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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  2. Sad
    Matsi got a reaction from DrLee in Duckii Jr   
    ^ The point where I lost all respect for Duckii Jr.... :(

  3. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Rhododendron in Duckii Jr   
    What do you think my reason is gunna be? Duckii Jr. is like herpes, he goes dormant for a little while and pops right out!
  4. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to xGShadowSpy in Duckii Jr   
    If you think like that, most of the people in xG wouldnt be in xG because other people dont like them, even if its one other person. Him being in xG wont cause any problems, since the only difference is the tags and actual fact that he IS in. Anything he can do on the servers while he's not in xG he can do while he is in xG(Unless of course he applies for mod, which is a whole different situation, and not in this thread.)
  5. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Chrono in Duckii Jr   
    xG Member Gallery | Page 13 | Xeno Gamers this and the next 3, btw. ;)
  6. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  7. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Warriorsfury in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  8. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from JakeEnglish in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  9. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from diabeetus in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  10. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from DCook in Duckii Jr   
    -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons...
    He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned.
    I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  11. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Hidingmaster in Xenorabbit - Counter-strike: Source   
    Ban will be reduced to two weeks beginning now.
  12. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from LapisLazuli in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  13. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    it is 18x18pixels
  14. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   

  15. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  16. Optimistic
    Matsi got a reaction from Forest in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  17. Drunk
    Matsi got a reaction from Charles in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  18. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from Lemons in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  19. Dislike
    Matsi got a reaction from Necromancer in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  20. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from DMTwired in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  21. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Britt in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  22. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  23. Dislike
    Matsi got a reaction from Nomulous in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  24. Dislike
    Matsi got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people:
  25. Agree
    Matsi reacted to xGShadowSpy in Matsi Xg:a - Counter-strike: Source   
    So close? The new admin handbook proves what matsi did was fine, this has no reason to be open anymore @@Tsuchikure @@DarkWolf6052