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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. +1

    Did you even talk to anyone about it? Did the fact that Lithium also posted on the thread not give a hint that someone who is a higher rank than you knew about it and had no problem with it? It doesn't make sense. I have asked what you do for the servers to give the benefit of the doubt that you do something behind the scenes that we don't know about, but I have yet to receive an answer that you actually do something. I know you work, but if you are too busy to help the servers you shouldn't have powers.

  2. This wasn't my idea to make the discord channel, I just helped with setting it up, but I'm setting it to private when I get a chance, only approved xG members get access.


    No longer open to public, only xG members have joined it so far. (4)


    Yeah, I didn't meant to type Official in the thing either when setting up, I meant unofficial. I'll fix that when I get a chance.

    Does it really matter if it was your idea or not? This post is just trying to shift blame if you guys get in trouble (which you probably won't, at most you will be asked to shut it down). I really don't believe or can take this post seriously. And as for "I didnt mean to type Official" do you really think people will believe that you "accidentally" put that in there? Like cmon. There was plenty of dissent before you guys made it and yet it was made anyways. I have yet to see a benefit in having a discord along with a teamspeak. Creating a Discord basically just disregards all the work @Rhododendron has put into the server.


    There are tons of community channels and a set of channels for TF2 specifically. And also there are tons of community channels that are owned by TF2 staff. I heard a complaint that not a lot of people are on TS (which is false) but if you don't see people you know how about you invite them on. Why invite newer members or member who haven't installed TS yet onto a discord that a minority of the community will ever go on. It just separates them like I said before. I really have no idea why this idea really went through.

  3. a TF2 surf discord makes no sense when there is a whole set of channels just for TF2 along with people from TF2's community channels. There have been many times when I see a channel with about 15 TF2 members playing whatever. Making a seperate discord separate from the official xG one makes this less of a community and separates the divisions. Teamspeak is just as easy to use. The only reason that people use discord over TS is because you dont have to pay for a server, but ours is already paid for by Silence and has tons of benefits that making a discord wouldn't bring. All that is gonna do is just segregate the community which isn't going to help grow this community. If you complain that people aren't on how about you ask them? TS is just as easy to download and set up as discord. To me IMHO it makes no sense to make a discord.

  4. He asked me to clear this up. My post was a troll post. It was not supposed to be taken seriously.

    Honestly I'd give a +1 for prob mod. I have seen him with mod before and know he can handle it enough to at least give him a chance. I will give an opinion on the name thing after I watch the demo because quite honestly it sounds like you both did not handle it well