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Posts posted by Scootaloo

  1. Ban was for evasion. After this individual started micspamming, I asked him/her to stop, to which they ignored. Then came the mute. After the mute, I was berated in chat, saying I needed to take a vote in order to mute this person. I explained that no, I did not need a vote, that we have rules against mic spam, and they continued to persist. The mute was then upgraded to a gag, at which the individual logged out and back in to avoid the silence. A week ban was administered for breaking our rules.


    Not my fault they couldn't listen or read our rules. I don't really care if playing music makes you happy. Mic spam is mic spam, and the attitude didn't help your case. That's why the ban was upgraded to a week. Perhaps with this ban, you have learned not to do it in the future.


    Thread closed. Come back in a week and leave your guitar at home.

  2. I'm with Moosty on this one. If there is evidence presented that this person is toxic to our community, I'll happily change my vouch. But as of now, all we have is his story, and unless @Rise can comment, that's all we have to go on.


    It's not like we can't ban him again if he does decide to fuck around anyways.

  3. Long story short, Bach downloaded LMAOBOX and wanted to test it out, so he created a new account called [FaZe]BobbyWow and proceeded to decimate everyone on Dodgeball with his l33t hax0rz skill. Eventually, BobbyWow was perm'd, and now everyone wants to free him.


    Shortly afterwards, hilarity and autism ensued.

  4. It's such an unstable map that this is a no-brainer vote for me.


    Don't get me wrong, I dislike Cyberpunk as much as the next guy, but OOT3D is not good enough to warrant it's own dedicated 24/7 server.



  5. As far as maps go, I'll get a running list together of the really bad ones. Mostly, they are all decent, but there are some that are either just really bad or downright broken to where you can't play on them.

  6. Dethman did say one crucial thing. Those hint signs REALLY need to go.


    Kbraszzz, you rock. When I get home, I'll test it out and see if it's better. I'm not sure the walking speed was the issue, but I'll give it a whirl and let you know what's up. :D


    Also, unless anyone really NEEDS music, is there anyway to just remove it?

  7. So, I spent quite a few hours last night playing on our newest server: Dodgeball! I have been begging for this for quite a long time, and last night @kbraszzz made it happen. I thank him so much for taking the time to get it running!


    HOWEVER! I have a few slight nuances with how the current Dodgeball server works, and I want some input from the rest of you to see if you like it the way it is, or if we should seek out some changes.


    ISSUE 1: The current dodgeball plugin we are using is one I have never experienced before. It is in no way a bad plugin, don't get me wrong. It's just...different from what I'm used to. That being said, I DO enjoy quite a bit of things about it, mainly the biggest one being that you can play dodgeball as ANY CLASS. That's kickass. However, the plugin itself, being different, means that there are some settings that need to be toggled. The first big one is the fact that if there are more than 2 people on either side, the plugin fires multiple rockets. It's hectic. It's crazy. It's a bit too much for me to handle. I personally dislike this setting, but I want to know what the rest of you think.


    Alongside the multiple rockets, the rocket speed and orbiting is a bit...off. I've played many different Dodgeball servers, but all of them seem to be static when it comes to rocket speed and orbiting. This was the first time I ever played on a Dodgeball server where orbiting was actually awkward to the point where I couldn't consistently do it.


    Also, at the end of the round, it turns into a best 2-out-of-3 game against the last two contestants. This is a kickass feature and I LOVE it. What I DON'T love is the music. As soon as the final round starts, it plays some default TF2 music and it gets REALLY annoying.


    ISSUE 2: The maps. I know the server is still really new and we don't yet have RTV enabled, but voting for a map never yields the map voted for. It's always something random. That's easily fixed with RTV.


    Also, there are some REALLY GOOD maps loaded into our servers, but there are also some REALLY BAD maps too. That's also an easy fix, but it's something I want your guys' opinions on: Which should stay and which should go.


    These are my biggest points to address, but if there's anything else you guys would like to see added or changed, please comment below!


    @Hachi @ChickenPanda @Bach @kbraszzz @Moosty @Rejects @Rhododendron

  8. In all honesty, I think it'd be better to not even fiddle with the donator perks on JB. I agree with Ohstopyou on this one. I'd probably motion to disallow all resizing on JB just for the sole purpose of making it easier and whatnot.


    Record that as my vote. :D

  9. I'll +1 him. Never have any big issues with him while online. Mature and respectful, and usually complies if there's an issue. Oh, and he doesn't relentlessly abuse his donator perks.


    Only problem is the age. Is the 17 years rule in effect yet? If not, no issues!

  10. $2,000-$2,500 is quite a budget. That'll get you one kickass build that should EASILY be able to pusk 2k at possibly 144hz resolution and refresh, respectively. You can find tons of builds all over the place. I'd suggest heading over to reddit and checking out the buildapc subreddit. They can give a lot of excellent advice.


    As for peripherals, I can't recommend an Aivia Osmium mechanical keyboard enough. I SWEAR by mine, but it's a bit pricier than your average board. It'll probably run you about $100-120.


    GIGABYTE - PC Peripherals - Keyboard - Aivia - Aivia Osmium

  11. I've had a lot of issues getting GIF files to convert well when making a custom spray. Mostly, it comes from the file size, the resolution, and the length of the GIF. If any of those are even remotely bigger than they are allowed to be, it won't work.


    Best bet is to just run them through the spray maker at tfsprays.com.