do great in the CS:GO division.


    I'll keep my vouch at neutral, since I don't really know how to feel about it.

    Numerous people have had powers in multiple divisions. Hell I had it in three at one point. As long as the activity doesn't dip there shouldn't be an issue